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Everything posted by seedy

  1. A world of crazy people Go electric, sort your trash, put on a sweater and heat up to 19°, streamline your miles, walk for the climate....... . Why do we have to "always be the only ones" saving for community while: - The Olympic Winter Games were held in Beijing on artificial snow. - In France, ski resorts light up slopes until midnight so that "late risers" can ski at night. - Lufthansa performs 8,000 "empty" flights to keep its slots. - Most of the great football matches take place in the evening under the mega spotlights that consume everything! - The 8 new and gigantic football stadiums called to host the World Cup in Qatar are air-conditioned ( in a desert! ) - Hundreds of lorries drive around to bring us fruit and vegetables from Spain while regional products go to the trash or run over by bulldozers - The world's largest ship: Wonder of the Seas will carry 7000 passengers, 2300 crew members and circle the seas. - About 3500 container carriers circulate in the world and each consume 28,000 liters of fuel per 1000 km. - Billionaires offer themselves space travel under "astronomical" conditions - And... Meanwhile, "FOR THE SAKE OF THE ECOLOGY" we're going to prohibit driving a slightly old diesel or petrol car for people who can't afford to change cars and who have to use it to go to work and allow the x rich to roll in Ferrari... Who are we kidding · ·
  2. Seat done by Narong in CNX. Risers as I am 192 cm and they are more comfortable. 300 conversion done in CNX - 15,000 THB https://www.facebook.com/Narong-Motorcycle-Seat-646362345699551/
  3. Consensus seems to be that the D-Tracker is better offroad while the CRF is better on the street when comparing stock bikes. As you will be running 17's I think they are much the same. CRF has much more accessories available. My CRF had a junk seat when stock - I had the seat modified and now I can spend all day on it and no numb bum. Also 2" risers for the bars. And Ohlins front and back. Also had the 300 conversion done with all Honda parts
  4. You think it is different in the West ? 555 Money talks the world over. He who has the best lawyer wins, and this all comes down to $$$
  5. My Father taught me: Life has 2 rules #1 - Don't sweat the small stuff #2 - It is all small stuff
  6. Exactly. Enuf of this "My way or the Hiway" nonsense Let people live their lives, say what they want. It is up to YOU if you want to listen to what they say, or accept what they believe. Do your Thing - let others do Theirs. The problem starts when people take it up as some sort of Holy Crusade to "Save" people or force they to comply with what many think is absurd.
  7. Yup - find all those news items about the crazed marijuana user having accidents on the road, going postal on others at bars, beating up their spouse and children, generally causing mayhem. The only thing they cause is a rise in snack food consumption.
  8. Which you lack - except for that one time ... Puts your comments in perspective - that
  9. To take this statement a step further ... "I read a book about flying airplanes, so now I know how" 555
  10. If you do not know from first hand experience, then YOU do not know. All you 'Know" are what others say - which is not direct experience. Many points made here are from people who have not a clue - and I KNOW because I have been down that road. You can not have a clue about addiction and recovery unless you have lived through it. No matter what the "Talking Heads" whose research you 'read' say.
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