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Everything posted by connda

  1. That law will make traffickers out of 99.9% of the Meth-users in Thailand. If Thailand was honest and actually wanted to address the Meth problem (and they have a huge problem), they would adopt the Portugal model of handling illegal drug use. Instead? They seem to want to sweep up large amounts of the younger population of Thailand and throw them all in prison of 3+ years. It won't solve the problem - it will just destroy lives.
  2. Fly to Guam. Safe and Effective.
  3. Getting Covid Boosters: still a good idea? Absolutely. Safe and Effective!
  4. We have seen hail big enough to dent cars. But it essentially is a matter of luck (or being unlucky). You can watch these storm cells develop on weather radar. These are usually 'small' localize micro-bursts that effect one area of village and yet 5 km away there is no damage. We've been lucky up to this point and when we have gotten hail it's noisy as heck but of rather 'normal' size. Anyway, good to know that they are design to be 'hail resistant' within tolerances. I didn't know that.
  5. Like when road crews close off one lane on a blind corner or hill and then don't have flagmen for safety.
  6. Which gives hackers more vectors to hack your data. Just saying.....
  7. You're not going to get free rabies vaccines. You'll need a series of 5 if you haven't had them before. 3 if you've had an initial series. Go to a government clinic. They're not going to break the bank. They cost something like 250 to 500 THB. Not free for farangs. But a government clinic is the cheapest place to go. I work with a lot of dogs and cats, many of them stray. Nips just come with the territory. I keep my rabies boosters up to date at our local government hospital in our Amphur (interesting as I've been called an "anti-vaxxer" more than once over the last couple of years <laughs>). On the plus side, our village has a annual rabies program where they vaccinate all the animals in the village that they can find. Now - those shots are free (public service for the public good). With 7 dogs of my own, I'm happy for the free shots for the pooches.
  8. Micro-bursts from thunderheads during the Rain Season are just a fact of life up here in Northern Thailand. I'm just curious. How do you protect your solar panels from hail?
  9. It is.
  10. I'm probably one of the only Boomers here who is both "Anti-War" (like I was during 'Nam) and a US Veteran with over 8 years of military service (back when the Soviet Union actually posed a threat). Russia is not the Soviet Union, and the EU/US screwed the pooch when then didn't allow Russia to enter NATO while Bill (Slick Willie) Clinton was still in office back in the late 90's early 2000. Why did that happen? Endemic hatred of ethnic Russians. Plus? The US needed a "forever enemy" as an excuse to build a trillion dollar a year Military Industrial Complex. Now - the West reaps what it sows as it demonizes all ethnic Russians, right down to tourists. That's just sad. And unnecessary.
  11. Many here think that prostitutes only work in Thailand and look like Thai bar girls. It's amazing what "educated", "metropolitan" women world-wide will "prostitute" themselves for. I love the Ops here that insist that somehow Western women are special and can't be bought. Not on what I (and many of us here) make. But honestly. At the end of the day? Virtually all woman world-wide are 'for sale.' You just need to understand the nature of the type of remuneration they desire require." That needed to be edited ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ as "require" is more accurate. Men are motivated by sex; women are motivated by security.
  12. When reality strikes well-laid career plans. Exactly. Even in the West! "Sugar-Daddy" is not a new term.
  13. Have you every made-out with a chick with braces? It cuts your lips.
  14. Per my previous post: Virtually all woman world-wide are 'for sale.' You just need to understand the nature of the type of remuneration they desire.
  15. Yep! The game works both ways!
  16. Keep eating it and see how your liver responds in another 20 or 30 years.
  17. In the US you could sue. In Thailand the poster will be lucky not to be charged with defamation and libel.
  18. Endemic greed. However, I think you'll see prices going down, especially in the city center. Chiang Mai is moving outward. The land surrounding the city is more valuable as bedroom communities pop up. However - if you are observant, the land and property prices are starting to come down, i.e., deflation. Watch it. The next few years should be interesting, especially for those with variable-rate loan for land and properties.
  19. I got some medicine recently and I'm here reading the two sided, small-print insert. Yeah - I'm a geek. But, I read it because I can. It's about being informed about what you put in your body. With that said, did anyone read the small print on the mRNA vaccines (if you took one). Just wondering..........
  20. Do you read Pharmaceutical Drug Inserts - the two sided inserts that come with prescription drugs with very small print? Why? Why not?
  21. Here comes the "Russian Hatred" on steroids. Very sad but not unexpected. It's right behind "Chinese Hatred." Live and let live. Most people are not a reflection of their own country's Geo-politics.
  22. Perhaps he is privy to some events within the Thai political structure that the rest of use are not aware of.
  23. Virtually all woman world-wide are 'for sale.' You just need to understand the nature of the type of remuneration they desire.
  24. There are plenty of middle-class, middle-aged woman who have professional careers (not the "oldest profession). Bars and massage shops have lots of woman who will treat you like a king as they milk your ATM and lead you around by your d***. Be selective.
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