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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Why bother to even join in a debate if you can only do so childishly? There's no point. Just say you personally don't like EVs (even though I am willing to bet a large sum you've never tried one) and move on, that would be best for everyone.
  2. Yep, anyone who has lived her for any length of time will have met at least one westerner like that - I have met several over my 28 years in Bangkok, all of them obnoxious. One used to regularly treat the wait staff in our local pub like <deleted>, he used to brag about dealing drugs and how many guns he has but he's "connected". He ended up in jail and he's going to be there for quite a while. Good riddance to ugly scum. As a foreigner you are only "connected" until you're not. Keep your head down, treat Thais with respect and you will get nothing but positivity back. Fat Urs is finding out the hard way what happens when you abuse your "status" one too many times. From all the stories it is likely he was a known thug (blocking an ambulance, waving guns around), eventually people are going to take you down.
  3. Knock knock, Steven, time to come out of the 1950s. So please tell me about all these failed countries that fully legalised or decriminalised, cannabis. Canada, Germany, USA (in some states), Luxembourg, Malta, Georgia, South Africa, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Chile, Uruguay, Netherlands, Spain, Czech Republic......and many others. Yeah, all known as failed states.
  4. A Bugatti Veyron burns through it's 100 litre tank in 12 minutes at max performance. I imagine this would be similar - why would you expect anything else? (After 15 minutes at max speed in the Veyron you also need to replace the tyres for $42,000.)
  5. Ok, I don't want to get bogged down in silly details but come on, have you ever been to a beach?? There's the sound of the crashing waves (clearly very audible in the video) plus generally the wind is blowing in from the sea. I am sure they were also talking to each other. Yet considering all that you expect them to hear someone walking up behind them on grass? They obviously didn't hear him.
  6. You're really clutching at straws. The steps easily accommodate four people and there is plenty of space either side of them, and no doubt if someone approached they would have moved anyway. And "they had no inclination to move until he went nuts"??? He walked right up behind them, kicked her in the back and started shouting. At which point prior to that should they have detected him with the eyes in the back of their head and known he was about to assault them with their crystal ball? I have no doubt if he had approached them, said that is private property and asked them to please move, then they would have. Yeah, I have a crystal ball too.
  7. I'm pretty sure if a 100kg Thai man had attacked and aggressively shouted at - and then threatened - a peaceful 45kg female foreign tourist who was sitting on public property looking out to sea then yes, there would have been an outcry. There may be a bit of xenophobia mixed in as this gathers steam but you're overlooking the fact he is an aggressive bully who attacked a peaceful female from behind without any cause, reason, or logic. And then his wife threatened to shoot them. And then he doubled down, refusing to apologise (the victim said at the scene if they both apologise it is over and they can go their separate ways, but he didn't as he thought he had "connections" and he could bully her into submission), and then his "apology" days later was only apologising for the fact it has escalated - he didn't apologise for his actions. So he may get what's coming to him. 1. They were sitting there, they were hardly "sprawled across the entrance" - you are making things up. 2. What reason would you have to believe they wouldn't have moved aside if someone wanted to get past? You are doing anything to protect and justify the actions of a disgusting bully and a coward, and trying to turn it in to a thing about foreigners being picked on which is quite pathetic.
  8. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40036065 I particularly like this bit: "The steps have also become a hot check-in spot on the beach with many people coming to sit or even lie down on them to take selfies in a show of solidarity with the doctor and to defy Fehr.
  9. Please give me any example of this "scam" happening at a Thai airport. A single one would suffice. I rmember it happening to a couple of guys years ago but it was never proven to be a scam, they were released.
  10. Yes, and it was said by him as an attempt to justify what he did. We only have his word of this past incident with "the Chinese", no proof whatsoever. And even if it is true it does not justify his actions - it is completely irrelevant.
  11. He was clutching at straws. Even if what he said about the Chinese people was true (they came on his grass) it still wouldn't justify what he did when there are simply two ladies sitting on the edge of the beach minding their own business. And as you're a stickler for details where's the proof of this past incident? There isn't any. Seems you're keen to defend this creep and, to be honest, I didn't expect that.
  12. Eh??? He listed previous history that had nothing to do with the Thai ladies whatsoever, he was just clutching for excuses. Ok, up to you. But he is Swiss, he is overweight, and he is definitely a loser by virtue of his behaviour kicking a Thai lady in the back and shouting aggressively when she was merely sitting peacefully looking at the beach; ergo a fat Swiss loser. Then by doubling down and releasing his video, failing to apologise (he only said he was sorry as he didn't think it would escalate to this) he makes things worse and proves he has no class.. He's obviously a bully and clearly a loser. If you don't believe he's a loser that's up to you.
  13. Sounds like he's even more of a lovely man than I thought. Such an idiot when a simple and genuine apology at the scene would have ended this, but it shows a lot about his character that he thought he could bully her into submission. Well done to her for not backing down, can't wait to see where this goes.
  14. It's 2,500 baht per person for half a day (3-4 hours). To be fair it does get unanimously amazing reviews. The only reason I checked was because I was wondering if anyone had starting posting about the owner like they did with Sea View Resort. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1224250-d13237105-Reviews-or10-Green_Elephant_Sanctuary_Park-Choeng_Thale_Thalang_District_Phuket.html
  15. You just can't accept that a Thai woman might be innocent and the farang in the wrong can you. Even the fat Swiss loser doesn't claim there was any history or anything else that happened before, only that he thought they might be Chinese. Get a grip.
  16. Jesus, great conspiracy theory, but maths is obviously not your strong point. How much do you think a toll booth worker makes?
  17. Eh, what? There is a video, and it does show what happened. And it was posted by the Swiss guy. Do you expect another video to appear that shows him politely explaining the situation and kindly asking them to move?
  18. Another ChatGPT / Thesaurus laden Thaiger special. Absolutely horrendous writing that is so painful to read, and as for the headline! (I can't call it what it is because you get banned for it, but it is related to bait). AN is dying....
  19. Ha ha, yes, comedy indeed. I didn't know how to apologise in Thai but I was happy to shout "<deleted> off" in English - I am sure as many Thai people understand "sorry" as "<deleted> off". And the Chinese card, pathetic. My favourite was that he was worried that they would harm his wife in the house. Pathetic human, he had many opportunities to make it go away and do the right thing yet he chose not to. Happy to see him fall for that reason.
  20. A fair and reasonable post, fair play, even though I disagree with you. It could have been sorted out on the spot - and should have been - with a genuine apology by the Swiss guy but he chose not to and he doubled down - even releasing his stupid incriminating video. He's obviously thinking he is connected but he's an idiot and should have immediately backed down. He's a coward, a bully, and thought he would come out on top, so he ploughed on. Now he can reap what he sowed. Had he have come out with contrition and admitted he was wrong and genuinely apologised and offered to make it up this would have gone away. But he didn't. Even now his apology is not an apology, so sorry fat Swiss man, wear it.
  21. You missed: "Electric vehicles need to be charged every 15 minutes". The giant pumpkin-headed buffoon.
  22. He was worried that they might do something bad to his wife. Yeah, two ladies sitting peacefully on steps (that are not his). He can't even do an apology properly.
  23. Yep. A few idiots on here who refuse to blame him saying they don't see a kick in the video. But (as you said) you clearly hear it and he also doesn't deny kicking here although he says it is because he tripped.
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