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Everything posted by seedy

  1. How old is it ? My 1997 and 2001's are no problem. And of course the newer model also.
  2. There are programs which will encrypt all your traffic. PGP is one. VPN which do not allow tracking. Nature of the beast - everybody wants your info to add you to mailing lists and Spam you. If it is such a bother - take action.
  3. Expat Auto very good. English speaking owner
  4. I have never had a problem with Lazada. Only buy from their retailers in LOS Online shopping the #1 reason why people can not find brick and mortar stores anymore. All that product knowledge, customer service lost. Now it is minimum wage packing box stuffers who you are dealing with. Knowledge - zero. Customer service - who cares ! I make minimum wage
  5. Nat Motors is the one close to Maya Bought my PCX and CRF from them. Excellent service One Honda dealership in CNX - 555
  6. In the time it took you to post this, a Google search using Por Ror Bor would have supplied you with the answer.
  7. Google 10 speed transmission problems in Aussie - trucks made in LOS -before buying one DCT 2.0
  8. Woulda - Shoulda - Coulda The Eternal useless debate. What is Done is Done
  9. Getting shot 3 times was right up there. Altho' it never killed me - so not the worst !!! 555
  10. Any fab shop with a mandrel pipe bender should be able to form whatever size and shape you desire. Are there none where you are ?
  11. 555 - was just a humorous comment. Live more ? You mean live longer ? Trust me, I'm trying 555
  12. I sure did. Explains a lot I was unaware of, even tho' I was born and raised in the 51'st State 555
  13. And what "system" would this be ? The only system this young lady needed was instruction on how to operate a motorcycle on public roads. Did she receive that ? Doubtful Was she ever told to wear protective gear, stay off her fone ? Doubtful 2.0
  14. Reading moronic topic titles on public internet forums Next worse is clicking on those same titles and reading the posts.
  15. Ancient ? Less than 2000 years. And nothing but a brainwashing tool when first written - do as I say, not as I do. Gotta keep those pesky little people in line ! 555 Wonder what it says about ongoing pedophiles ?
  16. Caterpillar tried this with the C15 ... failure. Everyone I know that ran the stock setup switched to single turbo. "Advanced Technology ... " 555
  17. Wears pants in the daytime - and a dress at night 555
  18. Another Brit one - from the days of Wooden ships and Iron men. "Let the Cat out of the Bag" The first origin story claims the phrase refers to the cat o’ nine tails, a whipping device infamously used by the Royal Navy as an instrument of punishment aboard its ships. The whip’s nine knotted cords could scratch an undisciplined sailor’s back badly, hence its feline nickname. The bag comes into play because the cat, being made of leather, had to be kept in a sack to protect it from drying out in the salty sea air and keep it flexible. Removing a whip from a sack doesn’t immediately seem to have anything to do with revealing a secret (that the lash was onboard the ship and would be readily used shouldn’t have been a secret to any sailor), but if you think of “letting the cat out of the bag” as a revelation that results in a punishment, it makes a little more sense. Image below from Science Museum. UK. Circa 1700-1850
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