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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I don't understand these people which come across as proud fiddling criminals. I planned my retirement 22 years ago on how to retire in Thailand taking into account a frozen pension it has not been a problem so what do I care.
  2. Oh thanks guru how do you propose how I can get my UK pension unfrozen you don't know my circumstances so don't be so smug mug.
  3. I stated living in Thailand. If there was a thread of a Thai person living in UK they will be entitled to many benefits and a retirement pension base on NI payments which will be frozen if they come back to Thailand. ????
  4. Not aware of any Thai name apart from Falang or Chip hi ???? Every Thai person I know calls me by my first name or with Lung in front of it. On my DL my name is spelt in Thai in the same sound as my name. In Bangkok they pronounce the 'R' where I live they pronouce with an 'L'. Surname has an 'S' on the end so not pronounced.
  5. Narathiwat is really nice go live there.
  6. I've just lent one of the family 20k so they could get something's fixed, I get 22k back. ????
  7. And 1st class insurance by the sounds of it. ????
  8. My one experience was I couldn't help someone parking there bike next to mine and them dropping there bike with it hitting mine not too much damage but the Thai guy paid me on the spot with the help of other Thais, so proven. ???????????? You could be right about CTPL but I'm sure someone has claim from them, I not know of anyone.
  9. Yes if the insurance cover is for any rider and not in her name only. Yes if you have a valid motorbike DL. Get her to ring the insurance company and ask if you are covered full comp to pay extra if they want otherwise with you riding the bike, the bike may only be covered with CTPL only.
  10. Have no doubt the same would be for the rest of the world do really think that only Russia would be the only one in rubble. ????
  11. My wife buys me pizza and steak because I find it toooo expensive. ????????
  12. Yeah I don't interfere I just support her emotionally and if I see she is bothered like at first where there was some demands which were a bit over the top, I did have a word in the past and it was a cure. ????
  13. Yeah it would be good for her to except she is doing nothing wrong by taking care of herself, easy for the likes of us ???? but my Mrs manages it very well with my support.
  14. Never had problems like that, sounds pretty heart rendering for your gf.
  15. Well a least you have the decency to try and understand. ????
  16. My wife is the youngest in the family and she is at the head of the table because of me is how I see it. My wife uses her own money to help the family or loan to the family she has never expected me to do so.
  17. Instead of posting here go and see those people called doctors they are available in Thailand.
  18. I think UK should run the country like Thailand does at least we have got cut in fuel prices. ????
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