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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. much easier to learn after coming here as there is immersion.
  2. like vibrations and radio waves? nothing like good unspoken communication to enhance the experience
  3. so, 11 months a year you are not with her? That is not much of a commitment. Is there a reason that she might not want to find someone else? And you want her to put up your picture? You are lucky she remembers your name.
  4. I wonder if it is the toxins in the air or water that is making people crazier, stupider, more aggressive and sicker... I recently learned that plastic water bottles are the reason for expiration dates on water... People have been putting lead in Cinnamon to increase the weight which is put in children's food and is causing some brain damage. What else? Has corporate greed gone too far? Are we wiping out our own species?
  5. Well, I am not yet your age, but close behind... but yes and no I guess... from Oblomov to Bartleby and maybe Lev Nickolayevich and Murray Burns I am a composite of my individuality and characters I loved. But mostly, I am a product of the country I live in where there is no positive connotation for the word 'serious' and yet life has thrown some fastballs at my head which I cannot duck away from... even though I can see them coming. and in fact they are here and present.
  6. You are probably best off taking the sky train - for the rare times you want to go away, you might consider renting a car but public transportation is pretty good, even for going out of town.
  7. There are expat clubs in some areas - - you might want to say where you are from... or just google it in your area... Or you might want to learn the language or get one of those new translation thingys
  8. why so aggressive and nasty? - I doubt that my friend still has the bill from years ago...
  9. being called 'diabetes legs' by a mean person? Though I know he doesn't mean to be mean - so it has no affect on me though it must affect him...
  10. It wasn't my bill to question - but since I recommended the hospital and facilitator - I wascurious if prices are inflated when a facilitator is involved... pretty simple question - - and yet you go all drama queen on the question and invoke your deity? Take a chill pill and don't answer if you can't.
  11. I am asking a rather simple question - - I am not insisting anything...
  12. So? I can't control other people answering the question too... even people like you who don't have the answer but like to comment...
  13. Sure, except this was in the past - I seem to have an answer to what you incorrectly think the question is about. He had a facilitator and what I thought was an expensive bill. He did not have trouble communicating as there was a facilitator provided. I am questioning if there was a price for the facilitator as the bill seemed 2x what I thought it should be...
  14. I am asking if there is an extra cost for a facilitator... I can speak Thai - this is not for me.
  15. yes and my question is if they are used does the bill go up?
  16. I speak Thai - this is not about me or a friend... just asking a question.
  17. hanes will ship from usa
  18. Is this a service that is charged at hospitals? Can it increase your medical bills if you use one?
  19. I don't even like when other people eat nam prik - - their breath can overtake a car...
  20. I thought they came out of The Shadows from Geordie - they were first Apache's from Kon Tiki?
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