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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Turning up for his hearing in shorts and a T shirt - class to the very end.
  2. Here we go. It was 4.30am, she's a young woman, and she was obviously very scared so she asked him to stop where there were other people around. What might have happened if she hadn't? We'll never know but it could have been very bad. And a taxi rider admitting he was drunk? Glad you think there's no problem, what a lovely man you are.
  3. Hi, I have been in Thailand for 28 years, always employed, married for 15 years. My situation: I am leaving my job on 9th April and will have my visa and WP canceled but will have 21 days extension to leave (as a BOI company), meaning April 30th I have to be gone. I know how to transfer a non B to a non O, however as I have school fees and mortgage I haven't maintained a solid 400k for two months. I will have a lump sum coming in to Thailand on 16th April which will cover me for a long time but it needs to seed for two months before I can apply for non O (so let's say 16th June is when it will be properly seeded). So what is the best thing to do between April 30th and June 16th? Can I go out and come back on 30 day exempt and do a 30 day extension? Will this be questionable as I have lived here for so long? And can a visa exempt be converted to non O in country? Or do I leave and come back on a 60 day tourist visa? Same questions apply as to whether it looks suspect and if it can be converted in country. Finally, I read Atomphuket's really helpful thread about Savannakhet. It seems they will dish out a one year multiple entry non O without seeding the money for two months. Can anyone confirm this is absolutely correct? I will have the money in the bank, no problem, just not two months' seeded. I would hate to go all that way for the seeding to be an issue. Any advice gratefully accepted. I have never had to worry about this stuff for 28 years....
  4. I suspect you may be right. We'll never know as it seems BM2 doesn't want to say.
  5. That's understandable, in which case he should stop whinging that nothing is happening. (And after 8 pages he still hasn't explained how it started)
  6. I'm done, you are being ridiculous and childish. 1. Where did I advocate the use of unqualified doctors in hospitals? 2. What are her qualifications and where are they lacking? 3. What kind of work is she doing in the hospital? Actually, don't bother. With every post you bring up a new deflection based on something you have imagined. Why are we even talking about her qualifications? I know nothing about her qualifications or training (and neither do you) and I don't care because it is NOT RELEVANT. Just forget it, I'll continue debating with the adults (not that there seem to be many around), no need to reply anymore as I won't be responding back. Pretty sure this sequence of exchanges will be gone by tomorrow as off topic which they clearly are.
  7. What the Hell has that got to do with her being kicked in the back? Absolutely nothing, her profession shouldn't even come in to it. If you feel so strongly about her qualifications (no doubt you know all about them) then take it up with the hospital - it is not relevant to this thread at all. It is just more pointless deflection.
  8. If the Swiss man apologised after the incident (a mutual apology was offered by the victim to end the situation) then none of this would have happened. If he'd agreed for both to walk away without apologising (as offered by the victom) then none of this would have happened. None of us would have known about it. But he decided to double down, escalate, and bully, and now it has backfired horribly. If a 100kg Thai man kicked and abused a 45kg foreign tourist who was minding her own business, refused to apologise, refused to peacefully end the situation without an apology when offered, then threatened to shoot her and have her thrown in jail, and she decided to press charges and go to the media I think it would become a big thing. If a 100kg Thai man kicked and abused a 45kg foreign tourist who was minding her own business, then agreed to accept a mutual apology and went back in his house then we would never have heard about it. Just as we wouldn't have heard about it if that's what the Swiss man had done. Stop with the anti-foreign paranoia, it is silly.
  9. We'd all go "never mind". Of course. What a moronic comparison. No one is saying he should be ripped apart or murdered. I don't even think he should be deported, but he should suffer some consequences. Let's not forget (although you always do) this is not about a small kick on the back. This is the fact that he thought he could bully her in to submission afterwards. She offered to mutually apologise (her for sitting on the stairs, him for kicking her and abusing her), he refused. She offered for neither of them to apologise and they both go their separate ways, he refused. He would only accept an apology from her (only her) and him calling the police to "put her in jail". Oh, and then the wife offered to have them shot. Oh, and he has refused to properly apoloise since. He really thought he could bully her and this is the action of an arrogant man who needs to be taken down a notch or two. For the record in case you need it spelling out: he should not be murdered or ripped apart. OK? Oh, and look at the photos. The "mob" were in good spirits, laughing, posing for selfies on the stairs. Hardly baying to rip someone to shreds. Keep it real if you want to be taken seriously.
  10. And? What is the relevance of that? I don't care if she was a doctor, a student, a sweet sweeper, a foreign tourist, a bricklayer. It makes absolutely no difference to anything. She is 26 and is working as a doctor in a hospital. But even if she hasn't passed all her exams yet, so what?? No idea why you even think that's worth a discussion, it is irrelevant. Anyway why would she be listed as a GP on the hospital website? Weirdest deflection I have come across in a while. I will give you that. It was mentioned in one of the (many) threads that Thai TV(?) he has been seen with a gun or brandishing one, but I don't remember the details. I can't independently verify that.
  11. I always revel when a bully gets taken down, don't you? Or is it only when a Thai bully gets taken down that your juices flow?
  12. I agree with your second theory. From the stories I have read it seems he is a notorious thug and a bully who treats Thais with disdain. Probably many people happy at the chance to finally take him down that this scenario (and his ongoing actions) have presented.
  13. That was "Mu Ham" who rammed his Merc into a crowded bus stop after an argument with the driver. Google him and you'll find many stories of it in the BP.
  14. Yeah, this would be a MASSIVE international story, just imagine! Man gets in to road rage incident, gets knocked off his bike. All medical bills are covered in full, bike repair bills covered in full, some additional compensation has also been mooted by the insurance company. No charges are pressed because he's not interested and can't be bothered, but he does like to have a good old victim whinge. Hold the front page!
  15. You don't get it do you. Foreigner kicks Thai woman, threatens to have her shot and says he will make sure she goes to prison. Thai lady refuses to back down, presses charges with the police and also goes to the media. Things happen. Imagine, as in your case, she just went home and kept silent but repeatedly complained to her friends that she was unfairly treated. Yet she couldn't be bothered to do anything. See the difference?
  16. No you haven't. That is nothing more than an old AN urban myth.
  17. Really? Even Mr Swiss himself doesn't deny the kick, but he puts it down to a "slip". And to think posters here laugh at the Thais for making ridiculous excuses for things: brake failure, road was unexpectedly slippery etc. This is right up there with them, yet people have his back. Sad.
  18. I would feel sorry for him if he made a mistake, apologised for it, but still he was getting the baying mob. But because he thought he could bully her in to submission afterwards, because he refused to apologise (he still hasn't really done that) then he has no sympathy. The doctor said at the scene there were three scenarios, three options: Mutually apologise and both walk away, go their separate ways without apologies, or press charges. Mr Swiss refused to apologise and said he wanted an apology from her ONLY and then he would make sure she went to prison. Add to that the threats and vitriol from his beautiful wife and the fact he still hasn't apologised for what he did, then he deserves everything that is coming. Arrogant, nasty bully, he deserves no sympathy whatsoever. Lots of other stories around of him being threatening and abusing (even waving guns around). Bye bye Mr Swiss.
  19. Sigh. You haven't watched the video have you? Yet you have formed an opinion that she made it "to be on the internet". So tell me how she put a camera in the Swiss guy's hand from 50 metres away, then how she persuaded him to hold it as he walked up to her, kick her, and shouted aggressively? She must be really persuasive - anything for 17 seconds of fame right? Try watching the video before you make up such utter nonsense. Why is it so hard for people here to actually look at evidence rather than just assume the Thai is at fault?
  20. Faux outrage over the poor elephants? And exaggerating the "what if" scenario much? To be fair, TripAdvisor and Google Reviews for his "sanctuary" are extremely positive and it seems the animals are well cared for. But do you think he cares for them himself? Does he get up every morning to feed them, clean them etc? Does he go and wave at his guests? It doesn't seem to me he has a very kind or service mind. If the bully gets deported (unlikely) the "sanctuary" will still exist, tourists will still pile in as it is very highly ranked, he'll still make a ton of money from it.. The elephants are going to be just fine, don't you worry your socks about it. But thanks for your faux concern.
  21. And also the usual suspects automatically siding with the foreigner and dismissing the Thai side of things.
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