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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. have you considered asking the bank?
  2. It has always been the eyes...
  3. Thankfully sliding on ice doesn't count...
  4. Try L'Opera but get there early as they do sell out of many things
  5. confirm - Airport Plaza - - I think 3rd floor
  6. or maybe just used as the locals do... different culture and all...
  7. A funny guy who knew how to stretch a career...
  8. I will pick some up for my mice - maybe they will want to spend more time outside the house.
  9. all life is 6/5 against - Damon Runyon
  10. I try and cook it in not more than a day...
  11. Same situation out in Doi Saket... for seemingly nothing and often we lose power... I lived in a very small village far from a city in another province - much more reliable electric service than here.
  12. First there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is Brigadoon
  13. Based on my experience - - she'll let you know
  14. Best case scenario - you will be wildly succesful and 3 guys will copy your business the next day...
  15. I have not eaten applesauce in over 20 years... didn't even know I missed it - been making my own the last 3 weeks... very easy to make - this week I mixed in a handful of strawberries and pineapple.. a dash of cinnamon. Great stuff and healthy too...
  16. I don't remember having to wait anywhere for a cashier... but it sounds like you have a plan
  17. That was very nice of the cashier... laughter is a cultural thing... thai often laugh in times of stress... if I hit my head in a car door, my wife in the USA would have been wild with laughter... so, it's a male/female thing too.
  18. So, there is an insurance company that was quite willing to cheat you on the premium and you trust them to pay the claim? Is that the. story?
  19. you would probably have to cut down on your posting
  20. I am sure you are correct on that... but try not to be so harsh on the workers doing their jobs...
  21. I doubt the hunter gatherers had wheelchairs either... I have found anyone stocking shelves to be very accommodating to shoppers... never a problem...
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