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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. I would be much more worried about extreme mood swings...
  2. Did you ever have a real problem? A papercut maybe? You are doing great - not long ao people had to be hunter gatherers and didn't have people to tock the trees.
  3. Promenada [auto correct] Is the roadwork related to the new airport in Sankamphaeng? Any idea how long it will be going on and when the airport might be scheduled to open?
  4. The food is spicy and makes your nose run... therefore.
  5. The blood is more easily and quickly pumped to the brain making them smarter and quicker thinking....
  6. In case they got thirsty?
  7. was the BP out of gas?
  8. It was because his early work was excellent - but he coasted into retirement for far far too long.
  9. Get a female pilot to do it...
  10. my wife claims they are itchy and is also always working at plucking.... and her dad who is all grey confirms it is itchy...
  11. So, where is your restaurant - and what type of food. I love trying new places.
  12. If we are here to help others, what are the others here for?
  13. cost me 600 baht and took maybe 1 minute... very easy. But, I have a great dentist...
  14. No expiration date... that would make things easier
  15. sounds more like a surrender than a solution
  16. Interesting subject... and difficult - During my life I have been a saver, so, not only do I have simple tastes and am not a drinker or big spender, it is uncomfortable to spend more than I make or draw down savings... I do for things I really want, but on a daily basis there is not much I want. My wife is the same way. It goes against our basic nature... to compound things I am still a good investor and am earning more than ever before. The usual draw down 4% of your savings will leave me with a large surplus as I earn much more than that. I do not like to give to large charities as I think I am just helping pay the salaries of rich people. I have always given hand to hand - and this can be very rewarding and frustrating too. I don't want to create dependents. The family is well cared for - - so??????????? I would think that at your age, there is a need to keep saving. You may need more that you think for your elderly years... I am older than you and it is pretty certain that I will not spend out - nor my wife and kid...
  17. I have had a few really good Thai friends through the years...
  18. what if those 999 are incorrectly set free and just 1% of them murder while they are out?
  19. I think that is what makes it expensive for many...
  20. hurting a stranger who you knew nothing about made you feel good? maybe he spent years caring for a sick wife and when she died a couple of years ago he finally leapt from the depression and started enjoying himself... until he met you.
  21. 20:40... That's only 1:40 minutes from now... maybe I should sell my stocks?
  22. Rutnin Clinic in Bangkok... used to be one of the best eye clinics in the world...
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