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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. You're not very good at research or understanding processes. I posted something similar in another thread but you must have missed it. The Southport thugs/racists/rioters (chose your term) were dealt with by the local magistrates court where they plead guilty and were sentenced. There was no need for any investigation, no criminal trial, no CPS involvement, just a local magistrate. The same as if you get in to a pub fight, get arrested, plead guilty in from of the local magistrate a day or two later, receive your punishment there and then. If you plead not guilty he will set a date a few weeks down the line for your trial. The Manchester Muslims (MMs) were arrested and have been released on bail while an investigation is underway. This investigation has no doubt been complicated by the fact one of the police officers kicked one of the MMs in the head and then stamped on it. By the way where's this supposed "two tier policing"? I thought they weren't allowed to touch Muslims, right? Once the investigation is complete they will forward it to the magistrate or, possibly, to the CPS depending. If they plead guilty they'll be sentenced. If they plead not guilty it will go to trial. This is how the UK justice system works and IT IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE. But you simply read Yakley-Lennon or someone similar saying there is "two tier justice" when actually they have been arrested and we are going through due process just the same as everyone else.
  2. But the doors didn't open, so it obviously was entirely drained / dead. If it still had enough juice to open them they would have opened. What are a weird and pointless argument you two are having.
  3. You don't understand how things work as you keep parroting this line. Where's your evidence that they are not going to be charged and they are free to go. Please give something to back that up as it is nonsense, just people who don't know how things work and twist it (almost certainly deliberately. The Southport racists/thugs/rioters (whatever you want to call them) were charged with violent disorder, seen by a magistrate and plead guilty, so it is all over and done with quickly, there is no prolonged investigation, no criminal trial, it is open and shut. The Manchester incident is completely different. Four guys (yes, Muslims - the Manchester constabulary obviously didn't get the memo about two tier policing) were arrested at the scene and are currently on police bail whilst the investigation is ongoing - matters complicated no doubt by the policeman kicking one suspect in the head and then stamping on it (again, he didn't get the memo as according to you and others here, the police don't touch Muslims). Once the investigation is over absolutely no doubt they will be charged accordingly. If they plead guilty it also won't go to criminal trial. Get it now? If you have evidence to back up your nonsense that they aren't going to be charged then let's see it. By the way, these assailants' names were released after they were arrested even though they are Muslims!! What what what?? I thought we covered up Muslim suspects?? No?? That's what people were saying after the Southport suspect's name wasn't released. It is laughable what nonsense the right swallow up without checking - and then the snowflakes get angry about it when they are called out.
  4. Gammon man gets angry at washing machine brand. You are polluting a BTS thread, but please do share the source of your outrage at all immigrants being given Miele washing machines. Thanks.
  5. No ideas what I was thinking, how could I imagine there were racists on here? Not your chums, your brethren, you caused this. No, he was wrong. Seeing the sheer number of people out on the streets promoting peace, acceptance, and togetherness (whilst your chums cower behind their flags and the police) just proves it.
  6. Yep, it is beautiful. And the racists on here saying this was a turning point, Enoch was right etc. now have to eat humble pie, except we know they won't. The conspiracy theories are already out. Also I like the cowards, being massively outnumbered, sit there quietly cowering behind their flags and the police - the "two tier police" remember? I seem to remember them being much much braver when they were outnumbering the people they were terrorising. Cowards, pathetic snivelling cowards, every single one of them. It is glorious.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 56 seconds  
  8. Why would he be in there? As a Brit he would have got 60 day entry and he had been in the country four days - absolutely no reason for him to be in the IDC.
  9. This. And throw in a bit of racism and the chance to smash up mosques or set fire to a building full of asylum seekers hopefully burning them alive - who wouldn't turn that down? Birthday and Christmas came at once!
  10. Ok, so you don't condemn it. Your thoughts are clear. I know exactly what you are now. Transam the "man?" who never ever answers a direct question as he can't engage in adult discourse but only throws childish nonsense around with a liberal sprinkling of childish emojis. Why is it a "daft question" to ask if you condone that attack on that innocent family? Why can't you say that was wrong? Happy to share your thoughts when you're on the attack though, including that Chomper Higgot is responsible for the riots. The biggest troll I have ever encountered. Sad really. No intelligent debate, just name calling.
  11. Chomper Higgot is responsible for racists swinging a stick at somebody and rioting? Amazing how many of these tough guys cry in court. I don't know why a troll like you is still accepted on this site, you are the worst example, it actually disgusts me. I don't know why I still read these threads as they are just full of racists and appallingly intolerant people who can only speak in childish language and YL soundbites - you say nothing of substance, ever, just childish insults and childish emojis. Saying CH is responsible for this - you are ludicrous. The only people responsible are the racists and hooligan thugs who are doing it, no one else. Is CH also responsible for the knuckle draggers setting fire to a hotel with the intention of killing the migrants inside??? Attempted murder charges should be thrown at all that were filmed. Oh wait, it's about the Southport girls, I forgot.
  12. I flew back from the UK recently on Emirates. Nearly two hours on the tarmac at Manchester after the doors were closed. At least we had aircon, but apart from that it was a dreadful start to a long journey.
  13. Here's some more people who care about the three stabbed girls. Would you condemn this transam?
  14. Makes you feel better supporting the racist rioting thugs if you can blame another poster for them, got it. Add transam accusing someone else of never answering is the biggest pot / kettle example I have ever seen. Cue childish reply and a load of emojis....
  15. With a family, I disagree. Although Bangkok has great (and cheap) transportation and you don't need a car, if you have one you could not imagine ever living without one again. Off to the supermarket for a big shop. Just get in the car and go, no trying to hail taxis with bags full of shopping. Fancy taking the kids to the water park, playground, museum (yes, Bangkok has some decent ones for kids), just get in the car and go. Want to go for a weekend away, off you go. Also on the weekends away you are not reliant on how mad / tired / crazy any taxi might be, you are in control, and you have your own car seats if the kids are small. Also consider how long rainy season lasts. You get a taxi to the supermarket, you come out and it is raining and there are no taxis to be seen. As a single guy in central Bangkok I probably wouldn't bother. But with a family I wouldn't be without one.
  16. It would help if you mentioned where you live. And are you single or do you have kids etc. Those two bits of information would have a huge bearing on the advice you will get.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 137 seconds  
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 55 seconds  
  19. I liked this: "Andrew Smith, 41, of High Street East, Sunderland, was the first to appear this morning. He pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Keel Square and was crying throughout proceedings.". Tough guy. Anyone remember this goon from the red shirt protests with his big stick telling everyone he was going to smash Central World, loot it and burn it. Then when he got to court he also burst in to tears. Amazing how hard these people are when surrounded by like minded knuckle draggers and how easily they burst in to tears when they get in to trouble. I bet Jeff Savage would love to be looting some sausage rolls right now.
  20. Incorrect. Anything below £200 is dealt with by the magistrates court - it is not sent to the CPS. Punishment is from a fine to up to six months' imprisonment. Anything above £200 goes to the CPS and has a maximum jail time of 7 years. The boneheaded moron in the picture was hardly "shoplifting" though, was he. He was looting, there is a big difference.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 74 seconds  
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