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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. For those who have worked, paid tax and NI, NHS care is not a benefit. It's an entitlement and should not be refused just because someone has chosen to be financially astute all their life and accrued wealth. You suggest those on low incomes should not be taxed to take care of someone with wealth but I guess you are OK for those same low earners to be taxed to pay for care for someone who has chosen not to plan for such, but decided to fritter their salaries away every month, or has been on benefit for much of their life. And there was I thinking you were against discrimination.
  2. It's you that mentioned them. I'd have thought you know who they are.
  3. I agree. There are too many people in UK that can't seem to take care of their own responsibilities with out the need of,or demanding, government handouts.
  4. I'd be interested what issues you've had with VFS. There's not a great deal they have to do. If you upload the documents before hand there's almost nothing for them to do.
  5. You are going all the way to UK for an election? One you can't vote in too.
  6. First time and second time was a walk in the park. Read the requirements, provide the requirements, go to VFS, sorted. As previously stated, knowing the important requirements is a bonus. Relationship, money, reason to return to Thailand. Lots of info out there, namely here on AseanNow.
  7. You might be cooking them too long. Duck egg yolks should be smooth and velvety. Very rich in taste too. The white is thicker but still cuts nicely with the side of a fork or spoon. Simple economics. Supply and demand.
  8. So, you are saying there have never been any members of "Joe public" that have got away with similar offenses that Brand has been accused of?
  9. He didn't ignore it. Your selective reading abviously missed his first sentence.
  10. Stop the insults. It's totally unnecessary. I've told you my point of view. I've asked for evidence to support yours. You don't seem to have any. Abuse of all kinds us wrong. I have been victim of abuse so know how it feels. Abuse by reputation leading to trial by social media us also wrong. Anyone who is found guilty of that they have been accused of deserves the full brunt of the law. Rapists and abusers belong in prison but are also entitled to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
  11. I'm not clueless or disgusting. I'm not defending him as, at time of writing, there is nothing to defend him against. If strong evidence comes to light, currently only allegations, heresay and some people using their dislike for him to try him by social media, and it's proven he did what the allegations say, I will be the first to call for prosecution.
  12. I can't see the evidence showing it to be non consensual. She seems quite happy in that embrace. My wife would not be in that situation. She believes in her wedding vows. A member of my family? If they were happy, as the woman in the photos seems to be, it's up to her/him.
  13. I have not seem any evidence of such. I've read claims and accusations but not seen any evidence. It would appear, at this stage, neither have law enforcement as, at time of writing, no arrests have been made.
  14. My opinion has always been, not just for Mr.Brand but everyone in general, innocent until proved guilty. Trial by social media means nothing in a court of law. Both the accusers stance and the accused's stance should be accepted equally until there is evidence and proof to prove or disprove either.
  15. I do. All target voters. Your idea of target voters is selective.
  16. But, off topic. We all know how much you hate off topic posts. That said, it likely only off topic posts you don't agree with that cause you distress.
  17. I've already stated my opinion. Although it was not accepted by some and often when I do state my opinion I'm told it stands for nothing as I can provide a link. Anyway, there have been no charges. No evidence produced. Neither has anyone made a statement. Therefore, there is nothing to defend him for and I have not defended him, neither will I if he is eventually taken to court and found guilty. Your last sentence is a disgrace.
  18. Yep. So why mention Matt Hancock and MP's friends snd families and billions pounds, and, snd, etc?
  19. Erm, I said policies and proposed policies. Erm, a party does not need to be in power to have proposed policies.
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