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Everything posted by seedy

  1. This one - ??? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4423984/
  2. Never delved into that. So not sure who he wrote for. But a Great Talent !
  3. I suggest you re-read my post. I have nothing to apologize for. And I have seen the video.
  4. If you re-read my post I did not accuse the young lady of inattention. "I see so many ..." is a general statement. Be that as it may ... even if the bike was traveling at a high rate of speed, a continuous scan of oncoming traffic would have revealed the bike when he was approaching to allow the poor girl to attempt evasion. My point - repeated again - is to pay attention. The zebra crossing, and traffic already stopped to allow her to cross, will not protect her. She can only do this herself. I mean no disrespect to her, just putting forth the need to be vigilant.
  5. I feel sorry for the family, and sad at the death of their young daughter. That being said ... I learned to cross the street at about 5 years of age. Look both ways, and if someone is coming, stop. This was a long time before zebra crossings. Moral of this story - Keep your head up and pay attention. I see so many staring at screens, walking with headphones on, oblivious to the world around them. Death is a heartbeat away.
  6. Thanks for that - missed it first time around. Never a fan of their music - to sugary and sweet for me - but there is no doubting his talent. That "doctor" should be drawn and quartered.
  7. Deestone on our city car for last 5 years. No issue. Speeds up to 140 Kph, wet and dry.
  8. Being a former member of the "Colonies" I can not wrap my head around why the UK taxpayer keeps funding the richest woman in the world and her incestuous family tree ? Those sad, tired old cliches about 'Tradition' ? Where I come from what they do is not traditional it is illegal
  9. Hogwash. Rare day I do not ride my bikes here. Out and about all the time. Do you live here ? Or are glued to that same computer screen waiting for the AQI to update ?
  10. Always like this - people who do not live here P and M People who do live here P and M yet stay. While others - moi - accept it for what it is, and dismiss the previous
  11. 555 - more comments from people who do not ride here, and are afraid of driving ! Own 6 bikes, been here 17 years, before Covid rode CNX SIN every year. No issues. Been all over the North- main, secondary, dirt and gravel roads. No issues Road conditions in 99% of LOS are fine on the hiway, as said slow down for construction. Be Aware. Beware. Seen 250 Kph many times - think this is done on poor roads ? Pick your spot and let 'er rip.
  12. I do my engine oil and filter every 5000 Km. Semi Syn Honda branded oil BIL loves it - he never has to buy oil ! Air filter yearly
  13. From the link in the OP - sparing him the humiliation of giving evidence in a trial and protecting the royal family from further reputational damage. Why is this allowed ? Courts should put a stop to this behind the scenes bargaining so a scumbag can remain hidden for the measly sum - to him - of a few million. There is no "Justice" in the criminal justice system. Only $$$
  14. Who cares where the $$ is coming from ? Does it matter ? They believe in the reasons expressed by the protesters and are willing to support them. Meanwhile the PM continues to act the Dictator and trample on the rights of the people to Free Expression and Peaceful Assembly. All the while being the Top Sock Puppet ! Too funny 555
  15. The front uses MacPherson struts. The actual shock absorber is inside the coil spring, which means that the whole unit needs to be removed, spring compressed, r and r shock, and be reassembled. then reinstalled in the vehicle, and a wheel alignment performed. If the quoted price includes upper shock mount (a large rubber ring like device) and a wheel alignment then it is not out of line. Rear shocks seem a bit expensive, as only 2 bolts - upper and lower - to remove and replace. But brand of replacement shock will be a factor. Prices WITHOUT labor are excessive - is it a Honda dealer ?
  16. DLT does not care about any supplemental insurance. Only that the tax is paid, and that is the compulsory insurance
  17. My NV is unibody, has a green on white pickup truck plate on it since new.
  18. #1 - police report #2 - LTO, sign some papers (affidavit that it is gone if memory serves) #3 - new book
  19. Paper and Glue https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14488886/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2
  20. https://www.volkswagen-newsroom.com/en/idr-3905
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