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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. haven't found a better anti-virus - those free ones are worth what you pay for them - nothing. Used Kasperksy for a while because it was free with Barclays bank accounts until it was realised it was Putin spyware
  2. Been there, done that. Pay 65k minimum in a month (for the last three years)
  3. Well, at least he wasn't smoking - now THAT is against the rules.
  4. For a number of reasons, I have: Three laptops Three mobile phones One Ipad and one Adroid tablet That I must service regularly and most annoying is Norton Anti Virus which all of these is getting to be a full time job. No, I CAN'T simplify - I need all these devices (job and stuff don't ask).
  5. Ok, I'll push the boat out here. End of this year I intened to spend approx three months in Thailand, go back to CH for a few months then back again, probably for six-nine months. Then pretty much all the time in Thailand (Europe a couple of months a year tops). I THINK I need a non-OA visa or something. I've pinged the local embassy here for advice but so far (only 24 hours give it time!) no response. I DON'T have permanent residence here. Worst comes to worst I can go back to the UK and apply at the Thai Embassy there, or the consulate in Hull (where I have family and will go there anyway). Ideas?
  6. I've smoked weed every day, all day for the last fifty years and I'm STILL not addicted.
  7. Gosh I'm on tenterhooks to find out who it is! One "clue" is the presenters "six-figure salary" which narrows it down somewhat: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-62133808 But interestingly enough Grham Norton is not there because he's not paid by the BBC? So does that rule him out of the game or not? The plot thickens! My biggest fear it will turn out to be someone I've never heard of being out of the UK for so long and never watch "these sort of programmes" anyway
  8. It's great that this forum lets kooks like this spout absolute rubbish. It's probably great therapy for them to unleash their stream of (unbalanced) conciousness on the general population. Meanwhile I would offer a word of advice - it used to be "don't drink and dial" but now it's "don't puff and post". Although I suspect this outpouring seems more like yaba than weed.
  9. How NOT to do it. Plant lumyai (longanberry) trees when the fruit sells for 60 baht a kilo. Wait five years for the first crop then realize everybody else has done the same and the price has crashed to 5 baht a kilo (if you're lucky). So a friend told me.
  10. I really don't see the point of this - you PAY (never getting the money back) 800k plus so you don't have to get a visa renewed every three months? If you under retirement age then yes I can see the point - but it's not even a work permit? What other advantages are there? I send 65k every month at least but it's not stuck in a a bank account somewhere - even it was I could always withdraw it. But this it seems is just throwing money away for avoiding a few hassles which if you're retired anyway you're going to have the time to do the quarterly renewals.
  11. I have heard different - I know someone who keeps it MULTIPLE accounts. As always - each office seems to have its' own rules it seems.
  12. True, but it doesn't seem to have come from the bank itself: But people familiar with Coutts' move said it was a "commercial" decision.
  13. That's probably why Barclays closed my account - the balance dropped to 2,999,999 (in my dreams)
  14. Hmm I NEVER set foot out of suvarnabhumi airport if I can help it - transit in the airport from Europe to Chiang Mai ALWAYS (for the last 20 years thereabouts). BUT if I had a morning appointment in Bangkok and the flights aren't too good first thing from Chiang Mai this would be a viable option and would avoid an overnight stay in a hotel in Bangkok. Especially I would arrive in the middle of the city and not have to fight my way in through the traffic.
  15. Are Pacfific Prime the same company as Pacific Cross? I think not....
  16. If they are not generics then they are usually fakes - so I heard. 70% of "branded" medicine is made in China or elsewhere?
  17. I must admit I am glad I have been proven wrong and am impressed by the level of useful advice being given to the unfortunate OP. No snarky "try GoFundMe" (unless they got moderated which in itself is a good sign). Again best of luck to the OP. Could have happened to any of us.
  18. With my brain the size of a planet I will need XXXXL! ???? I'll get my coat.
  19. I travel from CNX to Europe via BKK at least once a year (twice in the last months, last time in April). Only ONCE in 2020 (height of Covid) did I have to check in twice - get my bags from the domestic flight then high-tail it over to the int'l flight, then gop through passport control in BKK. Major pain and good job I had several hours to do it. This has been the case for at least the last ten years or more. Usually I fly Thai and sometimes they say check in at the domestic desk, last two times it has been the International one (smaller queue! ???? ) Doesn't seem to be any logic to it. The end result is the same: bags checked in all the way, and boarding passes for BOTH flights. Get my CIQ sticker and go through passport control in CNX (again much MUCH smaller queue!)
  20. To be honest no but he was talking about a LOT of money (certainly more than a thousand SGD (thinking back it could have 1500-2000) so approx 35-50 thousand baht - which definitely made me think again. I found Singapore medical prices quite reasonable - up until then. But he was talking about "Full Monty" draining the thing and then rebuilding (got technical at this point), definitely more than one procedure. I've got a plasitc tooth to replace it now. Oh and there were two teeth involved so that's just doubled it ???? The other one hasn't given me grief - yet - but when it does - it's history.
  21. I went to a root canal specialist in Singapore and he said it was multiple procedures that would end up with a crown. Cost approx 10,000 SGD (can't remember the exact figure but it made my eyes water). I just got the tooth pulled instead and then got a new plastiic bridge thingie that cost 3000 baht. Simples.
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