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Everything posted by connda

  1. If it sounds good. Link up where you bought it. I may want one too.
  2. Obviously - and the link to the study showing that 'inadequate milk intake by Thai children conclusively decreases their statue?" "A recent study carried out by the DoH, Unicef Thailand and Suan Dusit Rajabhat University involving children aged 6-19 found that the majority of Thai children drink an average of one glass of milk a day, he added." So - Link to studies that conclusively conclude that Thai children drink too little milk and that if they drank more milk they would be taller??? Otherwise it is not attributed as well as being heresay. And is being "taller" so sort of a new benchmark? If you're short you are somehow less adequate then 'taller' Thais perhaps. As well - are there any 'conflicts of interest' between the milk industry and certain "pro-milk" doctors? Just wondering out loud. If there isn't then no problem. If there are conflicts of interest, then they should be highlighted.
  3. Let's get to reality. Westerners. "My (Mom/Dad) **** her/his pants. ORDERLY. NURSE! Clean that up!!!" How about - Your dying Mum/Dad just **** her/his pants. They cleaned your pants for how many years during your infancy. Now they need YOUR HELP. Step The Hell Up!
  4. Think of it this way. In First World countries, you can pay someone to "do everything, feed, give drinks, tell the doctor whats wrong, change colostomy bags & nappies etc" - and therefore completely sanitize the dying process and make it someone other than the "Family's" problem. The "Family" can just stay drunk and gossip about the dying's life while someone lower on the social spectrum takes care of the dirty-work. Unless they can't. And to be really, really honest? Here in Thailand, most middle class people can afford to hire someone (for 10K a month) to do all of that. To be a caregiver. And you could probably find a good caregiver too as an expat Instead? Complain. "Thailand Medical Bad." Thailand isn't First World. Nope. It is not. Culturally until recently, family would take care of all of that "messy and dirty" work of caring for dying family members until the last moment. And even then? Many die at home. Imho the biggest issue here in Thailand is the lack of Palliative Care for Joe Sixpack and Sonchai TaMaDa. There is a real lack of compassion when it come to alleviating pain in terminal patients. Well - unless you have ฿฿฿฿Cha-Ching฿฿฿฿ If pain can be addressed, then dying is just a matter of marking time.
  5. This thoroughly sucks. First - this contention: "In this regard, you can use banking services to make financial trnasactions via the SCB Easy (modile banking) application, which is more advanced and secure." Android is the quintessential data harvesting application. And trust me -- SCB_Easy over Desktop Linux is a ****-ton more secure than any application running over Android. I have a handful of transfers that I need to make each year so I need to do some soul-searching as to whether or not I need to exchange "convenience" for security. I prefer not to run my banking application on a so-called 'smart-phone.' Yeah, it's smart - smart enough to expose your private information (metadata especially) to all takers. And what's this "facial recognition" bruhaha. "You can continue using services and making financial transactions seamlessly via the SCB EASY app, including facial recognition"......blahblahblahblahblah... Yeah - put Joe Average and Somchai TaMaDa under the microscope while "Big Banks" are fined again and again and again for facilitating 'money laundering' - and no bank executives ever go to jail. But those of us with Jack-Scat? You gotta watch the commoners with you're phones camera as well as track a transfer of every satang. Ok - perhaps SCB EASY Android is secure - but I don't trust Android. I guess Google can sue me then, 'eh?
  6. You're a good person to think so highly for your cat's care. I can identify. I take care of a lot of animals: some mine, some under my care (temple cats and dogs in two temples), and the odd ball feral dogs and cats as well a village dogs and cats who don't seem to get care wherever they happen to live. CKD just sucks, especially to watch it happen to two of your pets while the rest are just fine - and you wonder - why? Best of luck.
  7. Can anyone make recommendations for cheap brick weed. I don't smoke it but I use brick weed to make tea. I decarboxylatize it using a pressure cooker and then use the tincture.
  8. Most people use the term "Fascist" as a highly charged pejorative, but don't actually have a clue as to what Fascism actually is. "DeSantis Is A Fascist," really breaks down to the phrase, "I Don't Like DeSantis So I Call Him Names." For those who use "Fascist" as a term to label people they don't like, try reading Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolina's writings regarding Fascism. At least get the term right and apply it to actual Fascists.
  9. I met a woman years back who insisted she was a marijuana addict. I know enough about human physiology to know that THC is not physically addicting such as opioids. But I can see any drug that pleasantly alters your perception as having the potential to develop dependency - which is not addiction. However, to the women I knew, that would be splitting hairs. Her perception of being "an addict" made her "an addict."
  10. Amazing to learn after all of these years that I was being scammed by fellow tokers sharing bong hits in public parks and entertainment venues in my youth. My goodness, I feel so.............victimized. <not> Another Chapter in the Reefer Madness Chronicles. Thank god they weren't offered Kaow Laow or Kratom.
  11. Exactly - so why's he foreshadowing his own return, and what preparations where made to pave the path with rose pedals and paper-hearts, and possibly even a red carpet.
  12. I wonder what plans "Tony" made and with whom in order to grease the skids for his imminent 'home-coming.' It will be a wonder to watch the justice system back in action when it comes to dealing with another billionaire Thai national.
  13. I spent most of my time after March 2020 trying to understand why I was one of only a handful of people not freaking out and displaying clinical symptoms of anxiety disorder. The majority thought they were going to die for sure. I never felt that the entire dog and pony show was going to be anything but an exercise in social control. And I've no anxiety about future "population killing global pandemics" or the apocalyptic end of the world due to global warming. All I need to do is look at the billionaire class: they don't mask, they don't social distance, they own scads of beach-front properties, they fly private jets everywhere while Joe Sixpack is told to stay in a 15 minute city and ride a bike. Taking my cue from them, there is nothing to worry about other then media induced irrational fear of (insert what the MSM is telling you to fear today), and billionaire class' insistence on the implementation of a totalitarian dystopia for the rest of us. "You'll own nothing, obey your overlords, and be happy - or else. And enjoy the crickets. Yum yum." My suggestion? Well, go see a psychiatrist and ask for some anxiety meds - or - develop a new world-view. It's difficult to be anxious and cynical at the same time.
  14. Agreed. It's probably pragmatic and has nothing to do with 'fashion.' When out in the sun, I put mine up too.
  15. Sorry to hear that. I just lost two dogs to CKD in less than a week two months ago. It's really sad to watch them waste away. I ended up just tossing the remaining Ringer's solution I had.
  16. So if you wear pampers will it stop the spread? Asking for a friend.
  17. We buy them locally in the village. As there are no middle-man in the supply chain (just the producer and seller all of whom may the the same people), eggs aren't marked up to ridiculous prices. So egg prices remain relatively stable in rural Thailand. For city dwellers? Yep - the prices are soaring.
  18. Mission accomplished. The point of this exercise was to pair Nazism and White Supremacy with a GOP candidate so that the public will embrace the view that you just expounded. See - it worked.
  19. It would be just as easy to pay some wing-nuts to march around with Nazi flags emblazoned with "Biden For President." This is electioneering of the most sordid kind. But it is America and like it or not, Nazi flags are protected expression under the First Amendment (unlike say, Germany). But utilizing them to smear a political rival is pretty low regardless to whether the tactic is being used by the Left or the Right.
  20. You need to have the Freon topped off but you may have other issues. Best to have the A/C checked by a qualified shop. There are A/C shops all over the place once you know the signage. . Memorize this Thai script and look for it on roadside signs. It's a Thai transliteration of the word "Air" and is simple enough to remember: (Dear mods - I know Thai isn't suppose to be used in non-Thai forums, but in this case this script is more like a picture that the Op can remember in order to identify a road-side A/C shop. Thanks)
  21. I'm in the market for a Looper and I want to try it before I buy it.
  22. Unless a US "client-regime" takes office soon.
  23. I'm literally 'married to Thailand' as someone who have been married to a Thai women for 15 years who doesn't want to move to America. However - if I was a on a retirement visa? I would have been gone a decade ago and moved to Mexico or The PI or perhaps certain places in South America or even Europe. I would not be here unless I was married. Thailand is one of the most unfriendly, foreigner hating countries in the world. And yet? Ya'll keep coming, and then complain when the obvious racial discrimination rears its' ugly, nationalistic head. Hey retired people. Why are you still here. This country hates you unless your net value is in the millions. My question OP is: Why are you still here?
  24. So there is one nut job in the US (or maybe not in the US) who is promoting violence. This may be a real 'Trump Supporter', or it may be agent-provocateur who claims to be a 'Trump Supporter.' This provides the "Paint." Then a neo-liberal media uses that "paint" to make board brush strokes in order to paint every single Trump supporter, or for that matter every single conservative, as trigger-happy, civil-war advocating insurrectionists. You really have to ask the question. Who actually are those whom are advocating violence and civil discord? Elevating one right-wing whack-job to be representative of every Trump supporter is perhaps, in itself, an act of provoking violence and extremism - regardless if that extremism is on the "right" or on the "left." Humanity needs to begin to find common ground and acceptance of others with different views. If all side feel they have the only "true reality?" Yeah - then there will be war - civil, regional, and global. I swear that many here, especially those who are too young to have had parents fighting in WWII simply, who actually advocate a 'righteous hatred' of all those who fail to follow their own ideologies - Left, Right, and Center. Study history. There is a real, immanent danger in engaging in this type of rhetoric.
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