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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Drugs may bring you Joy But the danger is they Destroy Watch what you do or you'll be the next to go ...
  2. 555 - that brought back memories ! Had a friend worked on WS - enter from Second Road 711 and past the restaurants. Was right on the corner. Couple of girls used to stand against the wall, cater to Indian men. I would sit with her and we would listen to the exchange. Hilarious ! Those girls made good coin !
  3. Had to Google clunge ! New one to me
  4. And now I am a liar ? "Just wait, people show their True Colors" Thanks, now I know where I stand
  5. All bikes I rode in the late 60's and 70's were damn scary compared to today - those rock hard bias ply tires ! Wonder how any of us survived until better rubber came around, and much needed advances in suspension tech.
  6. For sure. But easy work-arounds available.
  7. No - over 700,000 Km Isuzu TFR pickup, diesel, 5 speed. Color red - what else you want to know ? Here is one with 700,000 miles
  8. What a load of Horse Hockey My HD sat in a steel crate for almost 7 years, full of gasahol. Drain old fuel, fill with fresh fuel, install new battery - ride away. No change, inspect, search for non existent floating crud from who knows where, ... Fuel injectors are in contact with engine oil !!! 555
  9. Natural opiates are the best analgesic found in the world so far. No side effects, stable, dosage well understood. Downside is risk of physical addiction if taken for a prolonged interval. But this is understood and easily countered. If you have ever had serious injury you would be aware of this fact. They don't call it Sister Mary for nuttin'
  10. Lived in Yukon for over 25 years. Temps regular in winter minus 40. Tires get flat spot from parking overnight. Drive a few Km, flat spot gone. Stretched ??? 555
  11. And what will happen to the oil, contained in a crankcase, out of the weather ? Nuttin'
  12. Both of which reside in your mind - nowhere else So - where do you want to be ? Decide, and choose
  13. Have you ever smoked it ? Taken Morphine or Heroin ?
  14. It is no coincidence that the Sandbox model started in Phuket
  15. That is the Chinese tourism model. Add nightly tours, following a guide with a stuffed animal or a flag on a pole so all can see and not get lost. Spend almost zero outside of the hotel. And this helps tourism ? WRONG - this helps the owners of the big hotels, who are ... wait for it ... Big Hotel owners, not the Thai populace looking to earn a living.
  16. No Alimony at the end of the night / day ... Is this so hard to figure out ?
  17. Have not been back in years. I do not hide it - like some puritanical, cross draggin' Hypocrite with no experience of the world, what it contains, what is available, what floats my boat. You Will Go to Hell ! Big deal, been there, done that, Lived there. Do they know - most probably, the ones who are smart enuf to figure it out. Do I care - Not in the Slightest. Everybody pays - I just choose to not give my money to a 200 pound Witch who cares not a thing about me, only what she can get from me. With "Ladies of the Night" it is much more honest. And much better to look at.
  18. One reality, one fantasy Good or Bad - in the eye of the Beholder I like to get to the meat of the matter, sink my teeth in so to speak. Mental gymnastics never appealed
  19. 555 - what Rubbish, in Thailand or anywhere. There is a reason that it is called the Worlds Oldest Profession.
  20. My fav too By and Large I find Dylan very pretentious - as is Woody Allen in the film genre
  21. Kinda like the difference between having Sex and watching Porn
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