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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Ah - so that is OK then. They said they are sorry. They sorry for the pedophile cases too, so no harm done. They are the personification of Evil
  2. I do not hate anything - dislike ideologues, fanatics and idiots. My judgement is based on my life experiences. If some old guy living in the air on a cloud does it for you - have at it. Don't mind my laughter. And I am not sorry for anything
  3. That is like saying that Hitler and the architects of the Final Solution did not work in the camps, so they are not responsible. America is North, Central, and South. Not just Trump Towers
  4. 555 - that's GREAT ! Wonder how many got it ???
  5. We use a Mitsu WP-255Q5 - almost identical Never a problem
  6. Revisiting this one - still as harrowing as the first time. MV Group has a 4K copy with digital sound - 8 GB
  7. Know why drugs are illegal - War on Drugs Why War on Drugs - make money. Outfit police, build jails. Want to shut down the Cartels in one fell swoop - decriminalize ALL drugs. This has cost untold misery and human suffering - many many many times more than the actual drugs themselves. Read about Portugal - for just a start and just one country who has their ---- together
  8. Maybe read about the Spanish conquest of the New World. If that was not genocide nothing was. No bombs tho' - burning at the stake and work them to death was more profitable. Brought to you by your local cross raising "good" people
  9. Surprised by this - many GT Rider members use his services. Overwhelmingly pleased with the service. Did you use this one - https://misterprakan.com/intl/main?lg=en
  10. I agree. Hence my point about following any group that has the 'answers' If you want to be happy, practice compassion If you want others to be happy, practice compassion Dalai Lama
  11. MG ZS EV on the market in 2022 - no record. Here is a good website for the Pros - https://www.identifix.com/ 'The NEW MG ZS EV is available in the D and X model and will be officially debut on 22 March at the 43rd Bangkok International Motor Show' https://www.mgcars.com/en/NewsActivities/Detail/New-MG-ZS-EV-Launch-2022 Where I get my cars serviced there is a customer who has an MG - been waiting over 3 months for parts. So they do have a track record - a bad one. You can sprinkle fairy dust all over your choice of a car, but without any long term owners survey or input from organizations that assist professional mechanics on what fails, what to replace, and the cost of said components you are just guessing. Notice the word "SHOULD" in all those rose tinted examples
  12. Jesus was not Roman Catholic ... And you are dancing around the statement, offering no useful - even factual - basis for your claim. Anyone who has studied Organized religion - any and all of them - know what a corrupt cesspool they ALL are. But People will be Sheeple
  13. Should - according to long term test data ? Feedback from owners ? Car repair websites who track causes, remedies, and cost of component cost and R and R ?
  14. Which I was replying to - EV's, and your posts on the subject.
  15. Many people do just that - buy the cheapest car or pickup as possible. While remaining blissfully ignorant (there's that word again !) of what will happen down the road with their purchase. Believe all the hype, adverts published by the - Wait for it ... Manufacturers of what a rosy future YOU will have if you buy our product. Think VW diesel claims ... But it has always been so - fanatics of any stripe will not even consider any other possibility or even listen to arguments against their 'Chosen' one. Balance not in their repertoire - only zealous adherence to a creed or dogma. Fuel economy is one of the last - if not the last - consideration in my buying a vehicle of any type - 2,4,10 wheels, prop, etc
  16. I quoted what you posted and which I wanted to reply too. Did you post that or not ? No Forum rule says I must answer all of the 'points' you raised.
  17. So ... Those who do not find themselves as EV adopters - due to may different circumstances, are labeled as 'skeptical' or 'ignorant ? As well as those who choose a car based on different factors than the EV faithful ? Nice, well balanced, considerate opinion you have expressed. Congrats !
  18. The RC church is poison from the top down. I posted in the Movies and TV thread of the appalling way they treated Mother Teresa - and this decision came from the very top. So if you are going to "Blame the people" and not the organization, this will not fly when the corruption permeates the place. It is all about the $$$ - look how they 'worship' with gold vessels and robes while asking illiterate peasants to give them money. Sickening.
  19. What a bunch of Hogwash ! Want a tattoo - get one. Don't want one - don't get one.
  20. Ha Ha Sad - and the way of the world 1. "Believe none of what you hear." More precisely, believe none of what you hear without verifying the accuracy. 2. " ... and believe half of what you see." More precisely, believe a portion of what you see and verify the rest. Use your best judgment to determine which portion to believe and which portion to verify.
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