The beauty of an agent - mine starts w/a 2 week in advance reminder and will keep after me if I don't bring it in on time. It's easy enough to do by myself, but it is worth the price not to have to think about it.
If the world were at peace forever, no police - no military, the money saved would be enough to create a paradise for all... everyone would have a lovely home, there would be extraordinary gardens and hospitals, fabulous amusement areas, from museums to waterparks... great food - no cancer, no pain...
what else?
(Is it in his eyes?) Oh, no, you'll be deceived
(Is it in his sighs?) Oh, no, he'll make believe
(Or is it in his face?) Oh, no, it's just his charms
(In his warm embrace?) Oh, no, that's just his arms
I lived in an outer province and they required a medical certificate which cost me 20 baht and had no examination. One nurse told me I seemed to walk ok - another looked at my palm.I filled out all my own forms as there was no agent there. I am now in a place where there are agents who will fill out all the appropriate forms and it is a breeze for a small fee. I love my agent. I am in and out of immigration in less than 5 minutes.
If you look at most violent crimes involving farang, it occurs in Pattaya/Phuket, after midnight and alcohol is involved... random violence is otherwise quite rare,,, and usually takes 2 to tango - - if you do not get involved in violent incidents back home, you are not likely to have problems here.
Sure, I know sing sing sing but never saw it performed.... Spectacular... My grandpa was a drummer with the Big bands - Dorseys etc... He died when I was 4 years old...
I remember the night sky from places like New Mexico and Wyoming... there are a couple of places that I have heard mentioned nearby for night sky viewing...