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Everything posted by connda

  1. The Thai government is totally incapable of changing its citizen's driving habits. They don't have a clue what to do.
  2. Will Songkran be cancelled again? We can only hope so!
  3. Agreed. It's going to be very quiet on the border. Given the restriction opening up a land border doesn't really accomplish much at all. It's no different than arriving at an airport. Until they life these absurd restrictions they can continue to kiss tourism and cross-border commerce goodbye. This doesn't accomplish much at all.
  4. I guess that wipes out cross border visa runs as well as short trips over the border in both directions.
  5. 100,000 is a PITA but it's not extremely expensive. Just pay for the damage an be glad this didn't happen in the West where you'd be paying 5 times as much if not more for the labor alone.
  6. A ladyboy has a penis and a woman has a vagina. It's pretty simple really.
  7. Add sodium bicarbonate to your salt water as that will neutralize the acid. Good plan - get your weight and BMI in line with your age and height.
  8. Some of us keep warning you folks not to come here. Then you come and we hear the horror stories. What can we say? "Told you so?" To late for that 'eh? Very sorry to hear but not surprised in the least.
  9. The PI has the SRRV program which is a great option for anyone who is a US Veteran. Very low cost to apply for visa leading to permanent residency.
  10. The one's with the least drama, restrictions, and expense. That applies for locations world-wide.
  11. So they are going to privatize Covid-19 care. I wonder how many Thai families will be completely bankrupted after one member (or a whole family) contracts a serious case of Covid? These public-private partnerships that forcefully funnels public wealth to private corporate interests boggles the mind. Smart Thais will no longer travel domestically. If they contract Covid while on 'vacation' they will have the same experience as "rich foreign tourists": tossed into a private hospital and handed a 100,000+ THB bill when before they are allowed to walk out the door. ????
  12. Man sitting on coral: Ten years in prison. Coral wrapped in fishing nets and busted by anchor drops: <crickets>
  13. Moralizing government. As though they have the moral high-road?
  14. Not really. Most Westerners live in total ignorance of the geopolitical ramifications of a global war, especially as they only entertain their own continuity bias as well as basking in their own country's Western exceptionalism. You'll all be standing flat-footed and mouthing the words, "We never saw that coming!", when it arrives. Until then, "Silly thread."
  15. A war with Russia will be a world war. Immediate ramifications: Russia, China, and Iran become allies as well as other non-aligned countries within South East Asia. Now the question becomes: If a world war breaks out and your home country in the West is in a hot war with Russia, China, and Iran - what effect do you believe it will have on your life as an expat? Well, in a world war involving China, my guess is that Thailand will capitulate and side with their Chinese brethren. Like WWII, Westerners will be rounded up, and placed in not-too-nice interment camps and may or may not survive. You're relative treatment may have something to do with the amount of bad-mouthing you've done on social media against China and Russia in the past. If ya'll are actually worried about it, I'd suggest getting a plane out of the country before SHTF. I fully expect to be alive to see a world war with Russia and China, and if it happens this year I will not be surprised.
  16. You're on to something there! <laughs> "No lovey, no kissy until Dad gets some sinsot bling!"
  17. And take Dad up on his offer for room and board until she has her feet back under her. She has a uni degree and experience. She can find a job if she is motivated and I'm sure she is. Every job is a chance to accrue experience. This situation is a chance to accrue experience also. Refuse the pay cut and see what their next move is. If it doesn't come with severance pay - go the the Ministry of Labor and file a complaint. Make the employer stay within the law and use the law as leverage. This is a learning experience too.
  18. Send her back to trade school and learn to fix cars. Every time I go by a local repair shop their business is just gang-busters. I wouldn't recommend university to kids nowadays. Get a trade. Fixing cars ain't going out of business as the economy gets worst.
  19. At 11K per month it's a worker's market. There are plenty of jobs in that range. If you're going to work for a company that will cut your low wages by 40%? It's time to move on to a job that may pay the same but which has upward mobility and whose owners aren't jerks.. Her company just signaled that there is no upwards mobility and they don't give a damn about their employees - only money. Time to move on.....
  20. They have been wanting a tourist tracking system for years. Never let a good crisis go to waste. They have one now! That will never go away. The only thing that will go away are more and more potential tourists. I'll let my friends in the US know about the tracking system. Nobody is coming under the current conditions, but I keep them abreast every time Thailand throws another log on the fire that will become the funeral pyre for Thai international foreign tourism. ????
  21. I ❤️ potato batteries! I was a science geek as a kid.
  22. Paxlovid prevents death. I'm a fanboy of early treatment, not mRNA and AVV shots.
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