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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Can we debate like adults please, don't be childish. Because I disagree with racism, thuggery, and attacks on law abiding businesses, law abiding communities, and setting fire to hotels full of people that means I am a supporter of illegal immigration. Come one, let's be sensible. They don't get "turned back" on the spot (although obviously - according to James105's crystal ball - Farage would be out there personally towing them back to sea if only his party had won the election and absolutely none would be reaching our shores, and no one would be drowning). How many have their asylum claims rejected? In 2023, 33% were refused at initial decision (not counting withdrawals). The annual refusal rate was highest in 2004 (88%) (er, Labour government), and lowest in recent times in 2022 (24%) (er, Tory government). The bold is my commentary. Link: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn01403/#:~:text=Not all asylum applications are,times in 2022 (24%).
  2. Ah, "second generation immigrant" is the new dehumanising term. "Immigrant" doesn't work for you because he isn't one, so it's now "second generation immigrant". Just keep on dehumanising and shoe-horning people in to your nice little generic categories. How far do you want to go back? WIll you looking for "third generation immigrants" next to justify your prejudices? And what about the white boy who killed 14-year old Nathaniel Shani with a machete? Have you looked in to his immigration status - where was he from originally, what about his parents and grandparents? Oh and he wasn't named for legal reasons as he is a minor. I don't remember see you lot asking questions about the secrecy there, or coming out on to the streets to "protect our children" - because that is what it's all about, right, the children? Technically I am a second generation immigrant as my dad arrived in England as a 15 year old. I was born in Southport, I am white, I have an "English" name. That must be troubling for you....
  3. He must read some really out there conspiracy sites, that's all I can say - some of his claims are beyond ludicrous.
  4. I literally have no clue what you are on about. As someone else said recently, you are barely coherent these days. Are you talking about Farage? And what do I believe? Certainly not a single word that leaves his frog-like face.
  5. Been polishing your crystal ball again? Farage, the man who rarely bothers turning up for any official parliamentary business (he'd rather be out grifting) would have sprung in to action and stopped all small boat crossings in four weeks............if only more people (er, a LOT more) had voted for his party. Got it.
  6. They would have got in based on all the other reforms and pledges they made, they didn't need to include the "big one" in their public pledges, in my opinion.
  7. I would say go and sit on it first. I was recently in the market for a new sofa so went to Ikea. Every single one I tried felt like sitting on a plank of wood. They were cheap but they were not comfortable at all. I ended up getting one in Index, around 40k for an L shape but really high quality and very comfortable. Plus they were doing ten months interest free payments. I also went to some bespoke places but very expensive. SB was all a bit naff. Index had the best selection and best quality in my view, at least go and have a look.
  8. You of course have evidence for this don't you? You must have just forgotten to include it.
  9. Eh? I saw someone throw a traffic cone at a TVR and then a load of police turned up. I didn't see anyone throwing bricks at police, I didn't see anyone smashing up local businesses and looting, I didn't see anyone setting wheelie bins alight and throwing them at police, nor did I see anyone set fire to a hotel full of people. Did you post the wrong video? Or did I miss something?
  10. That's the key, and that's where the Move Forward party went wrong, Have your ideas about reform, but keep them to yourself until you are in power and just do it quietly.
  11. How many legal migrants are there (that you no doubt approve of), and how many British people selfishly die each year? How many selfishly die without having children? And how many Brits are born? I am sure you have this info as you as so concerned with the population of the UK.
  12. You obviously have link for that right? Where is this secret plan that you know about? Link please, or admit you just made it up.
  13. But throwing bricks is OK? Setting wheelie bins on fire and throwing them at police is ok? Setting fire to a hotel with people inside is OK? But tapping a man with a plastic shield is not. Got it.
  14. Sorry for asking you a question snowflake.
  15. "Blaming one man for the problem is nonsensical". You then go on to blame one man, one man who has been in power for four weeks. Your post is a joke, as is Yaxley-Lennon, a very rich joke thanks to people like you.
  16. I think he fell over mainly because he was pissed out of his head. It was but a mere tap, his drunkenness caused him to topple. To be honest I don't know what the guy was shouting or what he had done previously (maybe it wasn't his first time up close with them, maybe he had thrown stuff at them before), so hard to say if the tap was justified or not. And there had been rioting. How do you know this guy wasn't rioting or pelting the police with missiles before this video? Maybe the policeman warned him to back off or he would be pushed away again - we don't know. If he was a Muslim shouting abuse at police and they tapped him with a shield would you be crying the same? Or would you say he deserved a tap as a warning for abusing the police? Try and be honest.
  17. They both do. One plead guilty in a simple magistrate court and has been sentenced and the other has been arrested while a wider investigation is carried out, then he will be charged if the evidence supports it (which to me it looks as though it definitely does). If charges are dropped for no reason or he is set free and waved goodbye for being Muslim then please come back to me. Until then let due process take its course.
  18. Wow, possibly the biggest over reaction to a throwaway comment ever.
  19. A copied reply below from another thread. Two tiers only exist in your imagination, or whatever Tommy tells you to think. --- You're not very good at research or understanding processes. I posted something similar in another thread but you must have missed it. The Southport thugs/racists/rioters (chose your term) were dealt with by the local magistrates court where they plead guilty and were sentenced. There was no need for any investigation, no criminal trial, no CPS involvement, just a local magistrate. The same as if you get in to a pub fight, get arrested, plead guilty in from of the local magistrate a day or two later, receive your punishment there and then. If you plead not guilty he will set a date a few weeks down the line for your trial. The Manchester Muslims (MMs) were arrested and have been released on bail while an investigation is underway. This investigation has no doubt been complicated by the fact one of the police officers kicked one of the MMs in the head and then stamped on it. By the way where's this supposed "two tier policing"? I thought they weren't allowed to touch Muslims, right? Once the investigation is complete they will forward it to the magistrate or, possibly, to the CPS depending. If they plead guilty they'll be sentenced. If they plead not guilty it will go to trial. This is how the UK justice system works and IT IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE. But you simply read Yakley-Lennon or someone similar saying there is "two tier justice" when actually they have been arrested and we are going through due process just the same as everyone else.
  20. As someone else already said, this was after a visit to Alder Hey. I think Keir has handled this the right way. Two visits to Southport in a week, meeting with community leaders, aid workers etc., laid flowers, said the right things. Imagine you lot shrieking on here if he intruded on the grieving families, it would be a horrible photo op for political gain and he's not interested in that. The families are going through almost unimaginable grief, do you think that would have been helped by the PM and his retinue descending on them?
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