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Everything posted by seedy

  1. All sources for the info contained in this video listed near the end - including police Dept's. CBS, ABC, Car and Driver, Reuters, etc. Altho' not a big problem in LOS, as there are few Teslas, it showcases the danger of not paying attention and "Driving" your car.
  2. Mine are one Nissan, One Honda, two Isuzu Brand loyalty not my thing I guess !!! 555 All bought second hand too. Tires I go local - great shop close to home.
  3. Just take off the cover for the stator. Point to it and say New. Along with all the other parts you wish replaced.
  4. Vietnam is a signatory to the 1949 agreement. My view - bombard them with paperwork. For how easy it is, get and IDP and you have every and all bases covered - usually 555
  5. Unforgivable - Spanish Imperdonable YouTube
  6. Keep us posted. Most important for piece of mind to ensure carb and ignition box, coil, stator replaced with NEW. Replace wiring harness also if possible to get one without soy bean insulation. Then you good for another 20 years
  7. I am surprised - don't know why at my age I am surprised by ANYTHING !!! 555
  8. I hear that. Been going there for over 15 years. Runs a good business. I have never had a problem - besides they always tighten the chain on my CRF too much. Mentioned once to leave it alone on warranty service and never a problem after
  9. I have a Snap On scan tool, which I neglected to bring. Now have a $120 Bluetooth which plugs into the ALDL and has access via cell fone for travelling. That being said without the scan tool and Live Data I would not have known about the faulty sensor
  10. Unable to imbed link. Click on it and it goes right to download. Google what I posted and it comes right up. The New Governors - Harvard Law Review copy and paste - Viola
  11. Mods - please move this topic to the Pub
  12. Harvard Law Review Prof. Kate Klonick∗. Private online platforms have an increasingly essential role in free speech and participation in democratic culture PDF available for download. Interesting read.
  13. While working in the Arctic islands during the 70's, Twin Otters ran on stove oil with zero problems. Just paint the top of the wing behind the engines flat black to mask the stains. Northward Airlines, Kenn Borek Air which flew all over including Resolute to the North Pole. Jet engines or turbo props - no problem. We even started a DC3 with a long rope and a pickup truck !!!
  14. https://www.meteoblue.com/en/country/weather/maps/thailand_thailand_1605651 http://www.aws-observation.tmd.go.th/web/main/index.asp
  15. The owner - he is the older gentleman who is at the front of the service bay and handles the preparation of the work orders, has passable English. But - as always - a good Thai speaker makes everyone feel comfortable.
  16. Be aware that Roojai - while easy to access online, is priced higher than other companies. Not much, but some. And I have found their coverage limits to be lower. The worst of both worlds - higher price and less coverage. But they sure are convenient. I have all my bikes with MSIG except the PCX - it is with Paiboon which was almost 1/2 of Roojai
  17. Poor Aussies ! Just watch a video where an Aussie company - good news for them - was paid by the Aus Taxpayers $871,000 to install 50 EV charging points in Sydney $17,420 each !!!
  18. I know that feeling. Is it a Honda Wave ? Nat Motors close to Maya shopping centre is good - I have bought 2 bikes from them, my PCX and CRF A full rebuild of the engine and transmission will be cheap, add a new carb, ignition and that takes care of the motive power. New brakes, wheels, tires, plastics if you need them not expensive. Good Luck with your faithful companion
  19. How bad is the condition of the engine now ? Burn oil ? Low power ? Knocking ? Labor rates are so low here that the existing engine, if it just needs to be freshened up, is quite affordable. Main and rod bearings, hone cylinders with new rings, mill the head and install new seals and guides, lap the valves. If all still in good shape but just tired, this will be your most cost effective option
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