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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Do they? I don't know. I've never said they do. Seems your patronising is misguided. Waste of time, wasn't it?
  2. The danger to women walking home late at night has nothing to do with "cultural enrichment", as you put it. It's been no go in many cities since I was a kid in the 70s. As for LGBTQ, there are Pride events all over the country.
  3. Some immigrants integrate well. Others don't. I don't see it as being religion specific. Is running the local drug scene integrating? I guess not. Those doing so in my home town, and many others, are not Muslims. As for protesting, there are those that don't like what's going on but don't want to get involved. By only taking notice of what's on MSN and social media, and ignoring the average person on the street, your ideas are being swayed. I don't see every non muslim out protesting wars involving non muslims.
  4. I've never counted. Maybe more than I think. I tend not to ask people's religions. Some tell me, others I know from their heritage.
  5. There are some that have been pointed out already.
  6. Or the coincidences visible in this government's dealings.
  7. I agree, so long as it refers to everyone. There have been posts referring to "billions of pounds" of corruption by the previous government but no guilty verdicts. "Innocent until proven guilty" must refer to all, if that the way you want it.
  8. Time will tell. Raynor "forgOt" to declared she shared the apartment in New York.
  9. Aiming blame? It takes two to tango. Your comment, and others blaming Isreal, is the reason this conflict is still ongoing. The minute someone stands up and tells them they are both wrong, that's when the dispute will have half a chance of being settled.
  10. I was referring to the bombings in Gaza. As I wrote. It is my understanding the conflict involves two factions. They both appear to be using bombs. So, as I said, can it be said that all Jews believe the bombings are a good thing? Obviously not. I have Jewish friends. Mostly they are sick and tired of the constant conflicts and want them stopped, any which way. I also have Jewish friends who aren't interested and just go about their daily lives.
  11. What about the other freebies? What about Reeves and Raynor? Did they forget? It's a bit worrying that the three most senior members of UK government have such bad memories.
  12. Then, you clearly read wrong. At no point did I give my opinion. At no point did I mention the Israel. Your selective reading appears to have led you up the garden path. That's why you are confused.
  13. The context. That's what I'm referring to. I made no reference to myself. Hence, your questions are not relevant to my comments.
  14. That is so funny I spat my coffee out. One thing, how do you know someone is a Muslim just by looking at them? I love Turkey. I've been there many times. South of Thailand is beautiful. Indonesia has some great places. Malaysia is another great place to visit.
  15. Indeed. However, it's still not evidence. Some will believe it, some will believe Farage. There is no evidence to back either. Hence, the dispute of what was said or not said.
  16. You appear to have taken my comment out of context. That's obviously why you cropped it. Quote the whole of my comment, reply to every concept, then I will listen and reply to you.
  17. Because you are disliking many millions of people without knowing them. You are tarring many millions of people with the same brush. Yes. That is, if you are fearing every Muslim just because of their religion. If you believe the old chestnut that all Muslims are potential terrorists or murderers or kiddy fiddlers. If you disbelieve there are many millions of Muslims who feel disdain for Islamic extremists. It's irrational not to understand the difference between Muslims and Islamic Extremeists. Would you believe and publicly state all Irish Catholics are IRA members or all Jews believe the bombings in Gaza are a good thing?
  18. Never "have" won. That appears to be a personal opinion. You don't like those.
  19. Truss wasn't voted in with a majority. She inherited one.
  20. That link wasn't defining cities. It was regarding poverty and population density. It also clearly stated a city can have varying populations depending on the how each country defines it. Besides, this is about Thailand. It's how they define their own country that matters.
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