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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Blackmores total ripoff. Boots the same. 1000 Mg Vit C 570 THB for 100 Matell.co.th 79 THB for 50. Made with Acerola cherrys from Japan
  2. Hear Hear And hazard a guess that they were mostly white-picket-fence, law abiding, 25 years and a gold watch 'citizens'
  3. 13 hours ago, Walker88 said: ancient Greeks who believed tattoos were a sin against the gods for defiling the beauty the gods gave a person. I know something else the Ancient Greeks were famous for. Hazard a guess as to what it is ? And it is still going on, and many people Whine and Snivel and Moan about it to this day. I fail to see the relevance. Do what you want - let others do the same.
  4. If I said topics like this are useless, that was started by you, what would be your response. ? And if you really believe your opinion matters to those that have, or will have tattoos - you are sadly mistaken. Want a tat - get one. Don't want a tat - don't get one Yours is one opinion of billions.
  5. Substitute "The World" for "Thailand" and I would agree. Why single out this country ?
  6. Don't know if he is still around, and if he is if still working. Darrell - you can get his number from the Richco HD dealer I believe. Top notch work. Did my back piece and a few on upper arms and shoulders
  7. Grip the steering wheel with both hands, look out the windshield and the mirrors. No need for all the other garbage. ABS braking excepted. Know why people have accidents - they do not pay attention. Know why people buy cars that have all the other garbage - auto windshield wipers ? Because they are too GD lazy to drive the car, much rather be on FB
  8. Hogwash Only education will have a significant impact. As in ALL causes of death https://ourworldindata.org/causes-of-death
  9. Hear Hear Tell that to many posters on this forum and you will be met with derision, condensation, and 12 year olds (mentally at least) unable to form an argument to add to the discussion but instead fall back on a diagram I made when I was a child. Examples - I am from the Chinese Gov't and I am here to help you. Computers will run the world as they are superior to people. Buy a Tesla - and pay over$200 for a chunk of plastic purported to be a door handle. Today 10 year old computer controlled vehicles are being scrapped because the repair cost is more than the car is worth. Planned obsolescence at its finest. People are Sheeple
  10. 737 Max a very good example. Boeing did not even tell pilots the system was there, let alone how - and if - it could be disabled. Why ? So they could sell more aircraft by not having pilots get type certified - the old cert would do. The whole bunch of them should be in jail for life for the amount of people they killed.
  11. Computers doing the driving - don't make me laugh. People after 100 years still - for the most part - are clueless as to what to do. They will NEVER be quick enuf, smart enuf, to replace human drivers. Here is a scenario - you are driving alone in your computer controlled whatever. A small kid darts out on the road. If you swerve you will crash and die. How does the computer react - save the kid or save the owner of the car ? In 50 years maybe - if there is precedence given by world gov'ts to upgrade all the infrastructure need to allow them to operate on public roads, insurance companies are onboard to decide fault when - not IF - the systems fail, and the public is willing to buy them. No matter how smart they are, there will be accidents, potentially many, and fatalities. Who will be found at fault ? https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/self-driving-cars-technology-risks-possibilities/
  12. Horsepower - too much is not enough All Grandpas can go back out to their mobility scooters Reminds me of a conversation in Southern Africa years. Our professional guide carried a 600 Nitro Express. A client asked him if he used this for everything. Guide said yes. Client ask why. Guide said because they don't make a 700.
  13. With a good girl you have good sex. With a bad girl you have Great sex. My best was a black girl who was certifiable. 18 years old and crawled out of bed on my hands and knees more than once.
  14. Coming soon to all the roof top solar aficionados - you can power your EV with your own waste ! Feces (we all know the real word) money South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency. A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh. Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal feces coin coin
  15. Feces (we all know the real word) money South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency. A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh. Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal feces coin
  16. KhunLA - you can edit your post where you included a quote from me which I never made. You made this post that you wrongly attributed to me.
  17. Not anti MG. I am Anti sugar coating the whole purchase of buying a vehicle, singing its praises, while ignoring or demeaning other posters whose experience has not been the same as yours. What is not a surprise is the continuing praise of what YOU bought and what YOU own. Others have different needs, have experienced different outcomes to problems encountered. These are met with a Giant Sneer. It did not happen to me - so it does not happen.
  18. Never said that. Posted only my own experience. Do not own an MG
  19. MG Thailand can not source the part from MG China You think the 3 dealers where you live can get something they can't ? Maybe try having some belief in what others post, instead of a fanatical acceptance that the brand you own, and the dealers near you, are infallible
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