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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. As pointed out in a previous post, our "Proof of Life" letters from a pension provider have not been received for a few years now (new postie?) Previously they would send me an email but this year seem to have given up and the first I knew was when the payment was stopped. I phoned them, explained the situtation AGAIN and asked if they could email us instead. "We're not really setup for that 21st century stuff" was the reply. I said I will keep a copy of the blank cert and email it every January which they agreed was for the best. I looked into getting a PO box in our local Post Office (Hang Dong) but was told they had none available. I'll try again.
  2. The health-care I received as an OUT-patient in Singapore was excellent. And reasonably priced...........
  3. In which case you are in the clear. I however do not have this option so I am pursuing the course of action I have been describing.
  4. Let's be clear - all the clever mechanisms people are using to maintain a FAKE UK address are under scrutiny - for example, you need to provide utility bills with your name and address on it. Maybe you haven't been asked yet but I imagine you WILL be. Jest sayin....
  5. I clearly do because I get KYC and AML training every year. You are trying to evade this. I choose not to - because I will lose my job if I do.
  6. I didn't have that option. Sooner or later these phony addresses will catch up with people. It's FRAUD basically P.S. I work for a bank
  7. About 25 years ago - when it was not possible to maintain a UK address legitimately. P.S. there are several methods of maintaining a UK address FRAUDENTLY but I chose not to go down that route.
  8. Meanwhile, (for those who are interested) - I've been through all the "big four" (or is it five) and ALL the accounts require large deposits - that can't be touched. Well, they know what they can do with that. Except one - Lloyds International - who "only" require a proof of income of 50k GBP which I might be able to squeeze (certainly this year while I am still working) - and more, it DOESN'T have to go through this account. Account setup is laborious and I'm still struggling through it but they answer their helpline in a reasonable time and - have been helpful (well they ARE a help line ???? )
  9. We too are having problems getting Life Certs (both UK and from a European country) in the post - we also got suspended. I phoned the European state provider and said from now, every year, I will email them signed and stamped Life Certs (using a blank copy I have) in January regardless of whether we got the letters. It was agreed this was a Good Idea. Gawd knows where the letters go.
  10. Should have done this in the first place. Make it legal, with controls.
  11. Well even though the credit card payment IS to a UK bank account (sort code and number) the pensions people tell me that "their regulations" prevent them paying into them. I said I will write to my MP and she will get this regulation changed IMMEDIATELY (hollow laugh). So as pointed out to me before, WISE seems to be about the only solution for getting payments into sterling accounts
  12. I have a couple of accounts in other countries they can pay into but I am trying to avoid bank charges for int'l money transfer. If I pay into my UK credit card and use that in Thailand it will incur minimal fees. Thanks for looking into this, I wasn't being intetionally surly it's just I've been on this and another thread for some time and keep getting asked the same questions. My apologies if I seemed abrupt.
  13. Well they are pretty obvious questions which I have already answered in my posts above. And to be really brutally honest, I am not asking for help. I am informing interested people what my plan is and will inform this thread if it works. The clue was in the title of this thread - Barclays closing account because of non-residence in the UK. So questions like: do you have a address not in the UK are let's be honest a tad superflous. But thank you for your interest.
  14. Er - yeah... that is why it is being cancelled..... must be late in the day in Thailand.... or early depending on your point of view.
  15. Do you want my mothers maiden name too? ???? I have a UK credit card with a sort code and account number. I will see if I can pay into this.
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