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Everything posted by connda

  1. I'm would like to find a Typing Tutor program to teach a Thai pre-teen child how to learn to Touch Type as opposed to Hunt-and-Peck. One with games would be even better. Online would be good, but if I need to buy one Windows 10 app recommendations would be appreciated.
  2. Here is the 100% truth by the leader of the free world: During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden stated the follow regarding Covid vaccinations: "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations....If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." That is the complete Truth!!! If you don't believe President Biden, you are a misinformation agent and you are spreading lies and conspiracy theories which lead to vaccine hesitancy.
  3. Don't dare violate Thailand's New Normal Prohibition! We never eat cookies because they have yeast, And one little bite turns a man to a beast. Oh, can you imagine the utter disgrace Of a man in the gutter with crumbs on his face?
  4. Is new COVID-19 variant a cause of concern for Thailand? Yes! It will kill everyone. Close the borders now!!!
  5. Hey man - what do you think about all the Thais who don't care for their dogs and allow them to run free. Why aren't you b****ing about them and all the pooping they do? "I'm such a good person. I'd never do that. Bad Farangs!!! Grrrr." Give it a break.
  6. Like the rest of us - you're screwed. You've paid into Medicare all your life. Now? Well go ahead. Enroll. Then if you have an emergency then maybe you'll be able to be packed on an airplane. Or not. And then, unlike the Congressional super-plans and Tri-Care - you can die in Thailand with a Medicare policy that doesn't do <deleted>. Me? If I have a terminal disease, I'll go back while I'm still well and become a burden on the government. As a Veteran, I'll embarrass them. "Homeless Dying Veteran Can Not Obtain Hospice Care - Dies On Street."
  7. BOOSTERS!!! We need BOOSTERS! Moderna Stock climbs 100 points!!! You fools.
  8. Here's the one I love! "It to keep school-aged children and teen-agers from buying alcohol during lunch breaks." ????
  9. Because that's how you keep the "little people" and commoners in line.
  10. Interesting. "Experts" can publish unfounded supposition. Everyone else is censored if they do the same.
  11. Personally we will look back in six months to see that these figures are pie-in-the-sky. Of course, six months from now TAT will be making excuses followed by massively inflated bs that will never become true in 2022 either. To quote Greta Thunberg: "Blah blah blah."
  12. Top doc says keep RT-PCR test amid Omicron fears Well of course - it's a HUGE money maker. Heck, charge those dirty Farang 3000 to 10000 THB for the PCR so they be allowed the privilege to enter the Center Of The Universe - Prathet Thai! Those 120 THB antigen test just don't make the same profits.
  13. Are you insinuating that the vaccinated are not safe? They have been told they are 100% safe if they just get two shots....and a booster.........maybe two boosters. What do the vaccinated have to worry about if they are fully vaccinated? They are vaccinated, they can not contract or transmit Covid. Why should they wear a mask?
  14. Get in there face and tell them to get their masks on and if they fail to follow your orders than physically force them to wear a mask!!! That will do it. Or Mind your own business.
  15. After reading that entire article, nowhere did I see the PM say that it would stop you from contracting Covid.
  16. How it work. I don't see a way to specific our land tracts?
  17. What do you say to those families who had loved ones die before widespread vaccinations were available? And then the vaccinations arrive! Then - What do you say to the families of those who have double-jabbed, fully vaccinated family members - some of whom may have had boosters as well - who end up dying of Covid? Again, from the President of the most powerful nation on Earth: "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations" "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." Ok. I'll accept that as the God's honest truth. Now explain why vaccinated are getting sick of Covid and are also dying? Then how does a doctor explain to families of the sick, dying, or those who have passed away in places like Gibraltar where 100% of the population is vaccinated why that is happening? Why is any fully vaccinated person sick or dying or dead? The POTUS, head's of state, and their health agencies stay that is an impossibility. Yet? I know that is a difficult question for some to comprehend, and it's terribly inconvenient to see it happen, and yet as vaccination rates approach 90 to 100% and fully vaccinated still keep getting sick, ending up in ICU, with some dying - there is no explaining it away.
  18. The commonly accepted narrative is that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die." Those are quotes from Joe Biden in a July 2021 Town Hall and his words have been echoed by world leaders, 'expert' pundits, and main-stream news media world-wide. So - why do the vaccinated need masks? Why do they need to quarantined? Why do they need continual Covid testing? The vaccinated don't get Covid, right? They are at no risk, correct? Either they are or they are not. Which is it? Everyone was told that if they get the shots that they would get their freedoms back. Just being Captain Obvious, but it doesn't look that way. Trust authority! Trust Experts! Even as we are continually told lies framed as rock-solid, golden truths? The people who have been doing everything they have been told since March 2020 are eventually going to tire of this.
  19. They can't give them away now? "Too bad you pay for Moderna, but now come get free Pfizer shot quick-quick?" Well, then it's not free. It cost you the opportunity cost of the Moderna vaccine you paid for. So the real question becomes - why is Anutin pushing Pfizer? Cui bono - who benefits?
  20. PM Happy with Tourism Recovery Wow. The Dude has some seriously low expectations. Or maybe not. The New Normal seems to be about destroying tourism and well as low and middle-class businesses as well as providing the excuses to implement an alcohol prohibition. So actually it may be going right on plan.
  21. I'll pass the happy news to my US friends who are waiting (indefinitely if need be) for Thailand to resume a semblance of sanity and across-the-board customer service revamp back to Old Normal before they consider ever returning. Thailand has a rep for ripping off tourist and now it's becoming downright deceitful in place that tourist used to trust.
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