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Everything posted by seedy

  1. History is written by the victors - which means the rich. I am sure this is just the very very tip of the worlds biggest iceberg
  2. From the OP - "in which she questioned the monarchy and called for its reform." Goes to show how much further along Thailand is than other countries globally, who still allow 'Kings and Queens' to have a say.
  3. For a company striving to reduce carbon emissions and wastage, this is a seriously bad move from tesla to not provide schematics, parts, or other materials needed by independent firms that would fix such issues for a fraction of the price. It’s a shame really.
  4. One on the 118, southbound side, north of the 121 overpass
  5. If the scooter you are restoring comes with a green book, up to date, and the frame serial number matches the book, any and all parts can be replaced, leaving the frame intact. If an engine swap, then the green book will need to be changed to reflect this. Which means a trip to the DLT to ensure the numbers are correct before the green book is amended
  6. Terra EV is a line of 100% battery-electric heavy-duty vocational trucks built for surface mining, quarries, airport and municipal maintenance, among other rugged off-road applications. https://www.terra-ev.com/
  7. Thai built - 664,000 THB 180 Km range Fomm One - At this point, I must say that the FOMM One is a car that is more suitable for short-term city use and probably won't compete with a city car. or eco-cars that are currently sold for sure in terms of safety https://motortrivia-com.translate.goog/2018/04/fomm-one-electric-vehicle-launches-in-thailand/?_x_tr_sl=th&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc So a high priced unsafe car - bound to be a winner
  8. The Lost Leonardo https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11225756/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  9. Maybe investigate the new Toyotas made in Mexico before you jump on that bandwagon. And they are both made in N. America https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=toyota+made+in+mexico
  10. If you want to talk value for money, durability, quality of product you will not be buying ANY pickup made in or for the N American market.
  11. As is shown - my reply was directed at your posts, not his. I have found that - in a discussion - those who run out of ammo, or ideas, - can't construct a pertinent reply to a question - are the first to fall back on a personal attack against the person who posed the question in the first place. Anyone who can not see the strategy behind this whole EV business - which in some cases is practical but in most not even remotely at this point in time - chooses to ignore any dissenting argument in favor of their own bias. Way of the World
  12. On the Job- season 1 No IMBD listing Correlates with movies of the same name 2013 and 2021
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjri6mMtZn1AhX8TGwGHXz1DEoQFnoECBoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fuelsinstitute.org%2FResearch%2FReports%2FEV-Consumer-Behavior%2FEV-Consumer-Behavior-Report.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3EvfxzTW7dZo9DnWvDERuI Link to PDF Who is the customer? • The top demographic of 2019 EV owners are middle-aged white men earning more than $100,000 annually with a college degree or higher and at least one other vehicle in their household. As if this is news - 555
  14. Nothing to contribute - let the insults begin.
  15. Making excuses for paedos - despicable. As is blame the victim. Maxwell lucky she did not do this in Latin countries - they know what to do.
  16. Don't put your despair away just yet ... Sure she had $$$ - but the people with more made her the fall guy (girl ?) Many big names involved - much more powerful than her. Can you say 'Sacrificial Lamb' ?
  17. If you look at the best selling pickups worldwide, Ford is on top. Know why ? - 98% of sales in USA and Canada Chevy and Dodge will follow this trend also. Know who is in 4th place ? - Toyota, who owns the rest of the world
  18. Yup - just what the people of Africa need, on their 'roads', comfort and a smooth ride. They want and need rugged dependability. You are comparing well off Westerners needs to poor African needs East is East and West is West ...
  19. Besides the passport, I have never needed any of the things listed. On my third bank now - BKK bank
  20. To post - or not to post - that is the question Decide for yourself - and let others do likewise
  21. Ancient fossil reveals face of early human ancestor August 28, 2019 / 4:44 PM / AP A fossil from Ethiopia is letting scientists look millions of years into our evolutionary history — and they see a face peering back. The find, from 3.8 million years ago, reveals the face for a presumed ancestor of the species famously represented by Lucy, the celebrated Ethiopian partial skeleton found in 1974. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ancient-fossil-reveals-face-of-early-human-ancestor-lucy/
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