Update for anyone intrested: went today with all forms, six months bank statements (all our local brance could do there) waited ovr an hour and a half becore I saw someone. First problem, the form they gave me on the first visit was WRONG - I need a PM7 not PM87. How stupid of me no to notice.
Second problem, "volunteeer" said I need a certificate with the bank statements. Off to BBL branch in Central Airport Plaza, got it less than ahour. Then presented the documents to the desk - "no good! Must be 12 months!" I grabbed my "volunteer" who said that's stupid you only arrived in December, he talked to the uniformed one who was insistent. Back to my LOCAL branch, this time ordered TWELVE months - pick up next week. At least I hope it is 12 - from 01/02/23 to yesterday, 51 weeks - think they'll mind?