If only that were true. I have found all dealerships - worldwide - upsell everything.
Our CRV - drivers window rolled down, would not roll back up.
Honda dealer wanted to replace motor, track, switch, everything.
Was a bad switch. Training - what training ? A simple multimeter would have found the bad switch.
I have zero faith that ANY dealer in LOS has trained mechanics - trained beyond the basics and how to upsell anyway. Doubt the Chinese brands are any better. Need a transmission ? Differential ? - dealer will farm the work out because they have zero experience. This goes for Toyota, Honda and Izusu - as well as HD here. Tried them all. <deleted>.
And reliability and spare parts situation still a great unknown as have not been on the market long.
MG I know for sure the spare situation is abysmal - guy at our shop waiting now over 3 months.