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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. Is this an add on to the insurance you get when you tax it annually, or completely separate insurance that you take out? And how much does it cost please?
  2. I didnt say good, I said normal, which was the term you used. . And I meant Thai fast food restaurant food not street food. Ive never tried the train breakfast.
  3. Before the ban it was standard Thai fast food that can be bought anywhere. Freshly cooked and decent portions. What is not 'normal' about that?
  4. There is a place named Seahaven which sounds perfect for you.
  5. And because Thailand is so corrupt and the IO is well aware of this, as far as he knows the perfectly legit. visa that you have obtained might be fake. And in the current climate, with the crackdown on so many Chinese entering illegally with fake visas, perhaps all IO's have been instructed to check arrivals more thoroughly; especially those with visas not obtained in their home country.
  6. I have always had the correct date worked out in my head beforehand and check immediately after entry that it is correct. Over the years I never received an incorrect stamp until just one time, rushing to catch a train, I didnt check it after entering at Nong Khai. And S o d' s law, that was the only time the date stamp was wrong...555.
  7. Me too. Told in Udon to go back to Nong Khai border to get the wrong date corrected.
  8. Fins obviously polled PM after having a few. If polled AM with hangovers Im sure the result would have been different...555.
  9. I never denied that it was a requirement, just that I have never been asked for it, just as many other posters stated was their experience in posts (below) for the links you yourself just provided, if you took the trouble to read them! Are all their experiences incorrect too? ????. Instead of denying reality, Jack needs to take his tunnel-vision blinkers off and, like many Thai immigration officers, learn some Respect! Posted February 20, 2020 Neither have I. I’ve also never been asked to show 20,000 baht, I’ve never been asked if I’m working in Thailand or what my purpose is here. I’ve never been checked by customs in Bangkok, never had my booze limit checked etc... But, these are still requirements - the boarding pass one is new to me, but may be an existing requirement that few IO’s bother with. Peterw42 Hansum, slim and look same young man, member Advanced Member 16817 9526 posts Gender:Male Location:Reclining on the lounge of perpetual indulgence Popular Post Posted February 20, 2020 I usually hang on to boarding pass, at least until I have my bags, as it got reference numbers for your cargo baggage. Never had immigration ask for it
  10. ???????????? My experience is incorrect is it? So in actual fact I was asked for and showed my boarding pass every time I entered Thailand over the last 16 years without realising it? Were you in the queue behind me every time and made a note of this, or do you perhaps have a network of spies working in all Thai airports? No! That is irrational! Just as to say someone's experience is incorrect is irrational!
  11. "Not interested in your experience." Thats a nice attitude Jack!.....Not interested in my experience? So w t f should we be interested in yours? Your experience is more valid than mine is it? Sounds a bit discriminatory to me. Maybe you look a bit dodgy Jack...555 "The TM6 has nothing to do with boarding pass." Im afraid it does Jack because the TM6 provided all the flight details given on the boarding pass so it was superfluous. And which is why, it appears, some are now being asked for it on arrival. And the OP is indicating that it is becoming an official requirement. The only posters on here I have seen reporting being asked for their boarding pass on arrival have been since the TM6 was discarded. That is why, when I entered at the end of September, for the 1st time ever, I had my BP ready to show, but I was not asked for it. But hey you are not interested in my experience are you Jack? But perhaps others might be. And I would be interested to know if others have been asked for their boarding pass on arrival over the years before the abolition of the TM6.
  12. This is exactly the way that the Thai 'powers that be' want it. Without English Thais cannot learn about the outside World so the majority are more easily controlled, manipulated, and exploited for cheap labour.
  13. I also never stay long enough to report after my extension. Last year I went in person 90 days after re-entry but this year after re-entry in September I registered online and reported online just last week and it was accepted after about 3 hours. So there is obviously no requirement to do the 1st report in person every time after re-entry.
  14. In 16 years to and from Thailand - UK I have never been asked for my boarding pass entering at Suvarnabhumi. Nor was I asked last time at the end of September which was since the TM6 was withdrawn.
  15. Bad news Im afraid. They emailed to say that they cannot find a company to deliver to my location in Thailand. But you could try them with your location as I am off the beaten track, so to speak.
  16. The shelf life of craft beers is much shorter too, at least it is in the UK.
  17. They really take care of expats in Udon Thani. They have recently opened a new health care facility especially for them:
  18. Not sure if I am registered on the old or new site. Do you have to re-register on the new site? Do u have a link for the new site please Joe?
  19. Yes I know. It must be awful sitting in the dark and murk waiting for that to happen. Panic probably overwhelmed their presence of mind to do that, especially at their age...????.
  20. No, they replied quickly and politely in their live chat facility that they would get a quote for delivery. But no reply as yet suggests that it may not be possible. I will post if I get a reply.
  21. Jeez! What a mindset! Most people park the way that is most convenient to them without considering the SLIGHTLY increased risk when leaving the space into oncoming traffic. It is only the law that defines it as wrong!
  22. Never mind the windows! Instinct and common sense would be to open the doors.
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