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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Wife and SIL fly monthly for a mini vacation - package tour type of thing. Some change planes DMG, some not. Never an issue departing or arriving at any airport in LOS. Some want proof of Vac, some don't. Last arrival CNX just walk out like the pre Covid days
  2. I think I was about 5 years old when I learned to cross the road. No zebra crossings then.
  3. Gotta laugh at the EV fanatics - out of touch with reality much ? "Plans are to ..." "By 2035 ..." "In the Future ..." "Expect to ... " Give them some facts - like England regulating times to charge because the existing grid can not handle it ... - Germany all Gung Ho about EV yet at peak times have to import power because their fabled "Green" system can not keep up ... Get a Grip - enuf of the Wacky Tabaccy - Accept that mass adoption of EV will not happen in your lifetime, unless you are 7 years old. Who buys EV's - rich white people No one else can afford them, the countries infrastructure can not keep up, upgrades are a decade or more away. Come back in 10 years and prove me wrong. And that Ain't Gonna Happen
  4. So if the refineries, oil and gas wells, plastic factories, etc etc etc are not in YOUR yard - well, that's OK then. You EV fanatics make me laugh - you are not so out of touch with reality
  5. You chose to live in the Big City The world should change to make YOUR life better ? 555
  6. Heard these pronouncements at least twice a year since the 1990's
  7. Second This. Should be your first stop. Excellent service
  8. That question shows your knowledge of engines. Which is ... lets say questionable
  9. In a historical drama to have the characters so misplaced makes the whole film an exercise in PC to the detriment of the story. A black general of Scotland in the 1600's ? If it was fiction, or drama - go for it. And I know black people have been in Great Britain since Roman times. Go make a film about a black trumpeter in Henry 8 court - at least it is true.
  10. Of course. But most posters spent their lives in a 'country' whose borders extended from their house to work and to the bar. Stand up and salute the flag, gobble down all the 'news' the Gov't feeds them. In such a situation their understanding of the 'ways of the world' would come with blinders attached.
  11. And when you provide said info, pages and pages of debate whether it is true or not. I don't anymore - unless it is clear the poster of the question is able to digest and accept it. Which means nearly never 555
  12. So - you never performed inspections ? Don't give a monkeys if you 'worked' for a TUV company, were YOU certified ? So if you worked for Airbus you can fly A380's ? 555 I have been an automotive, HD, truck and trailer mechanic for all of my working life.
  13. On my first trip to CNX in the 90's the battery on my HD failed. I went to the closest battery shop, got a 12V battery, used foam supplied by the shop along with a chunk of wood to space it in the battery box, and carried on. Was it the same size ? NO Did I work just fine until I could find the correct one. YES Reminds me of the guy posted on here who brought a tire for a Honda Jazz from Hawaii !!! 4FS !
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