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Everything posted by connda

  1. They need to clear the **** out of their own backyards first inho.
  2. The cops keep saying how they are going to solve gun violence and illegal guns. Yet? The last two really violent episodes where cops (and ex-cops) with their service pistols. Who protects the public from drunk/drugged violent cops? Just saying....
  3. Dermatologists in Thailand generally fall under the category of those who provide Thais with vanity cosmetic treatments. I want to find a dermatologist in Chiang Mai who has a proven track record of treating skin diseases for white-skinned patients of European decent. I'd appreciate recommendations.
  4. I just asked. Wife: "Oh, lady get pregnant by bad person and no want to keep baby. Doctor take baby out. Only one or two month." Me: Between 12 to 20 weeks. Wife: Me: Do you think the doctors doing this are Buddhists? Wife: No. Well, we both know these abortion doctors don't believe in karma or Buddhist Hell. Whatever.
  5. I can't even get my vet to terminate an unwanted litter of puppies once a bitch is impregnated. And I've been their more than once. But now Thai doctors performing abortions on humans? Hey, no problem! Well - this is about "sustainability" which is a euphemism for eugenics. "There are too many useless commoners on the planet and we need to get rid of as many as possible. And they fart methane which will end all life by 1999. 2005, 2015, 2022, 2027, 2030, 2050. As long as the Obama's and the Gore's have beach front properties I'm not concerned about "sustainability" and CO2 or methane. Now, my vet is a good Buddhist. She doesn't want to take lives. I understand and respect that. However - I wonder where they are finding the non-Buddhist doctors to staff the abortion clinics at the 110 hospitals nationwide? Or are they BINOs (Buddhists In Name Only)? You think Christians are against killing fetuses? A Buddhist doctor who believes in Karma and Buddhist Hell (like my vet) is going to be really reluctant - in fact will refuse - to do the procedures. I'll have to ask my wife for her take.
  6. There are laws.........and then there is enforcement. If you've lived here long enough you don't mix the two.
  7. The Daily New is reporting the naked truth! ????
  8. Dtaa, Bua, and Ann. Three Thai dishes. ????
  9. Pay some kid to use they motorcycle and use your read footpeg to push you. Thais out of gas hove this down to a science.
  10. Dtaa, Bua, and Ann. Arroy.
  11. Perhaps you have an allergy. I've never experienced anything like that nor do I know anyone in my past who had those issues.
  12. Have you had an mRNA shot? Myocarditis and pericarditis are an unfortunate (rare we are told) side effect. Ask your doctor to measure the levels of troponin in your blood as elevated levels of troponin is a signal of possible heart damage. "Chest pain. Fatigue. Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet. Rapid or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias) Shortness of breath, at rest or during activity. Light-headedness or feeling like you might faint. Flu-like symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pain, fever or sore throat." Source: Mayo Clinic Best of luck.
  13. Cannabis is legal now. A couple of tokes before bed and The Sandman is your Uncle. A week of insomnia isn't a problem. Try a decade or so. Get some exercise, take you melatonin, puff a little ganja before bed and get your circadian rhythm back in sync. Or go see a doctor. The problem with Thai doctors is that they'll hand out benzodiazapines like candy. They work. But even medium term use can cause you to experience withdrawal. They are not a good option unless you have the self-control and knowledge of the drug's effects and can "use" them as opposed to "abuse" them. Or they'll offer you generic Ambian (scary stuff unless you enjoy sleep walking) and you'll pay through the nose for even the generic version. And don't consider this medical advice as I'm not a doctor. Your body, your responsibility.
  14. Go to the drug store and buy Albens (albendazole). One dose 400mg dose is around 30 THB (less then a buck USD). If you live in the tropics, internal worms are a fact of life. Taking once or twice a year as a propalaxis for internal worms is simply a caution. Don't wait to go back to you home country. Treat yourself here. A single dose of albendazole in the US can cost you between $200 to $800. https://www.drugs.com/dosage/albendazole.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32668456/
  15. The movie was good enough. This should make Connelly another 100 million or so. Something to watch while waiting for the next Bosch series. Too bad they don't combine them in cameos.
  16. What is a price of bamboo ladder? About 250,000 THB when it comes apart and you break a hip.
  17. If they owed me money I'd never fly them again. The fact that they owe people money is enough to keep me from flying this them.
  18. Ditto. Get my affairs in order. Be grateful that I know the my life is drawing to a close. Enjoy my pets. Find access to palliative care just in case. Forgive the b****es and b*******s in my life who willingly and deliberately cause me grief and harm. Enjoy a good single-malt Scotch daily. Let go of this life without regrets. Practice Death Meditation - when it comes, embrace it consciously.
  19. Oh, and there is a chapter in Thailand. Fairly new. https://www.paaukthailand.org/en/home-en/
  20. For once, why don't we all strive to have just a little respect for someone seriously reaching out? Just saying.
  21. They won't take you. You're too old. Sorry. The farang chapters of Ajahn Chah's monastic legacy are funny like that. I was deeply influenced by Ajahn Chah's teaching for years prior to early retirement. Been there, tried that. It's not an option. Your age is considered problematic. If you looking for meditation and an internal getaway, try Pa-Auk Tawya Forest Monastery in Myanmar. There are more than one, but Pa-Auk Tawya is the largest. Pa-Auk is much more approachable than Wat Pah Nanachat. The monastery's web site is here: https://www.paaukforestmonastery.org/ You can also contact Bhante Subhuti at this link. He's spent considerable time at the Pa-Auk forest monasteries and could fill you in. https://americanmonk.org Best of luck.
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