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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. how old are you? shame on me? They may be of legal age but if you are over 25 it is really not appropriate. Their brains are not yet well developed and in most ways they are still children...
  2. Sure, 7 year olds and 27-30 year olds - the OP wants a teenager which is inappropriate.
  3. This happened to me once in Bkk many years ago - the meter kept clicking like a clock... we mentioned it but he said nothing - at the end of the ride we paid the usual fare and he did not complain...
  4. which implies you are of an age where 18 year olds would be extremely inappropriate... they are children.
  5. yah pit = poison nang itcha = bzitch -
  6. Thai ladies are not usually shy - they will let you know.
  7. The one dish that my family requests sometimes is a macaroni and ham salad - chop the ham into cubes as well as some cheddar cheese and mix in some mayo...
  8. It is the tropics - there is lots of heat everywhere... some of the more remote provinces have cooler mountains but you might not want to live that remote.. good luck
  9. Drivel? Are you trying to corner the market? Depends if you enjoy variety or not... pretty simple answer. You should be able to figure that out for yourself... eh?
  10. Oh, I am missing out - I will have to ask my wife to dress me up... sure, I can pay extra for the service.
  11. never heard that either.
  12. A friend of mine recently purchased a Lenovo tablet for his kid on Lazada - it came with the programs in Chinese and he could not change it... The Lenovo dealer wanted nothing to do with it... he thinks it might not even be a legitimate Lenovo... but a copy... I don't know if there is a resolution... but how wants problems to save 300 baht.... and his was not cheap.
  13. if it is correct - just pay it - keep your life clean and simple.
  14. The reason to buy local is that you can go to them for service... if you have a problem.
  15. It is individual - isn't that obvious? I travelled a lot many years ago - trust me, it was very different than it is now. Your wants and needs will change when you get older. You do understand that right?
  16. And I am sure your bank would gladly F*** you too. everything is transactional? I have a personal bank account but everything else here is in my wife's name... I am sure that gives her lots of security and there are no strings attached... and if I have to walk out tomorrow that is ok...
  17. If you are in a position to define poor - you are not poor... It simply means not having money for basic necessities - if you are thinking of it in a comparative sense - your friend has a Mercedes and 5 iPhones and you just drive a Camry - yeah, that is not poor.
  18. That's ok - - if you visit fantasyland and want to take Minnie Mouse home and have her stay in character, they are paying for a service, as it should be... This is one of the services Pattaya provides. Not many places in the world that are like this.
  19. I think you have never been poor. A Thai lady from a poor family worries about her entire family - and wants that security for all of them. She is not so worried about richer people things like mobility and freedom.
  20. Why is that? That was one of the first things I did for my wife - - so, that she would have security for the rest of her life.... If you can't afford it, that is one thing... but I hope she knew before as it is quite common the world over that a husband will provide a home for their wife - and hopefully a permanent one...
  21. and you are against someone exercising their best option? and becoming the envy of their friends and neighbors in the village?
  22. zero for me too - - though I did have a very nice vacation at the Marriot Resort at the north end of. the island... but that was because the resort is self contained and beautiful...
  23. why would everything be in her name? That doesn't sound very smart anywhere in the world -
  24. If you go to Pattaya etc... the cliches are mostly right - probably... but there are actually other places in Thailand that are not Pattaya and Phuket... [can you imagine that?] I live in both Central and Northern Thailand - the wives of most all of my friends are devoted to their husbands and families... what else did you think I meant? These are not working girls with "pretend" husbands, though I have seen that too. A couple of guys seem to have maid w/privileges relationships, though most of the people I know have real relationships with concern and compromise and sharing and togetherness - true life partners.
  25. I am going to go out on a limb here - - I don't think they are drinking for their health
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