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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. kasikorn has something. I wanted to invest for my niece but she is a bit too young... I think the age limit might be 21... and this was not available at the typical bank branches but a separate office in Chiang Mai.... PM me if you need info.
  2. plenty of places available on a month to month basis - - and sure, you can expect higher prices in high season...
  3. I take care of my family - - - that is part of the deal. With that attitude you will never have a wife or family - which is fine if you don't want it... but don't knock others for making that choice - - my wife and family are not the one hour masseuse that you are thinking of - which does not mean they don't want money for a better life... pretty much everyone wants more money. They don't have my ATM card - if someone wants money, they can ask. Sometimes a family member will ask for a loan - - - and then pay me back... yes, that happens - sometimes I will give it as a gift... my choice. I understand that it would be stressful for you if people are asking for more than you have - - or more than you want to give... Some of us give because we can easily afford it...
  4. Exactly!! Is there something wrong with both of us having a nice car? And still be helping the family too? Or for some, is it better that they ride around in a chauffeured limo while the family eats from a coconut shell... if they are not willing to share with the family, surely they will be hated.
  5. I recently gave 3000 baht to a friend who was having difficulties - - she gave me 1000 back.
  6. most of these guys that talk about others being an ATM did the same for their wife in the western world.. only here, it is unacceptable for some reason. We are a family and I share my time and money --we share child rearing and family objectives... is part of my relationship and attractiveness due to being a good provider and willing to share? Of course... none of which means that my relationship is bullet proof - but, I am smart enough to keep plenty back for myself if things go south, though during 24 years, there is no sign of that.
  7. A great guy to have around on Thanksgiving?
  8. I would never ever use the word fluent... to me, that is a very high bar.. I might refer to myself as fluid as I can converse with ease.. I would not teach others words unless they ask - and I get asked to play translator by friends on occasion. Now, speaking about bores, for me it is people obsessed with their BMI index and how many reps they do in the gym.... to each his own.
  9. I haven't told you about them... why would you say that? Based on nothing - what do they sound like?
  10. and no positive connotation for the word 'serious.'..
  11. obviously you would not know any of them...
  12. only if you have aspirations to be 77 - -
  13. of course I have, senators etc.. lovely people - - have gone on many missions of helping poor and disenfranchised ... and yet we still spoke in Thai... mostly.
  14. learning the language is a door into the culture... best thing I have done here. Thai people might be much more fascinating than you think...
  15. it is shorter than often - and I am 210 years old in November - cut me a break.
  16. I use a reputable agent in business for many years with an oft bustling office. They send me email reminders to come in and drop off my passport which they keep for not more than a day or so - sometimes along with my bank book... never had a problem and I am glad to have them take care of all the paperwork for a nominal fee...
  17. Yo. Boy named Sue.. You don't actually take the stuff but you get vouchers.
  18. never heard of a 'boy named Sue' - - Johnny Cash
  19. That is pretty close to having a routine
  20. I don't have routines... Read some posts from a 'Boy named Sue"?
  21. If there was a best answer feature and we could choose... This is the winning answer for all these types of questions.
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