Interesting subject... and difficult -
During my life I have been a saver, so, not only do I have simple tastes and am not a drinker or big spender, it is uncomfortable to spend more than I make or draw down savings... I do for things I really want, but on a daily basis there is not much I want. My wife is the same way. It goes against our basic nature... to compound things I am still a good investor and am earning more than ever before. The usual draw down 4% of your savings will leave me with a large surplus as I earn much more than that.
I do not like to give to large charities as I think I am just helping pay the salaries of rich people. I have always given hand to hand - and this can be very rewarding and frustrating too. I don't want to create dependents. The family is well cared for - - so???????????
I would think that at your age, there is a need to keep saving. You may need more that you think for your elderly years... I am older than you and it is pretty certain that I will not spend out - nor my wife and kid...