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Everything posted by connda

  1. The is no "safe" country and believing so is the ultimate of moronic stupidity and is the exact mindset that will lead to dumbing-down of the commoners into believing that a nuclear war is survivable. Only for a few who are deep enough under-ground and prepared to stay there until the nuclear winter is over and the radiation levels don't outright kill you. Morlocks. Yeah - survivable for those with government-built or privately-built bunkers - that is, if those who plan to use them aren't caught mid-flight/in-transit to their "safe-place." 😁 "I'm going to ride out the coming nuclear war in New Zealand." Nope - unless you have a billionaire friend with a bunker and a private military, you - like the rest of the common masses - are going to die. Best to be at ground zero. Those will be the lucky folks.
  2. Debase the currency in order to pay off the debt. Study history. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. It works until it doesn't.
  3. Well of course. What's good for Tony.....
  4. "We" get it. You've gone completely native. There Are None So Blind as Those Who Will Not See 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯👨‍🦯
  5. @BritManToo Take it to the news media in your own home country. You'll probably have a more understanding audience back home if you can find a paper who will pick up the story. Find a paper or reporter who covered one of the "Thai Murders Farang" news stories and see if they'll run with it.
  6. Yes - we are less important than dogs. I mean, that's made clear annually for anyone who is a male farang married to a Thai woman. Now if you had "kicked him in the back as he sat gazing at the stars" they'd be talking about throwing you in prison and deporting you. Institutionalized racism is the norm. It's an unfortunate reality for those of us who have tried to make this a real "home" as we support Thai families. I feel for you. Paying your medical bills doesn't quite meet what most of us would consider equal protection by the Thai authorities. "Arf arf - errr hong hong"
  7. Yesterday - Foreigner who touches sea-cucumber threatened with prison, fines, and deportation. 🚨 Today - "Bon appétit!" 🍽️ 🥒
  8. The average price of a handgun from a reputable, licensed dealer in Thailand is 5x the cost of the same gun in the US. For rifles and shotguns, it's about 3x the cost of the same firearm.
  9. Of course there are a lot of choices. As I said, and the choices are hit or miss. Hence the question. I'm looking for people's recommendations from direct experiences --> what brand is recommended by someone who has already tried a specific brand.
  10. If it was a Thai guy kicking a foreign doctor, it would be a wai, and apology, and a 500 THB fine.
  11. I'm looking for recommendations for brands of sugar-free ginger powder that can be bought online. I like Hotta, but it is too expensive for what you get. My wife has bought bulk ginger powder of varying qualities. That last batch she bought tastes like dirt. Trying to buy online is like Russian Roulette. Maybe it's good, maybe is sucks. So I'm looking for suggestions from ginger powder aficionados. Anyway - I'm looking for ginger powder that dissolves easily in hot water, and has a clean, spicy ginger taste, can be purchased in bulk, and that is significantly less expensive than Hotta (sorry Hotta but ya'll priced yourselves off my menu).
  12. In the 17 years I've lived here, I've never had anyone but an Immigration official ask me what kind of visa I'm on.
  13. Spinning disk meter. How long we run it? That's a tough one. I usually turn it on, cool the room, and then turn if off and run a fan. Our home is pretty well insulated. So during the day? (back of a napkin calculation) About 4 to 5 hours a day.
  14. As the title says, "What would you need (solar panels, inverter, storage) to run a 12K BTU "inverter" air conditioner?" I really don't know much about this stuff, but the primary electricity draw that we have at home is the air conditions. All are 12K BTU inverters and we only use one of those frequently during the hot season. I'd like to put that one A/C on solar. What would I need? Thanks! TIA
  15. Agreed. If you're from the US, leave you money in the US and buy T-bills.
  16. These people don't get out of their ivory towers long enough to actually know what is happening in the real world. At least out in the rural boondocks, methamphetamines (yaba) IS the gateway drug to "other substances." At one time, one meth pill was 100 THB. Now? 10 THB. (I don't want to here a snarky "How do you know?" I know as well as every other villager in the Amphur. it's common knowledge, although it may not be common knowledge for a farang in a gated community). So every kid who is given 20 or 30 THB for "School Lunch" can afford to get high. This kids can't afford a gram of weed. But they can afford to "tweak" on a daily basis. Then add cheap alcohol (rice whiskey) and you've got a recipe for disaster. All they have done is eliminate one "draw" to bring potential tourists to Thailand and decriminalize an activity that should be the decision of any grown adult. "But the children!" Yeah, the children. If you're so concerned about the freaking children, then stop the methamphetamines trade. Which will never happen. Ban cigarettes. Ban alcohol. Ban sex. Ban ganja. Do it "For the sake of the children." 😐 Blah blah blah...
  17. All ya have to do is look at all the closes and shuttered small/medium business up and down Thapae Road in CM to see who wasn't considered to be "essential businesses.' Now that a new, nascent, budding industry has developed, it's time to bankrupt those small/medium businesses as well. "Sucks to be you commoners."
  18. Ban alcohol too. Do it "for the children."
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