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Everything posted by seedy

  1. It is on its way to you as we speak - on one of those battery powered aircraft don't you know !!! Called - I think - the Duracell Flyer. 555
  2. Can't wait to hear the price quoted from MB for a new wheel !!! 555
  3. My HD sets off car alarms - Luv It If it's too Loud - You're Too Old
  4. I guess you and I do not have our "Fingers on the pulse" so to speak, and see thru all the lies, distortion from guys like Elon Musk, who made his fortune selling carbon tax credits, not producing and selling good cars. The PT Barnum of our times. Good to see that the number of sheep is increasing - sustains his business model
  5. Kinda like some guys who consume propaganda from the EV industry. If you have a calculator you can run the numbers yourself. Mass adoption - It ain't happening anytime soon
  6. 1.5 on IMBD !!! American Insurrection https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11737466/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Set in a dystopian America where all people who aren't straight, white, Christian and cis gender are kept track of by the government with bar codes. 555
  7. In a previous life I used to send and receive CW - what most call Morse Code Where did it go ??? 555
  8. Johnny Rotten outed him in the 70's - Course no one listened, he was a Punk Rocker, so beneath other people.
  9. ALL drugs should be decriminalized - where have you been the last 100 years ?
  10. When I first arrived here, long time ago, I rode past one of their offices. Stopped, went in, asked for a Thailand map. Did not have one. 555
  11. That is it in a nutshell. Payback takes years. Too many, and how long will a small Chinese electric car last ? Long enough ? No idea. They are cheap for a reason. Charging infrastructure takes years and years to build. Takes a long time to upgrade a road - just imagine how long to increase power plant output (or build all those solar and wind farms people bleat on about) and run lines to all those stations. For city use - small car like a Smart or a scooter - OK The rest - What's in that pipe anyway ?
  12. My Forza is the same width as the Wave and PCX at the handlebars/mirrors (the widest part). Only 10cm longer - 4 inches. Hardly a deal breaker
  13. Hear Hear Freedom of Speech should not be Curtailed (within agreed limits) Or you will have no Freedom. Article 10 of the Human Rights Act: Freedom of expression Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
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