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Everything posted by seedy

  1. I can understand your position. Big difference between a Chinese made car and a car with Chinese made parts. Supply chain issues with MG. People been waiting 3 months for spares. Watching developments in China with regard to the real estate and housing markets make me very wary, and expect the fallout from such to effect all sectors of all the manufacturing industries as time goes on.
  2. 3 cylinder turbo - 3 to 4 million THB - no thanks
  3. Yes I did. Unless you are very close in temperament, income or pension, life experiences - how can your experience duplicate mine ? Like all the morons who live in Pattaya or anywhere else and tell people what it is like to live in LOS. They can only tell what it is like for them in Pattaya - the rest they are clueless about
  4. All these articles are a giant waste of time. Unless you are very like the one posting, with the same life experiences, goals, etc. And what are the chances of that ? Why would I believe someone yahoo I have never met, who just decided one day to tell the rest of the world how much he knows about a place he barely knows ? You know what they say about opinions ...
  5. A young man asked his grandfather, "Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology . . . without computers, without Internet connection, without TVs, without air conditioners, without cars, no cell phones?" Grandpa answered: "As your generation lives today . . . there are no prayers, there is no compassion, there is no respect, no real education, there is no personality, there is no shame at all, there is no modesty, there is no honesty. We, the people born between the years 1940-1980, were the blessed ones. Our lives are a living proof." * While playing and riding a bike, we have never worn a helmet. * Before school then we played and again after school until dusk and hardly ever watched television. * We played with real friends, not virtual friends. * If we were thirsty, we would drink tap water, or water from the hose, not mineral water. * We never worried even as we shared the same cup of juice with four friends. * We never gained weight by eating plates of pasta every day. * Nothing happened to our feet despite roaming barefoot. * We never used food supplements to stay healthy. * We used to make our own toys and play with them. * Our parents were not rich. They gave love, not stuff. * We never had a cell phone, DVD, game console, Xbox, video game, PC, internet, chat . . . but we had true friends. * We visited our friends without being invited and shared and enjoyed the food with them. Parents lived nearby to take advantage of family time. * We may have had black and white photos, but you can find colorful memories in these photos. * We are a unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation that listened to their parents. And we are also the first ones who were forced to listen to their children. * We are a limited edition! Take advantage of us. Learn from us. We are a treasure destined to disappear soon.
  6. If people would abandon their fixation with online purchases, the brick and mortor stores will remain. Sad day when they are gone, along with the expertise the owners and staff have from their years in the business. OP asked for a "store in CM"
  7. Madness on Wheels: Group B - Rallyings Craziest Years (2012)
  8. Here is a very skilled German mechanic
  9. Went looking for some Nissan parts on N side of CNX today - 2 dealerships closed down. Then watched this - lots of spin (some would say BS). Afraid that the company is not long for this world ...
  10. Just watched S01E01 - first thought was "This reminds me of the Marcos and Duterte"
  11. Construction well underway for the new consulate on the frontage road North side Superhighway
  12. I agree that you have not found one. Have you seen all the Diabetic Specialists in Thailand, or even CNX ?
  13. So ... you signed a contract, and don't believe you should be held responsible for fulfilling said contract or paying any late fees or penalties ?. Hide the bike and not pay for it = stealing The buyer or whoever co-signs are responsible ... well, they should be. The mind boggles
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