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Everything posted by seedy

  1. I was surprised that the posts above told of a Neuro surgeon doing the procedure. That a vascular surgeon would do this U Live U Learn
  2. Price dropped - mine taken in Nov 2020 were about 7K Got 2 to ensure I got the results 72 hours before departure. Lucky thing too
  3. They are hoping that their customers are either too lazy or too stupid to check, and apply for the refund. Like car makers and safety recalls - cheaper to pay for the few that complain that for the thousands effected.
  4. Oil change - Why ? No driving means not contaminated. If it absorbs a bit of water a blast down the hiway will get rid of it. Coolant - only if old. Nothing to go wrong by sitting there. Tires - if cracked, or past the date code, replace. Flat spots disappear when driven again, wear 'em out.
  5. But when we see headlines on progress in decarbonizing the electricity sector we need to remember that it is just one part of the energy story. If we don’t, we risk falling into a false sense of progress and let leaders, governments and companies boast targets that are not nearly ambitious enough. https://ourworldindata.org/electricity-mix
  6. You gotta get out more Google "New power plants worldwide" China to build 600 new coal power plants 5 Asian countries account for 80% of new coal power You know who builds renewable power plants - rich Western ones. You know who builds coal plants - poor Eastern ones, as well as African ones. Why - increasing demand, coal on hand, no tax base. It's all about the money Baby Your western thinking, we can save the world, look how good we are doing - listen to yourself. Self Deluded much ?
  7. And the replies - pure deflection Quotes about movies - but no links The EV disciples - gotta laugh - "The End is Nigh" brigade" 555
  8. This from Dec 2020 - no data for 2021 until year end. But just hilites what a Con Artist this guy Electric Jesus is ...
  9. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=saved&v=1124764698044622
  10. Should - is expected to - reported to be able - PR at its finest. When they are shown to be as reliable as claimed, when they show they can be charged as fast as they claim, when charging stations capable of performing very fast charges as is being claimed, I will believe it. All you are doing is repeating "Claims" - no real world figures. When you can charge your EV in the same time as you fill up an ICE with fuel, people will buy them for cross country journeys. Until that day - it is all "Pie in the Sky" and your "Claims" are just that - claims. Like "Once Upon a Time ... EV makers claimed ... "
  11. Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive, has also come under fire for claiming that the software, an advanced driver-assistance system designed to handle road tasks such as maintaining speed or staying within a lane, was capable of taking full control of a vehicle. https://www.ft.com/content/afb75ffd-44eb-4ae3-8bca-ae830fa52111 Just keep on believing Elon
  12. And you believe Tesla ? Look up credibility - Musk ain't Much
  13. You are the one spouting nonsense about how long battery packs will last without one shred of evidence. Show me an EV that has done 100,000 miles and original batteries ? Show me one running solid state batteries ? Look in the mirror for a link to "Journal of Because I Said So" You Electric Jesus fans make me laugh - spouting mindless claims, promising the world while delivering a watch battery 555
  14. It is a diesel Isuzu Maybe do some research - oil and gas production is way way more than just gasoline and diesel fuel.
  15. There is that pesky word again - "Estimate" As Tom Cruise said - "Show me the Money"
  16. Thank you for giving more strength to my post. In 2015 - 6 years ago - they said they are coming. And still not here. Oh, I forgot - "In Development, we are working on, soon we will have, it is estimated ..." EV's with 200,000 km life - ? Charge in 90 seconds ? Kinda like - "We are working on manned flights to Mars. It is in development. Stay tuned"
  17. As am I. Would like to try one. The infrastructure is just not even close to being in place for all those cars now, especially here. Not to mention the economics don't work. As I said before - city driving in BKK, if you have your own house, is doable now. Anything else is down the pike a fair ways.
  18. Wonder if the bodies for the Thai made ones are made here ? Rust problems like that are most likely a result of insufficient or poorly applied anti rust coating prior to assembly, which on a unibody car means before the thousands of spot welds are made joining the panels together.
  19. There is your 500,000 mile battery powered machine - no doubt about it. And for only $1000 - 555
  20. You better look into the meaning of estimates. As well as how many batteries are recycled. Not very many. I posted links to this before. And all this "Estimates, on the drawing board, research is ongoing, yada yada yada" Means nothing. Until they are in production, and economically viable, all you are doing is blowing smoke.
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