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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 76 seconds  
  2. Nonsense. All cars have LED day time running lights - much more visible than white paint.
  3. I think that's true of most manufacturers' own navigation platforms. My Volvo's in-built navigation is useless, it can't find anything you want. And it's route planner always seems worse than what Google suggests. The only good thing about it is lane guidance and turn by turn instructions appear in the driver binnacle display but that's useless when the actual navigation is useless. Think I've used it twice but since then always use Google as it is infinitely better. (Newer Volvos have Google built in and they scrapped their own system). Not sure why manufacturers still try to do their own navigation.
  4. Can't help you with your main questions but I would say if you are only staying overnight then don't use the long term car park. Just park in the regular short stay car park. It is only 250 baht per 24 hours, it is covered, it is connected directly to the terminal. Long term parking is remote from the terminal, not covered, and you have to wait for shuttle buses. And at 140 baht per 24 hours you're only saving 110 baht per day but adding a ton of inconvenience. If you are not familiar with it you enter on the 5th floor. Don't think about trying to park there as that is where the bridge to the terminal is so everyone tries to park there. Just go straight down one or two floors and there is loads of parking. Good luck with the journey!
  5. Please point out where he apologised for them.
  6. Looks like a Fiat Multipla. And that's not a good thing.
  7. Only exists in your head. It was a meaningless political pointscoring game by the Tories and rightfully rejected. Quite appalling political grandstanding and the hypocrisy of the Tories in calling for it is sickening. Kier has said he will carry out all the recommendations proposed by the first enquiry - you know the one that was done under the Tories and the one that they decided to ignore completely. He also said any further enquiries should be done at a local level in Oldham, you know, exactly as the Tories said should happen (but then didn't). See if you can read this: https://news.sky.com/story/mps-vote-against-new-national-inquiry-into-grooming-gangs-13285629 Please don't project such rubbish. I know it's a favourite tactic of yours to make up what others are thinking, but please don't tell me I want the results of an enquiry swept under the carpet when I have never said or implied such a thing, especially when it was your beloved Tories who actually did just that whilst Labour are saying they will carry out all its recommendation in full. Do you ever actually engage in constructive debate?
  8. Delusional. Absolutely living in a fantasy land. What on earth are you on about? What do I want brushed under the carpet?
  9. Ah, of course. So when you are wrong you make something up about reform saving the day rather than just admitting you were wrong. Hilarious, but to be expected. Because there was a wider investigation in to police misconduct as there was footage of a police officer stamping on one of their heads. This is exactly what we said to you at the time but you just blathered on about "two tier Kier" and other stupid cliches. Once the investigation was complete, charges against the police were dismissed and the nose breakers were charged. It is called "due process". Hilarious that you think reform had anything to do with it - you are more deluded than I thought.
  10. And another one was that the Manchester airport guys wouldn't be either.
  11. Ah, resorting to fake outrage rather than discussing or reading. Pathetic, and pointless.
  12. How is explaining what it was about a "twisty deflection"? Maybe you didn't know that, maybe you didn't read the link, maybe you just react to people snipping one thing out of context, you get all aggrieved very easily, and you don't research for yourself. Sad.
  13. It was a parody, it was not supposed to be taken literally, it was being ironic. But you knew that. She has a long standing history of speaking out against grooming gangs, violence against women and children. From the link above: In 2020, Ms Shah successfully sued the campaigning group Leave.EU after it called her a “grooming gang apologist” in a 2019 Facebook post. The group apologised and accepted Ms Shah was a "vociferous campaigner for victims of grooming gangs", said their post was “ill-judged and untrue” and paid her damages for libel.
  14. https://fullfact.org/online/naz-shah-diversity-quote-tweet/
  15. All the best Simon, wish you well with your recovery and look forward to your posts returning when you are fit and well. Take care.
  16. I have an idea - why not put everyone on the ignore list then you will only see your own posts and finally you might be happy (but somehow I doubt it) as everyone will agree with you always about everything. Worth a try? And yes, sure I just bought a place on your hallowed list. Woo hoo!
  17. At least there are a few intelligent people around, and that gives me reassurance that Musk. Yaxley-Lennon and Farage will never get a stronghold in Britain. Yes, I am sure they didn't show the opinions on the other side, but these are sensible and rational. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKUkIofmovI
  18. "Ignore" is for people who like living in an echo chamber. My tips to add: #4. Spend less time on the forum, post less. Quality of life improves immediately. #5. Follow simon43's thread "Day to day life in Myanmar". Fantastic reading, and very refreshing as it is someone posting positive experiences from deep inside a country that very few of us will experience ourselves, and is a poster doing good things in the country they live in. Such a contrast with the Thai bashing negativity that infects the rest of this site.
  19. So self employed people can get mortgages!! Wow!! Who'd have thought? Or did Yaxley help you as a champion of the people?
  20. Perhaps it is because Japan hasn't gone around bombing and invading Middle Eastern countries for the last 15 years. Just a thought.
  21. Ah, so you mean he is like Robin Hood! Good old Tommy, helping the children (although not those that were abused by white people or his friends) and now helping the poor obtain mortgages! He's a hero!
  22. Germany and France aren't democracies? Wow, that's news.
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