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Everything posted by connda

  1. You need a minimum of 8GB RAM, and SSD drive, and the equivalent of a Intel i3 processor or it will be almost unusable. Because it more than likely won't run on his 10 year old hardware.
  2. If you like 'strange' this is the show for you. And I like strange. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11280740/
  3. "So they will have to stand up and take power for themselves." And once in power, they rig the system to benefit themselves and their friends while throwing a few scrapes to the commoners, and then the new guard becomes just like the old guard. And they hold on to power just as tenaciously. In with the new boss, same as the old boss. <--- Reality It's a rare political system that works for the benefit of the country's citizens. Pretty much as rare as hen's teeth.
  4. True that, as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy creates a vacuum which allows for the tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy (and the tyranny of other forms of Totalitarianism - even those which govern with a iron-fist or a 'boot stamping on a human face - forever...... but yet call themselves 'democracies.'). DINOs. Democracies In Name Only. A pig wearing lipstick is still a pig. They occur due to the apathy of citizens.
  5. Just as a comparison in 'Farangland:' Truss and Sunak. Was that "The Will Of The People?" Correct answer is "No" as The People, as in the total voting public, didn't have a say. So here in Thailand? For some reason we are suppose to believe that just because one party gets a majority of votes that get to elect the PM? Thailand does have a Constitution (it's a Constitutional Monarchy) and like it or hate it, the current Constitution dictate how the PM is put into office. Wanna change the Constitution (I thinks it's happened a number of times since I moved here) then form a coalition government powerful enough to make the change. Like I stated above: Thai Democracy - whoever gets into office attempts to rig the system in their own favor. The Coup Leaders did a slam-bam job of that by the way. Rigging it in their own favor.
  6. Thai Democracy: Whoever obtains power rigs the system in their favor. <-- Reality
  7. Once you get Linux Mint loaded up check out their forum. They have a Newbie Thread to help newcomers to transition. https://forums.linuxmint.com/ I highly suggest playing around with VirtualBox and instead of dual-booting, allow Linux Mint to run by itself and then use VirtualBox to create a Windows Virtual Machine, and install Windows in the VM. The beauty about using this method is that your hard-drive will contain minimal partitions (EFI, root, and home - if you chose to separate root (/) and home (/home) which I recommend), and you can Clone the Virtual Machine which is just a really simple way to back up your instance of MS Windows. It's more secure as well as the Windows instanced is sandboxed Then, if you need to run Windows on that older computer, you log on to Linux, fire up the VirtualBox VM and let is grind away in the background until the CPU comes back down to a reasonable level. In the meanwhile you can use your computer to do other things. Best of luck. Sounds like you'll get things sorted out.
  8. ???????????????????? Look at my post above comparing Ubuntu with Win10 on an older AMD x64 processor. That 'older' computer has a 8GB RAM and a 500GB SSD drive. One of the other oddities with Windows_nn on an older system like this is that it takes hours to get the system updates to install. Literally hours, and the CPU is spiked at 100% during the entire time. Software updates on Ubuntu (and probably most other Linux systems) updates in 30 seconds to, at longest, a couple of minutes. A full 'kernel update' might take 3 to 5 minutes.
  9. That's I good idea. Booting up with an "easy-to-use version" of Linux on a USB is simple. I ran Win7 until they stopped supporting it with security updates and loaded Win10 and ran into the same issues you're having. Unlike Win7, on Win10 the CPU would spike to 100% for anywhere between 15 minutes to 2 hours. Once it got all of it's background processing completed it would go a back to 80%. I ran Linux and Win10 dual booted, but finally just took it off my system and now run Ubuntu with Win10 running in a VM so it's now my backup system. And I bought a new computer with an up-to-date Intel i7. I run it with the same configuration and Win10 runs in a VM and is well behaved. I seldom use Windows as I only have a couple of applications that require it, and I seldom use those applications.
  10. Given the recent unrest in France, the Movie Athena is almost prescient. Cinematography is very well done. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15445056/
  11. 1. Wrinkled elderly women 2. Spain 3. Nepal
  12. You have a older CPU and you're running MS Windows. That's your problem.
  13. Stay away from Government House and Democracy Circle and like places and Bob's Your Uncle.
  14. That would have got you 15 bullets from a Heckler-Koch machine gun back in the day.
  15. No doubt his G/F or wife kisses his ball for good luck. That will make his putter flutter.
  16. I'm going to state it again - Thailand has a Parliamentary Democracy and the constitution has rules for the ascension of the Prime Minister. And one more time for sheer purposes of comparison of two Parliamentary Democracies: Who voted Truss and Sunak into the position of Prime Minister. Was it 67 million citizens of the UK? Nope. So the argument doesn't hold water. Thailand has it's own rules for the ascension of Thai candidates to the position of the Prime Minister. It's their country and like it or not, their Democratically elected (or militarily ascended) representatives made the Constitutional rules that governs the process to vote in a Prime Minister. The other choice is to take the position of Chairman Mao that, "Change must come from the barrel of a gun," but for the sake of Buddha, God, and the Thai people - that's not a solution. Yeah - worked in the Soviet Union in 1922 after the October Revolution in 1917 and in China in (with the stage set around the same time as the USSR) when Chairman Mao came to power and formed The People's Republic Of China in 1949. Both Communist. I'm not sure anyone wants a government formed in the crucible of guns and violence. Do they? With rare exception, (The American Revolution), what comes out the other side is a form of Totalitarianism Does anyone want that?
  17. Bunk. I personally know exactly what securities and assets I hold. Are you really going to carry water for Pita and claim he was ignorant of his financial holdings? Again - bunk, and double bunk. Anyone who doesn't know their financial holdings would be a total fool - and you don't want a total fool running your country. Just imagine when you control the financial holdings of An Entire Country? If a guy (or gal or <enter your gender here>) can't manage their own assets and financial holdings? I would sure as hell not want them running the country. Really. Do you really think George Soros or Warren Buffet or Bill Gates are ignorant of their personal financial Holdings? Get real. Ok. But yes - I have no doubt he understands his financial holdings. And if he doesn't? He shouldn't be PM. Imagine not having a clue as to the monetary and financial status of Thailand? Do you want someone who can't handle their personal finances running the country? "He didn't know he had those shares!" I'll say it again - bunk, twaddle, bravo-sierra, malarkey, and utter nonsense. Yes he did.
  18. If the 2nd vote fails, and the parliamentary rules are being followed in this Parliamentary Democracy, then its not "his time" as he is not the top seeded candidate for the PM position. Accept it and move on. His time will no doubt come. Just not now. Personally I don't have a lot of sympathy for those who claim they live in a Democracy, and yet? They don't like the style of the Democracy that they live in. Like I stated above, in reality our collective so-called democracies are in actuality Corporatocracies or Kleptocracies or Plutocracies or systems of government which are ruled by those who control the wealth and power. For example, if you are a corporation with virtually total control over the media 'airwaves,' you can allow propaganda for a price from other interests who wish to sway public opinion. And they do. And it is highly effective! Honestly - I see most people to be dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to politics and Geo-politics. Most people are like Ravens. If something is polished and shiny, they'll grasp it. Shine up a political position with enough money, and you can sway the majority of commoners. "But that's not true!" Yeah - it is. So there is a lot of "Shining" going on in the background. Some the that "Shining" is shining positions of social violence. That's not good. That's unacceptable and yet? ???? F*** it. I've lived too long and have seen too much both in private life and in the military, active duty and as a sub-contractor. I'm sorry. The plebs get p***ed on in-perpetuity. "No they don't!" Yes they do. It's been this way since man figured out they can control their peers with violence or coercion. Study history. I wish this country the best of luck and I hope they can get their collective **** together without resorting to violence. Because if they resort to violence? I have a pretty good idea how it ends. Violence is not a solution and never will be.
  19. The USSD has less of their finger on the pulse of this country than the average US expat who lives here. I've lived here 15 years. We've seen this before, we'll see it again. I came here in 2007 at a time when I believe there were USSD warning about not traveling in BKK. Me? I went right down to Democracy Circle to see what was shaking. I remember a Thai guy coming up to me, presumable because I was a pasty white farang, to complain that Thailand didn't have a Democracy. I laughed and told him, "Neither does the US or most of the West." We're told we have democracies, but what we really have are Corporatocracies or Kleptocracies or Plutocracies which are closer to reality in the West. Perhaps except for Switzerland which has Direct Democracy.
  20. Then Prayut is still the "prime minister-designate" and not Pita Limjaroenrat. You don't get the title - Prime Minister - without the votes. And Prayut, like it or not, remains in the Prime Minister slot until after a valid election has ratified a new PM.
  21. Well, then they need to get into power to change the Constitution to allow the general public to select the Prime Minister...or President...or Premier...or however they wish to define a leader. In this Constitutional Monarchy with a Parliamentary Democracy, the common-folk don't elect the Prime Minister. The constitutions seems to change right in line with the coups and then the reinstatement of civilian governments. Talk about a "living document" that is subject to change on a whim.
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