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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. And it strikes me as a bit late to be asking here for advice when the lease is due up in 7 days or so anyway.
  2. An insight which has evidently failed to penetrate very deeply into the AN world.
  3. His culpable action was buying that animal in the first place. What the hell did he want with that? Looks like his protector son of god (see foto - brooch right lapel) didn't agree with his choice either. And my comment further up is serious. I love dogs and grew up with one as a child. Not scared of them at all and can handle them well. But there's no way I'd want something like that around the house. At least the police put a swift end to the (admittedly) poor dog right away. Unlike their Thai counterparts who pass killer dogs on to other 'better' owners.
  4. I can't imagine wanting to live with a dog that might kill me just because it doesn't like the type of Chappy I put down for it.
  5. None of them look very happy ...
  6. The Indians. RTP doesn't want to run the risk of getting involved.
  7. That'll keep you out of trouble I suppose ...
  8. Perhaps because they bought then sold off their council houses to BTL landlords and trashed their own unions.
  9. Wasn't that a particularly virulent form of incurable gonorrhoea?
  10. "Between 4am and 6am." No further comment needed.
  11. Thanks for that. So in the final analysis it was a botched policy response (AKA 'English Management' in forriner management circles) that was corrected in the end. Not a standing procedure as portrayed here. Pretty much what I suspected. So he did get hired albeit with some hassle. A decent publication would have said "Initially rejected for being white but later hired". Guess that didn't fit the rabble rousing narrative though.
  12. Agreed. I just plucked what struck me as the most egregiously glaring example of utterly scrotal nonsense designed to appeal to the worst kind of knuckle draggers.
  13. I thought Hillary got special deliveries to the White House back in the day.
  14. That's because they're kept secret of course ... can't have every tomdicknharry turnin' up, or they'd run out of blood.
  15. That sounds like utter <deleted>. Link please. (To a reliable, first hand source.)
  16. Jesus there really is no limit to this man's infinite conceit.
  17. Not uncommon here. Especially with 'pillars of society' and slebs.
  18. This is the whole problem with motor bikes. In Thailand especially vulnerable at traffic lights.
  19. Don't they even know how humble and beautiful he is? Oh cruel world ...
  20. You may also simply see and say "Hey, that's not mine" and give it straight back. Life's decisions can be so easy.
  21. I'm rather surprised there's an agent who actually says no. Normally they'd just go the no funds route. The AIA thingy is irrelevant for an agent.
  22. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup with meat and veg. Or a meat and veg soup with noodles. More delicate spicing and fragrance than many Thai dishes, which tend to be 'bolder'.
  23. Before the Wall came down, Eastern Germany was as notorious as other eastern bloc countries for shortages. Alongside the dishes listed in restaurant menus you'd find the term 'satiation side' (Sättigungsbeilage) listed. You didn't know what that would be - it depended on what was available on any given day: could be potatoes, noodles, rice, some kind of bloating carb or other, dumplings etc. It meant they didn't have to reprint the menu every day, but you would get some kind of substantial carb surprise to go with your meal such as it was.
  24. You are not responsible for wage docking, it being noticed or packers being told off or any other such matters completely beyond your control in an unfair world. You are only responsible for not being a thief. Or not. Up to you. But actually the only thing well within your power. Regardless of where in the world you are.
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