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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. At the least it's a damn good stop-gap that can SAVE LIVES!
  2. ... tourist fund ... "not just to promote tourism but also to effect changes in the tourism industry" ...
  3. By which time the golden goose will be gagging for air and turning deep purple. It'll be terminal if these deleteds don't get their act together soon.
  4. Anyone remember ISIRTA (Radio 4)? Seems applicable in almost all LOS official announcements ...
  5. 'the one from down South ..' Buddhadasa? Suan Mokkh? Done one retreat there. Had its ups and downs ;D I'm dying to go back for more.
  6. Strikes me as hanging out in malls defeats the object really. They're probably the family face saver monks I guess? I am friends with a Thai family and was invited to their eldest son's ordination. It was supposed to get him away from the booze. It was quite a big deal, maybe not so expensive, but many were being ordained and all the families cooked (fabulous) food. There was a circumbobulation, specially wrapped baht coins were tossed into the crowd from the steps of the temple. It was great to experience live and I was the only farang there as well. This was up on the hillside in Pran Buri. My (married) friend was awaiting her first child at the time and was not allowed into the temple for the actual robing ceremony because of that - apparently it was 'not good'. I sat outside with her in solidarity so I missed that part. Seems like every religion has it in for the women. The son ran away after 3 days and it was all for nothing. A couple of months later his wife threw him out. Booze. So sad.
  7. Top of the line robes ... wow! Do they have sequins? Thanks very much for your posts here I've really enjoyed reading them. I feel a definite tug in that direction myself, but am too old I guess. I will probably spend some time as a layman at Wat Pah Nanachat at some stage next year. Who knows what that may lead to. (By the way, I know this is an old thread.)
  8. Promiscuity? There'd be no room in the temples if that was the case.
  9. They'll tell you you're lucky they don't do you for passing fake notes ...
  10. Same as a colleague of mine. I had no symptoms with either shot.
  11. My thought exactly ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease If the rash is expanding definitely. I'm not sure if it's endemic to LOS though. Whatever - I'd certainly get to a. dermatologist. Good luck OP.
  12. OP I've found Meiji is far and away the best for me.
  13. Has she started taking drugs? Or drinking ... sounds a bit like what happened to me way back when - it completely wrecked my first career. I also lost contact with family who didn't hear from me for many years. Just a question worth considering - it may not be ingratitude. Try not to take it personally - it's obvious something has happened whatever that is.
  14. 65 years old. No reaction to BioNTech/Pfizer. Busy collecting a load of others that need refreshing like typhus, Jap. enc. B, and other stuff that might come in handy in s.e. Asia. Rabies booster in November. A little sore in my right arm yesterday, but since I don't know which he put into which arm, I don't know if it was the typhus or the encephalitis ???? Had a dual tetanus/diptheria after an accident last year because my tet was over 10 years old. Looking for an mRNA Covid booster before heading out to LOS next year. Can't understand all the childish fuss.
  15. Southern Europe is full of winter sun with no restrictions and not as far to travel ... etc ...
  16. They should use the bypass anyway ... Petchkasem is a polluted nightmare. And with the prevailing daytime breezes coming off the sea, the nitrous oxide and particulate matter gets spread right across the city.
  17. And with other drugs legalized and cheaper, they wouldn't need meth anyway ... true, meth is evil incarnate ...
  18. Yup. I'm still very active and surrounded by people mostly half my age at work ... but no doubt at 60 things get a bit slower. Out riding the bike all day today, now my back hurts. At the same time though, time seems to speed up ...
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