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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Ah, you challenge everyone else but ignore any questions to you. Thank you Mr Cliche Man. MONEY NUMBER ONE!! Sad.
  2. Thanks to you and @Andrew Dwyer - curiosity sated. Seems like that is what it must be as it does go up and down in pitch. It is so loud though, even when it is in his driveway I can hear it in my house with windows and doors closed and A/C running.
  3. So many EVs in my soi now, including a lovely MG Cyberster. Anyway, my opposite neighbour has a Haval Jolion. It makes so much noise, even when parked (I've never heard the ICE running, he only uses it in EV mode) it makes this whining noise. It is so loud I can hear it from inside my house. Just wondering if this is normal or if there is something wrong with his? I've never heard any PHEV or EV make this loud whining before. Just curious. @Gweiloman has a Haval if I remember correctly. Does yours make this noise in EV mode? ซอย 15-1 4.mp4
  4. Weird that you think that. It couldn't be easier to get there. Such an easy drive from Bangkok, just two hours. Then 10/15 minutes on a speedboat. If you don't drive there's a regular bus from Ekkamai to Ban Phe (the pier where all the boats go from). Haven't done it myself for many many years as I drive, but I think it's probably around three hours and I think 155 baht.
  5. +1 for tinnies
  6. Shame your hero Farage couldn't be bothered and was a shameful representation of our country. Why do you hold everyone else to higher standards Jonny? Your hypocrisy is incredible. https://bylinetimes.com/2019/04/11/the-worst-in-the-european-parliament-how-truant-brexit-meps-make-a-mockery-of-britain/
  7. What I find most amazing about this is that 805 people can get over the Ora 07's looks.
  8. I don't know. I said air is very expensive. How much do you pay for yours? Er, what? Do you really believe they filled the tanks with soup? Seems you take things very literally. Sorry if you only have experience with prostitutes. I believe they are mostly the same which explains your thinking. Non prostitutes are "different". Girls of a similar age to you are "different". You have a bitter outlook if you believe all Thai women are the same and out to get you, very very sad. Yes, happy to go on the record that this is just a ridiculous AN cliche used by bitter old men here who have a sad outlook on life, and possibly those that have been burned by prostitutes due to their own naivety. It in no way reflects the majority of the population. I have been here nearly 30 years and vehemently disagree with your hackneyed rubbish. Why don't you go on the record and tell us what happened to you that causes you to besmirch an entire country with such a bitter and silly claim? What makes you so bitter? I've gone on the record, now your turn.
  9. So you said the Thai police sell to foreigners then turn them in and split the money 50-50. So how do they benefit from him being arrested by police in Manchester?
  10. He was arrested in Manchester. Nothing to do with the Thai police.
  11. You have to bring your twisted political paranoia in to every single topic?? If he was Muslim you would have said "two tier Kier" let him off and if he was white he'd have the book thrown at him, because, you know, whites are treated more harshly in your imagined version of Britain. Here we have a young white male being given a lenient sentence (thereby disproving your paranoid fantasies) but, erm, now it's because he didn't shout at a dog. You twist and slant every single story to fit your narrative. Not only is it tiresome but it's also quite sad.
  12. Air is expensive, so they could have filled the tank with old leftover soup. Money number one here. Maybe he was so excited by his dive he didn't check if his tank had soup in it instead of air - could easily happen. Thais are to blame, remember. More soup in tanks = less money spent = less dives as divers return to the surface as they are full of soup. Typical Thai greed!! And then the get out: I am not saying that did happen, but it could easily have happened due to tired of AN cliches like "money number one", "wouldn't surprise me", "could easily happen with Thais" etc. Even for the normal paranoid anti-Thai AN detective work we always see here you have taken it to a new level. Sad life.
  13. The 49 baht foie gras is to die for!
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 93 seconds  
  15. So you admit you don't know the circumstances, you have never dived, but "people" (in bars?) have told you that goes on. Ie. you know nothing but you felt the need to post your ignorant nonsense. As others have already said it would be immediately noticeable by any idea if this made up practice was "going on". AN bar stool conspiracy theory dreamers, where would we be without them?
  16. Sorry you have no right to complain about a 99 baht steak. At all.
  17. Fire shows have been going on there for at least 25 years although they have got a bit more sophisticated in the last 10. I used to go there almost 30 years ago, accommodation was super basic but it was beautiful. Then maybe 15 years ago I felt the whole island was run down and dirty - checked out of Samet Villa with my wife, kids, parents after one night as it was disgusting and fled back to the mainland. Didn't go back for ten years. Went back five years ago and it was back to being idyllic again. Very clean beaches, clean water, lovely sand, really good resorts, restaurants, beach bars. Now I'm back to being a regular visitor. Two hours' drive from Bangkok and ten minutes on a speedboat, it's so easy.
  18. Cue the usual parade of AN posters who get outraged when people fundraise after a tragedy.
  19. Wow, my memory must be getting bad. I totally forgot the bit where the OP was clipped round the ear. I only remember the part where he was asked a couple of bog standard questions and then stamped in - I guess I should go back and re-read it.
  20. Obviously weren't sober when you cooked any of those "dishes".
  21. So you think it's OK for a country to forcibly evict people from their native homeland in order to pathetically hand it over to the US to build a military facility, and then over decades prevent these people from being allowed to return home? Do you even know the history of this saga or how unfairly and inhumanely these people have been treated? If Starmer reverses this decision then it just cements the UK's position as America's lapdog. I hope he stands firm and does the correct moral - and legal - thing.
  22. Because maybe they want to give him a burial at home in their traditional religious way with family. Did you consider that? Some people are so ignorant and callous it is beyond belief.
  23. Ridiculous political grand standing and protectionism from the self proclaimed free market leader of capitalism. Poor Americans forced to pay more for inferior products but, you know, USA! USA! USA! The rednecks will be happy. Pay more for a terrible Ford than get a great BYD. I hope China bans Teslas, Apple and other American products in response. Trade wars don't end well for anyone but if Trump or Biden is dumb enough to start one then let them fail. And of course I am sure Musk has no hand in this, no siree, no conflicts of interest there. Meanwhile the rest of us will be able to buy superior products at good value prices. Let America drown in its own nationalist excrement.
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 137 seconds  
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