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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Could the same be said about posters on Public Forums - becomes addictive ?
  2. Urine - 30 days But shave your body as hair test remains positive as long as the hair is there
  3. Thai 20 baht. Pink ID Card 20 baht
  4. Here is a concise description of human nature ...
  5. Another tale of Corporate Greed, and how over 300 people paid the price. PBS Frontline: Boeings Fatal Flaw
  6. I see you are having a problem ... Thread title - "What Movies or TV shows are you Watching" You in this case - as I am the poster - is I Think of it like "What Movies or TV shows am I Watching" if this helps
  7. Thread title 'What Movies or TV shows are you Watching' These are the ones I am. Don't wanna - then Don't Or start a thread "What Movies or TV shows do you not want to Watch"
  8. Films Camera Oscura - Ziva Postec: The Editor Behind the Film Shoah (2018)
  9. Rather ominously, 'The Trial' is only too relevant in the modern day and age. Viewers who fight their way through to the finish will glean a deeper understanding the machinery and propaganda of oppressive regimes
  10. I don’t listen to Sweet often, but when I do, so do my neighbors.
  11. I can not understand why this is so hard to understand ... Religion = Politics The end result desired by both is Control. With that Control comes Power, and with the Power comes Wealth. There is NO other reason No religion or Gov't wants you to think for yourself. None want you to be happy, or fulfilled, or content. No politician will not say other than "I am from the Gov't and I am here to help you" Do as I say, or suffer the consequences. No priest will not say other than "Believe" Do as I say, or suffer the consequences.
  12. Nice One ! Remember her taking Jeremy Clarkson around in a Ford Transit
  13. For me - I do Not hard to spot - believes everything he hears, is taught, is shown. Respects authority blindly. Obeys all laws regardless. Trusts strangers. I could go on - but you get the drift.
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