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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. Well, good luck with it - I wish you the best - I would be a customer for something like that too... maybe you could start a trend for a younger generation of Thai people.
  2. Thai peoplle are not really into 2nd hand - you won't even see yard sales and such - usually if an item has any value, it is scooped up by a family member.
  3. So, you never bought a house? You never leveraged your money to increase it? Maybe people can be a "brain" in some small unimportant areas while greatly lacking minimal basic common sense in other areas. Where I came from, people were not looked down upon for being brilliant - they shone and were rewarded... They invested wisely, freely sought each others advice - - they built businesses and used their profits to help others and live good lives. Most of it was new money made after the war - and their manners and kindness to others was impeccable. Creating scholarships for promising students was a regular activity. maybe you feel you didn't fit in because you walk around proclaiming yourself smarter than everyone else? How many times here on this meaningless forum of strangers have you proclaimed you are soooo smart, Mr. .000009%? Surely there are other smart people here but they don't spend half their posts proclaiming how smart they are.. My father and brother always belonged to golf clubs - they never felt the need to proclaim them 'high end' golf clubs - -
  4. I love that it automatically connects to my car radio....
  5. $50,000 will build a quite adequate small home..
  6. Not at the school my niece went to... like most things, it's individual.
  7. what do you take for that?
  8. "A lady of Bangkok" written in the 1950s and was probably the first and maybe the best of the genre... been done many many times since then
  9. I had a stent put in about ten years ago... I was having a little tightness in my chest after recent exercise and I wasn't;t sure if it was a slight muscle pull...
  10. yes, thanks. My new heart doc seems neither careful or concerned... triglycerides were high and treating with meds...
  11. What is the most comprehensive test to check my heart for blockages or potential future problems...? I did have some of the basic tests but I want something more thorough. Not worried about expense. Thanks
  12. It can be hazardous sitting in traffic all day and soaking up the fumes - - it gets to them
  13. They are too busy being right and over-explaining why they are right [and their lady is wrong]
  14. This is not called free. It is called comes with the meal... try going in there and ordering those free things and nothing else...
  15. And you are lord of the manner class?
  16. somehow that is not the image of retirement that I get... maybe become a monk? And please be careful riding a bicycle or walking down the stairs...
  17. The James Cagney approach I'm an Anki Doodle Dandy
  18. Some of the best tips I have received through the years were from foreigners who were a few steps ahead of me - - they knew where my stumbles might be and how to overcome - -
  19. There are many ways to look at and approach this subject. It. sounds as if she is not well educated on investments and even then there are different ways to philosophically approach the issue. Is it better to spend and enjoy some money now while she is not yet old? Or save for when she is older? Where will she get the most utility for the money? The answers are not the same for everyone. There is no right or wrong answer... and I cannot answer w/o knowing her hopes and dreams or life situation.. Farmland has proven a great longterm investment for my wife - - but we also discuss having money to enjoy her life, which may not be how I might enjoy spending money... I think you need to discuss the subject with her and respect her answers and know that nothing is 100% but some discipline helps.
  20. There are much more important things in life than misconstruing words. I think sometimes people just like to fight to prove the other person wrong - - as if that will give them some future points in the next argument or choice of sofa or something. I think couples fight for "hand" as in having the upper hand. I am much better in Thai than my wife is at English and many other thing as well, but she is much better than I am at certain things too. She enjoys having power and a 'say so' in things. Why not? I want her to feel good too. Isn't that the general idea? To have a partner who feels good about being a part of the decision making process? and besides, getting angry is not really cool here, maybe not anywhere?
  21. For me, that is more a living condition question than financial. If you like the idea of making a place your own, your homme and fixing it up extra special, then you need to own. If you find a condo that you would be content living in, as is, then renting might be better. Do the math.
  22. I have no problem with flighty... I have always told my wife that if she has had enough, just give me 24 hours to take my stuff out. I don't understand why anyone would want to live with another person who wants to be free [of them] ... but we never tried to chain each other, so that was never an issue.
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