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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Walk ? I walk to my rides.
  2. Horsepower - too much is not enough All Grandpas can go back out to their mobility scooters Reminds me of a conversation in Southern Africa years. Our professional guide carried a 600 Nitro Express. A client asked him if he used this for everything. Guide said yes. Client ask why. Guide said because they don't make a 700.
  3. With a good girl you have good sex. With a bad girl you have Great sex. My best was a black girl who was certifiable. 18 years old and crawled out of bed on my hands and knees more than once.
  4. Coming soon to all the roof top solar aficionados - you can power your EV with your own waste ! Feces (we all know the real word) money South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency. A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh. Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal feces coin coin
  5. Feces (we all know the real word) money South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency. A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh. Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal feces coin
  6. KhunLA - you can edit your post where you included a quote from me which I never made. You made this post that you wrongly attributed to me.
  7. Not anti MG. I am Anti sugar coating the whole purchase of buying a vehicle, singing its praises, while ignoring or demeaning other posters whose experience has not been the same as yours. What is not a surprise is the continuing praise of what YOU bought and what YOU own. Others have different needs, have experienced different outcomes to problems encountered. These are met with a Giant Sneer. It did not happen to me - so it does not happen.
  8. Never said that. Posted only my own experience. Do not own an MG
  9. MG Thailand can not source the part from MG China You think the 3 dealers where you live can get something they can't ? Maybe try having some belief in what others post, instead of a fanatical acceptance that the brand you own, and the dealers near you, are infallible
  10. As recom273 recommended ... Excellent. TPB
  11. If only that were true. I have found all dealerships - worldwide - upsell everything. Our CRV - drivers window rolled down, would not roll back up. Honda dealer wanted to replace motor, track, switch, everything. Was a bad switch. Training - what training ? A simple multimeter would have found the bad switch. I have zero faith that ANY dealer in LOS has trained mechanics - trained beyond the basics and how to upsell anyway. Doubt the Chinese brands are any better. Need a transmission ? Differential ? - dealer will farm the work out because they have zero experience. This goes for Toyota, Honda and Izusu - as well as HD here. Tried them all. <deleted>. And reliability and spare parts situation still a great unknown as have not been on the market long. MG I know for sure the spare situation is abysmal - guy at our shop waiting now over 3 months.
  12. Sak Yant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yantra_tattooing
  13. I watch every movie I post about. How else would I know to make a recommendation. I refrain from making long winded, arrogant assessments to offer examples of my knowledge and acumen. Want to watch it - watch it Don't want to watch it - don't watch it. I guess the post above mine is in the 10% bracket
  14. Just be aware that most models can not be registered for use on public roads. So no insurance available.
  15. Original title Na crnoj listi TPB
  16. Black smoke indicates the presence of unburned diesel fuel - caused most often by a air cleaner in need of service, or a "performance" chip piggy back with the ECU Doubt their are any Altis with a diesel
  17. It's in Cali - dollars of course
  18. Ford Bronco for sale in Cali 50K over MSRP - Why ? Supply and demand Same Same E Mustang
  19. Ohkajhu always good. Organic, great ribs, salads to die for. We frequent San Sai as close to home On the Outer Ring Road 121 west of Homepro
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