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Everything posted by seedy

  1. None yet - son smarter than me ! He is a real nice guy, down to earth, kind. Led Zeppelin 2 changed my life - Whole Lotta Love in particular. Order an 8 track from some guys in school for my 57 Chevy. They grabbed one from a BMW, along with a beer box full of tapes. LZ 2 was in there. Never heard music like that in my life. Hair got longer, smokes got greener, got a HD And away I went ...
  2. 555 - laughed at that being raised a good Catholic boy ! Had a GF from Western Africa - ballet dancer. Fanatic Christian. Crawled out of bed on my hands and knees many a time - and I was 18, same age as I am now
  3. Old guys like me - No Contest - Jimmy Page. Will never be equaled let alone surpassed. ( Had dinner with him in Pattaya years ago) Middle age guys - Mark Knopfler is right up there Young guys - it is all Techno now. Whatever 'artists' use bands are mostly backup bands.
  4. Your experience details one doctor, who works out of Lanna, and I am sure many other places. Nothing to do with Lanna, or Ram, or anywhere else. It has to do with THIS doctor.
  5. "Oh yes the glory of America, how could we forget since you American people never shut up about it Here's US history in a nutshell : 1)millions of pounds invested in new British colonies 2)France tries to invade but Britain defends its colonies at the cost of 120,000 lives in the world's first truly global war 3) ungrateful colonists refuse to contribute to the costs of this war despite the wealth of the land US propaganda brands king George a tyrant - the King who ended slavery and spent 40% of Britain's GDP buying their freedom 5) US revolts and is on the verge of losing its own revolutionary war until the French intervene 6) Britain occupied by total war with Napoleon and has its real armies on the continent 7) Britain cuts its losses and goes on to defeat Napoleon and restore the sovereignty of the nations of Europe 8)US claims victory and begins its life with a national attitude of arrogance 9) US continues slavery for another 60 years and has to have a civil war to resolve the matter 10) claims to be the greatest country in the world despite the fact that they established their nation on millions of pounds of stolen property, slave labour and genocide of the natives 11) does little to help France during 2 world wars despite France being instrumental in their revolution 12) content to let Britain and Europe suffer until Japan drags them into the war 13) goes on to completely mess up the world order for the next 6 decades 14) society starts to crumble, many live in poverty and social unrest plagues the nation. Yet it still screeches hysterically about its manifest destiny 15) world at large getting sick of their SHEET".
  6. I come from a place where this is an EV motorcycle And this is not
  7. Coming home from a ride in the mountains today. Turned at the traffic light and a gridlock of at least 1 Km Lane split up to the front - there are 2 of those EV trikes, driving down the road, holding up traffic, oblivious to all the people waiting to get by their blue-haired selves. The 1000W and 2000W 'motorcycles' that the Chosen Few are so hot to trot on will be the same. 745W - 1HP. My air compressor has more than 2000W !!! More traffic congestion. More road rage incidents. As if the inability to license and insure them will keep them off the road 555 Some people are living in LA LA land without a doubt
  8. Which is why I refrain from posting here - more or less. The EV Fanatics, Zealots, call them what you will ... Reminds me of Jehovah Witness members knocking on my door. Can't talk to them either - zoned out zombies (they must drive EV's !!! 555) Where I get my cars serviced they have a customer who has been waiting 2.5 months for parts for his MG !!! 555
  9. We're from the Gov't and we're here to help you ...
  10. It is the very definition of "My way is the Only Way" "How dare you have a different view than mine" And God forbid anyone to have a viewpoint that merely differs from them, let alone goes against their "Beliefs" fa·nat·ic noun: fanatic; plural noun: fanatics a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause. zeal·ot noun: zealot; plural noun: zealots; noun: Zealot; plural noun: Zealots a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals. These two definitions represent to me the whole "gender" debacle Google what are the 76 genders for a definition of what these people "Believe" and would force the rest of the population to accept. There is only 2 - those born with a uterus and those without The rest is Fantasy
  11. It is NOT a medical necessity. It is a fantasy. I am from Canada - they assist in these procedures and I can't get a knee replacement ? A sad commentary on the state of affairs in the World - when Phantom Fantasies are given more credence that medical fact.
  12. Got a medical condition - cancer, whatever ? Have Nat'l health plan ? Go right in. Transgender people have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth. Some transgender people who desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another identify as transsexual. Wikipedia Notice the Key word - "Desire" This is a medical condition ? No, it is not - it is a feeling - "I am the wrong sex" I have many 'Feelings' and 'Desires' also - is this a 'Side Issue' ? People who disagree with issues - and refuse to discuss said issues - well, let's just say that I am not surprised.
  13. Why should any taxpayers, from any country, pay for what a single person decides is his situation ? Call yourself whatever you want, act however you want. Pay your own way, for the thoughts in your own mind. Because - after all - this is what is happening. People decide they are - (fill in the blank) because it is fashionable, or "In" or the Flavor of the Month. Who wants to pay for the thoughts in my head ? Probably no one - and I reciprocate.
  14. And insure that not one cent of Gov't money is spent on this.
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