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Posts posted by mania

  1. so if the CM immigration office not doing this service, who knows what the US consulate is charging and does the process involve obtaining an appointment time as americans must do for fin verification, passport pages, etc?


    I have bought 3 of them from the CM US Consulate

    Appointments can be made online usually for the next day or very soon after.

    All you need is your passport & takes about 5 minutes tops.

    You fill in the form swear that you live at the address you wrote & your done

    $50 USD via cash or charge card or 1600 Baht

  2. I just signed up with Assist Thai Visa to do it as I don't need the stress nor the uncertainty as to how much work I have to take off to get it done. I spent a fraction of the time getting there, parking and doing the paperwork as I would have at immigration. So thanks to those who suggested this service.

    Been with them about 7 months now & no problems.

    I think you will like it as it is stress free

    & no unknown time need be dedicated to the 90 day process.

  3. while the MotoGP concentrate on what is not mass-produced, the Superbike championship team need to start with a production motorcycle which is street legal and available at the dealership and can modify it will parts public available...


    Consumers are not are buying GP bikes or anything close to it really even from the Moto3 class

    So why not open that 250 class to more manufacturers with what they have 250 wise. If it meets

    the rules albeit not the single cyl limit

    Superbike? Yes a good place for a production 250 class it seems.

    But in any case I do enjoy watching it & am very impressed by what they are

    squeezing out of them.

    PS: Thanks for bringing up Mahindra

    They have a great facebook page

  4. mania, the meaning of these races are not only for wining or losing but to transfer reasonable technologies invented, researched and developed for motogp to mass production bikes and as you know teh trend is now for low displacement bikes like 250cc is a single cylinder like you can see from KTM and Honda bikes.

    So, racing with a twin cylinder does not benefit any maker.

    Well I am not so sure as Kawasaki is a twin 250 & perhaps the new Yamaha will be?

    That aside they have always made room in the past even when Ducati went racing

    with their twins & were allowed more displacement to even out the 4cyl advantages.

    But also Moto 3 was originally 125cc 2 strokes & Moto 2 was the 250 class

    But they had a much deeper field as manufacturers like Aprilia, Yamaha,Suzuki etc were present

    albeit in 2 strokes

    Also as always I have thought of Superbike as a more race/street related representative & GP

    a full blown racers game

    Actually now with the surge in smaller bikes SuperBike might be a place for a supersport new class

    under the 400-600 4cyl/600-750 2cyl class ?

    I like it better when racing is not a monopoly of 2 manufacturers

  5. The problem with Yamaha is that they not have a single-cylinder 250cc machine they would like to promote by racing in the Moto3. The same applies for Suzuki and Kawasaki both have no single-cylinder 250cc sportsbike so spending huge amounts of money on prototype racing would be useless...

    Some say, because Yamaha has no interest in Moto3 is a sign that the so much talked about YZF-R250 is a twin-cylinder configuration... I think that the Yamaha YZF-R250 will not be available before 2014 so they still can enter that season if they would like....

    Yes & that rule? About not using their MX ( Or WR in Yamaha's case )engines leaves them out for now.

    So goes back to making me wonder why they limit the class to single cylinder 250's

    I know they will claim affordability but it does not make a lot of sense in this class.

  6. Sorry I miss read that

    I think Yamaha is doing leases on Motogp not Moto 3


    Yes basically what I thought about why some major manufacturers were

    not there in Moto 3

    Also have to wonder why they limit the single cylinder which I guess

    keeps Kawasaki out. I guess if Yamaha comes thu with their 250 maybe another entry?

    Yes I read about Suzuki returning to GP

  7. Yes, I follow the Moto3 closely. I'm also impressed with the performance of the bikes, KTM is currently superior in power, Honda is getting close, and I'm very impressed with the performance of first time race-team from Mahindra (one of the larger Indian motorcycle manufacturers) which was only 5.9 km/h slower than the fastest rider at top speed...

    So Richard can you tell me why does Moto 3 only have KTM & Honda engines?

    Also the Indian Mahindra as you said.

    But is it just not something the other manufacturers are interested in?

    Actually all classes in Motogp in general has kind of lost a few manufacturers for what ever reasons.

    Whats the problem? Is it $$$ ? Or regulations?

    Edit: Looks like Yamaha will lease engines for 2014 too


  8. The 55 HP for the KTM Moto3 engine was for 2012, the engine has had a few tweaks for 2013 so who knows what the horsepower count now is...

    The KTM engine and the Honda engine are both complete different engines, while they both are 250cc single-cylinder Moto3 specific engines. The KTM produce's more 'peak' power at high rpm, while the Honda Moto3 engine is more designed to provide power throughout the powerband.

    Which engine is better? We will see at the end of the 2013 Moto3 season... at Losail International Circuit in Qatar the KTM engine seemed superior, but a championship is not won by one race..

    Yes true that Honda & KTM follow different paths

    The Honda NSF250R is a forward intake & rear exhaust setup

    The (old ? ) Honda was a bore & stroke of 78x52.2

    I had read 47hp

    Don't know if this year is the same

    The KTM is standard forward exhaust & rearward intake.

    bore & stroke = 81x48.5

    I think I have read the bore limit for Moto 3 is 81

    so they are at the limit bore wise

    The KTM is using twin exhausts . One for each titanium exhaust valve

    You can see it in the previous link I posted for the KTM engine

    even though it is a single cylinder. Interesting & I mentioned it in the Qatar

    thread. Pokerkid mentioned it was not a new designs as the older Honda XR600's did the same.

    But is is the first time I actually noticed it as I was not into the XR series of bikes.

    LL I have not seen anything yet on the 2013 Honda's but here is an older video of their last model.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes, I follow the Moto3 closely. I'm also impressed with the performance of the bikes, KTM is currently superior in power, Honda is getting close, and I'm very impressed with the performance of first time race-team from Mahindra (one of the larger Indian motorcycle manufacturers) which was only 5.9 km/h slower than the fastest rider at top speed...

    Yes I am very impressed with KTM's engine also.

    really amazing what they & Honda are pulling out of a 250 single.


    The bikes themselves are impressive too.

    This is a year old already but was interesting to look at too.

    Beautiful pics + basic specs


  10. I have not watched the GP series in a few years & am just restarting this year.

    I enjoyed Qatar very much & look forward to the season.

    One thing that really caught my attention was the Moto 3 class.

    Actually the Moto 2 also but the Moto 3 was kind of a shocker.

    Back when they switched from 2 strokes to 4 strokes & the classes went

    from 125cc to 250 single cylinder for Moto 3 I thought it would be kind

    of boring. But was I wrong.

    Very close racing with lots of action & at a pace I did not think was possible

    on a 250cc single cylinder engine.

    Check out the speeds...


    The motogp.com site has a cool results section for all 3 classes & you

    can click on practice,race,qualifying etc & they have some interesting info for each


    Anyway I was pleasantly surprised by this class.

    Would like to read more about the technology behind these bikes.

    Have found some info on the KTM

    Anyone else watching this class or have good tech websites to read?

  11. Using GDP when discussing a country's debt is a not a great indicator IMHO
    Revenues vs Expenditures is the only clear picture
    Because GDP includes government ( over ) spending. They have no money except what citizens give them

    or they create out of nothing, creating more debt

    So how can that be valid when discussing a country's debt health?

    GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)

    But at least your chart breaks it out into sections

  12. I guess I am lucky that I am not sensitive to it.

    (Irritation wise ) Who knows long term but not something I fret over.

    Looking at WTK's chart of daily levels


    I couldn't help but notice I exercise outdoors

    everyday between 9:15 & 10:45. Which according to that chart is about the worse

    part of the day.

    Through this whole season there were only a few days that I skipped

    when it was obviously crazy high 250-300+. For me over 250 seems to be the

    stay home area

  13. easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details........

    There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

    Seems an odd thing for someone with over 4000 posts on an internet forum to say? smile.png

    Folks worry about all kinds of things. Like the many on this thread worrying about spying thru FaceBook as in some 3 letter

    agency keeping tabs on them.

    Yet they happily spend hours on the computer each day, have cell phones, bank accounts, buy things online or with credit cards.

    Your either on the grid or off. There is no in between.

    You want total anonymity? Stay off a computer, stay off a cell phone, have no bank accounts & on & on

    I think if a government agency takes an interest in you & you have any of the above mentioned "on the grid conveniences"

    they already know who,what & where you are.

    • Like 1
  14. parts for 500 series from k speed, pretty good prices but design wise all suck.


    Yes I agree K-Speed has poor taste smile.png

    But you know that carbon can they sell?

    I do not know if it is available elsewhere but

    It is a Two Brothers knock off .

    It is also the one I just posted on that Pink Ninja under tail dual exhaust

    Here is the one from K-speed site.... CNC brand ?

    Obviously similar except smaller carbon weave & some small details


    And here is Two Brothers


  15. I have a no name version of this disc lock & like it.

    The alarm as others have said is more sensitive at a 9 o'clock position than 6 o'clock position

    on the disc.

    But not a problem really. If the bike gets bumped it gives off 3 warning chirps

    If it gets bumped or moved again in a short time then it goes to full alarm.

    Full alarm lasts about 30 seconds then stops to conserve battery.

    The cycle then starts again if bumped with the 3 chirps 1st

    Nice thing about these types of alarms is the fit in the tray under

    main or rear seat on most bikes.

  16. The more I think about it, the fact its a Kwacka dealer my guess everything will turn out OK.

    I cant see how a ninja Kwacka bike thats been bought in Thailand from that dealer can become a papers only one.

    If anyone knows of the dealer, would be interesting, its on the main highway through, near a Big C if that make any sense.biggrin.png .

    I think if it is the dealership doing the deal no problem & it should be fine.

    I think if it is just a salesman that works there doing a side deal with someone he knows at a finance or

    insurance co then be careful.

    As to how a bike that is once bought thru a dealer becomes a paper bike it is called a reclaim

    in other countries.

    Meaning the bike was reclaimed by either the original owner or someone else for roughly 10%

    of the insurance payoff.Or the insurance company is selling it as is since it has been already claimed

    total loss or stolen yet they have now the wreck or the bike was recovered later by the police after the claim had

    been paid.

    I don't know how it works here but there must be a similar function.

    It happens once a bike has been either claimed as a total due to damage or stolen

    The insurance company pays the claim the book is no more because the bike is basically no more

    In the case of a total damages exceeded the insurance companies requirement & instead they paid off the

    claim they of course still have the wreck. At that point ( In the West ) the insured party can if they like buy the

    wreck from the insurance company for 10-15% of what the claim paid was.

    Many folks do this because of course it is a pretty good deal for the spare parts. But the bike cannot be legally registered easily again

    because it has been deemed to have a structural damage usually.

    Now of course in the case of a stolen bike there is a possibility of a insurance company paying a claim.

    Then say 6 months later the police recover the bike. Claim has been paid so insurance company now owns it.

    They sell it as a reclaim for parts or possibly a person can re-register it. Easier because the bike may not

    be damaged at all.

    Neither is an easy process in the West & something folks need to divulge when selling by law. If it is a reclaimed

    title they need to tell the new buyer.

    But this is why it is called a reclaim. The title once dead has been reactivated.

    • Like 2
  17. Well, I don't agree that 'steel is steel' for starters, and all welds are certainly not equal (which is where I would feel least confident, especially leaving the bike on it overnight or longer), but, regardless, I trust experience and R&D over the vast amount of poor workmanship I've seen in Thailand- I'd rather pay more and feel confident than pay less and worry. I've been burned before, and I don't want to learn another hard lesson.

    I see your point, but I'm going to buy peace-of-mind (if I do indeed buy this ABBA stand)- I have no doubts in the quality of it, and I might also add the front wheel lift, which adds more complexity to the project.

    What I meant is steel is graded so you can safely buy a grade you want for the purpose/strength you need.

    As for welds that design is so stress free they do not even use any gussets or plate doublers over the joints.

    Reason is there is no stress at all on the joints.

    The stand just rocks from one bottom edge of the square bottom steel member to the flat that is all.

    Basically they built two simple members one is a T & one is a L

    The T is welded on all four sides same as the L section

    The two legs that are set at a 30-45 degree angle are just plate steel

    with a simple weld on 3 sides.

    But yes peace of mind is an individual choice & it does look like a nice stand that

    I am sure you will be happy with. It is a interesting design in that it uses the swingarm pivot point

    negating any need for spools which is a nice feature. Although they do need a few different kits to fit the various

    bikes it is a good idea for a lift point. I also like that it will not compress the rear suspension at all so it gives you

    another feature & that is being able to measure the unloaded suspension travel.

  18. Possibly, but my heavy bike sure isn't going to be the test subject- I'll wait until a few other bikes have kissed the pavement and the bugs get worked out.

    Do you want to be first...?wink.png

    Sure I would

    But then again it is a personal choice.

    I understand if someone is worried. Of course then

    it is best they trust someone they feel is better at it.

    But better at what? Steel is steel. When looking at the design

    what do you feel would be a fail point?

    It really is a simple design & there is no real stress due to using box section steel

    When vertical the steel itself would have to melt or fail & since it is a box I really dont

    see the weight of even a Harley causing that.

    When lifting your holding the bike anyway...Not that I see anything to fail

    there either. If your using good box steel it is not like it is going to

    bend while lifting.

    Of course doing it yourself you will pick the materials so

    that should be a non-issue.

    Look at simple car jacks & think of the weight they support

    Bikes do not even come close.

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