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Everything posted by connda

  1. Having been a Theravadan monk, I find Sak Yant and other 'protection' tats to be in the realm of superstition that have absolutely nothing to do with Theravada Buddhism. The fact that monks make money by promoting that superstitious clap-trap is even worse. That superstitious behavior promoted by some 'monks' discounts and demeans the religion as a whole..
  2. Are you sometimes lured by the mystique of the Tattoo? Nope. At one time during my life a tat was viewed as counter-culture and non-conformity. Now it's the quintessential sign of conformity by those seeking acceptance within their generational peer group. Can you take the pain? Yep, but I've no interest in proving that I need to be a member of anyone's club by branding myself to gain acceptance.
  3. Therefore, just don't put any plates on your car at all. The upside - You can't be detected by speed cameras. The downside - 500 THB fine for driving without plates.
  4. Thai teenager dressed up as “Jeffrey Dahmer” for Halloween harshly criticized on social media Why? Dahmer has been injected into the public consciousness and normalized through movies and TV show. Blame the media.
  5. If you're going to purchase sex, go for the 30 year olds. They are at the peak of their hormonal imperative to reproduce, they have experience, they know the game, and you're not going to mistake most 30 year olds with an under-aged teen. By the way, human trafficking sucks. Underage human traffickers should have their junk removed to thrown into a hole for the rest of their miserable lives. Young teen-agers are vulnerable. If you're a client - exercise extreme discretion. Better to be over-cautious than under-cautious. I don't have a lot of sympathy for guys getting caught bonking 14 year olds. "But she looked twice her age!!!" Yeah - signs of a tough life. So stick with the 30 year olds and above. It will save you a lot of problems. To those guys heading to the Bangkok Hilton: That wasn't worth it 'eh?
  6. I know quite a few people here have gotten cataract surgery. I'd like to get some feedback from people who are highly myopic (nearsighted) with eyes that are over -7 diopters and greater. What surgical options did you go for including lens and procedures. How were the results. What problems do you encounter if any. Just looking for feedback so I can make some informed choices.
  7. I'm a believer that it's better to actually listen to the entire speech than to read a very short, MSM synopsis (in this case BBC) written to construct their own narrative using a limited number of quotes from Putin's Valdai Discussion Club speech. Their article can be read in about 3 minutes. Putin's speech is 43 minutes. If you want to understand someone, even if you consider them to be your personal enemy, then take the time to listen to them. Listen to the entire speech then draw your own conclusion instead of depending on the main-stream media to paint a conclusion for you. Here's the link on Youtube:
  8. There is a guy who makes wooden furnishings at this location in Lamphun (Google Map link). The road that heads South West from that point has numerous furnishing stores and factories. https://www.google.com/maps/place/18°33'48.5"N+99°03'43.5"E/@18.5636806,99.0623133,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x1a0bc06bc84d2948!7e2!8m2!3d18.5634681!4d99.0620687
  9. A few hundreds of million to repair. A few billions required to get the gears lubricated.
  10. For people who have developed an ethnic hatred for people of other countries (regardless if these are citizens of Country A or Country B or Country C being raised and propagandized via regional media to despise the countries whom their governments, corporations, and "king-makers" tell them to despise and hate: Here's the problem. These 'common folk' of the general public really don't analyze or question what the actual Geo-political facts actually are. They simple accept propaganda they are fed and repeat it verbatim. The problem on all sides is that each entity is calling their sworn "enemies" "liars, propagandists, and disinformation agents." And yet, regardless of the county, the ruling elite and the monied interests who form their domestic and foreign policy feed the general public - lies, propaganda, and disinformation. Why. You gotta get your own commoners and public grunts on your side. Here is what most of the 'common-folk' in the general public (globally) don't understand and simply can't grasp: Your voice doesn't count and you're considered little but an expendable pawn on the global chessboard. To quote Stalin, "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
  11. That will do it. You're absolved of all responsibility. Pay the families 2000 THB each and all is forgiven. Or - run. You can outlast the Statutes of Limitations. Look that the Red Bull kid. Head for the border!
  12. The TAT new promotions: Come To Thailand And Swear Not To Have Any Fun! When owners of Thai night-life venues offer you drugs? It's your fault for being a foreigner. If you didn't come to Thailand, they wouldn't have offered you drugs! All Foreigners are bad. Please just send your money by don't come to Thailand. Da*m dirty foreigners.
  13. So the drug problems in Thailand is because of dirty tourists? Maybe so. What other fool would buy ketamine "happy water" for 10K a shot. Idiots. See the Thai locals don't have that problem. They can by methamphetamine for 10 TBH a pill. Heck, that 1000 pills for 10k. But of course, the massive meth (yaa baa) problem can't be blamed on dirty tourists because it really is a domestic issue. But? Give the government and MSM time enough and it will become a dirty tourist problem.
  14. @elektrified @rcjoop Maw Sii Rii. I've actually seen that sign. Thanks for that.
  15. Monopolies supported by the government detest competition.
  16. How many people voted to put Sunak in office as PM. 100? 300? How about 3000? This is Western Democracy. <laughs>
  17. It's a small price to pay to make sure that you will be fully immune to Covid and to be sure you'll never pass it along to granny. The philanthropic pharmaceutical companies were literally giving away the vaccines in order to save humanity, and as such, the companies executives have lost fortunes no doubt. They should be able to recoup their personal losses. I think the shots would be fairly prices at twice as much.
  18. Get your Covid shots regularly. Safe and Effective!
  19. Sucks doesn't it? But if you are a woman, then marry a Thai guy. You'll be on track for Citizenship. Or if you're a guy, marry a Thai woman. Prove 40K a month income or 400K in the bank forever and Bob's Your Uncle. Age doesn't matter. But you'll never get Citizenship base on the marriage. That's only reserved for the Foreign Wives of Thai men. And you'll be treated as a literally "a guest visiting your wife." Forever. How much it is "fair" is completely relative. If you're a young bloke, check out other countries. You can marry a foreign lass and obtain permanent residency or citizenship in a number of more progressive countries. Just not here. You should ask yourself why your enamored with a country who doesn't want you here.
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