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Everything posted by seedy

  1. My Father taught me: Life has 2 rules #1 - Don't sweat the small stuff #2 - It is all small stuff
  2. Exactly. Enuf of this "My way or the Hiway" nonsense Let people live their lives, say what they want. It is up to YOU if you want to listen to what they say, or accept what they believe. Do your Thing - let others do Theirs. The problem starts when people take it up as some sort of Holy Crusade to "Save" people or force they to comply with what many think is absurd.
  3. Yup - find all those news items about the crazed marijuana user having accidents on the road, going postal on others at bars, beating up their spouse and children, generally causing mayhem. The only thing they cause is a rise in snack food consumption.
  4. Which you lack - except for that one time ... Puts your comments in perspective - that
  5. To take this statement a step further ... "I read a book about flying airplanes, so now I know how" 555
  6. If you do not know from first hand experience, then YOU do not know. All you 'Know" are what others say - which is not direct experience. Many points made here are from people who have not a clue - and I KNOW because I have been down that road. You can not have a clue about addiction and recovery unless you have lived through it. No matter what the "Talking Heads" whose research you 'read' say.
  7. Could the same be said about posters on Public Forums - becomes addictive ?
  8. Urine - 30 days But shave your body as hair test remains positive as long as the hair is there
  9. Thai 20 baht. Pink ID Card 20 baht
  10. Here is a concise description of human nature ...
  11. Original film from the battle restored in HD
  12. Another tale of Corporate Greed, and how over 300 people paid the price. PBS Frontline: Boeings Fatal Flaw
  13. Same #2 came out - revisited first one. Excellent
  14. I see you are having a problem ... Thread title - "What Movies or TV shows are you Watching" You in this case - as I am the poster - is I Think of it like "What Movies or TV shows am I Watching" if this helps
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