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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. @Jingthing You did absolutely the right thing. No need to do a number on yourself for that. In fact. it confirms the generally positive impression you've made on me on the forum. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. By the way, with some quoting Ezekiel and what have you: didn't you hear what Jesus said on The Mount? "Blessed are those who don't steal steaks, for they shall be rewarded with a stake in heaven."
  2. Age is the least of his disadvanrages 🤣
  3. Best suggestion I've heard for it. There's a time and place for memorials, museums and memorial parks of one kind or another. Germany is rightly dotted with them. But just imagine if this place became say a hotel ... how long before the usual suspects book permanent suites? No, waste disposal. Apt and relatively easy.
  4. Same in any UK, or even German (involving me once) pub. Or anywhere I guess. "OI! Who you expletive screwin'!?"
  5. A woman of course. What choice did he have? She made him do it.
  6. I was referring to Vance in this instance. But obviously Trump is no friend of women either. I blame their mothers ;D N.B. MAGAs weren't reduced to name calling - they were ever thus. Trump's main appeal is that he says out loud what the hicks are (rightly) ashamed of thinking. - he gives them unearned legitimacy. Even Vance used to excoriate the man. Until now.
  7. Maybe you missed his backstory ... chameleon just doesn't cut it ... He is authentically misogynist, I'll give you that.
  8. He comes across as a kind of Santos Mk.II in terms of authenticity.
  9. One of my all time favorite TV shows was MTV Scarred. That could be reallyy gross.
  10. Actually I was surprised at how pathetic Musk came across in this interview farce.
  11. It strikes me that if someone was driving a car at me I'd be more inclined to get out of the way first. She can always be picked up later. Maybe too many Dirty Harry films?
  12. That amount of booze would kill an average person. It's clear there's an issue there. But not only. Ms. Vint also has a boozy backstory. No excuse for their behavior though.
  13. Yes. But like one holds cops to higher standards of honesty, family members of people in power should rightly be held to higher levels of discretion and prudence - at least by decent and honorable people who have a basic inclination to Christian values. Me getting a friend an office job is not even going to undermine a company, much less the reputation of state and constitution. Hunter has been a stupid entitled brat who traded invidiously on his Pa's name. Typical addict really from what's been shared in courts.
  14. It's all they've got. A shadow of the former party. G-op? LOL Gang of lunatic backside lickers.
  15. Hunter appears to have been an extremely stupid, entitled little scionbrat who has not made his father's life easier. If all this is proven he really deserves to get whacked good and hard with serious jail time. (like the Trump). Maybe he'll learn - apparently he's in recovery. Fortunately his Pa was astute enough to put firewalls between him and his errant son's activities. Let the Reps yap all they want. Sad bunch really nowadays.
  16. "They want someone to talk about the fact that prices have gone up 19 percent, and they can’t do anything about it. " And there's nothing anyone can do about that. Those prices won't come down. The<y'll only continue rising more slowly. Haley makes it sound like the Reps have a solution to the 19%. They don't. And if anyone says they do, they don't understand economics (or business). The real worry for me is that the Trump will grasp he's gonna lose and chicken out (he is a gross coward in all respects, like every bully), or the Rep's'll grow spines and quit groveling (vomitous degenerate behavior by so many of them) and switch him, say for Haley/De Santis. But don't forget Haley has also groveled before his majesty and endorsed him as well ... they're all as bad as the creeps Johnson used to wheel out every morning in the UK to tell his obvious and bloated lies to millions on TV. No shame. No sense of personal dignity. Of simple human decorum. Any of them. The Rep's'll probably need a completely new makeover that isn't tainted by obeisance to the Don. And I don't see anyone in sight right now.
  17. When payments become 'sporadic' most certainly. Surprised the LL didn't react. Rental payment is the core of the contract.
  18. Exactly what I was thinking. I can't imagine how anyone can possibly live like that. It might be interesting to trace the tenant and interview them - get their backstory. Who are they? How did it come to this? There's no alc or other chemicals apparent ...
  19. "Probe urged ..." Google Translate tells me that means "Negotiate size of brown envelopes."
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