How do you know the shocks on the vehicle are no good.
A good Cockpit outlet would tell you if they are still ok and if they are ok a Toyota dealer would say you should of changed them long time. ????
Yeah I was only saying brushing teeth after meals leads to a healthy mouth, I do realise people have accidents and problems I have been lucky I guess, only two back teeth gone at 75 years old.
I was guessing the facts and agree wrong to do but I will see if I guess right.
RIP old guy and he tried to get help to save himself still after the attack, tough old fella bless him.
Been discussing making changes to motor laws on radio in Thai for a couple of days and now as you say back to usual.
I fitted seat belts but nothing was said when stopped at check points before I fitted them.
I just thought it was such an unfair thing to do within such a short time just to rip off the poor.
Over the radio my Mrs said they have changed mind again. ????
You can sit people inside the cab as long as passenger next to driver is wearing a seat belt. ????
OP didn't mention where so I would think you would be nuts to think of somewhere in Bkk or similar places.
A place out of town area in Issan near Roi Et the family have just recently built a large bungalow 1,200,000 the kitchen is fitted out but not to HiSo standards but would be adequate as far as I would be concerned.
I'm not poor as such but have a smartcab with what I call suicide doors likened to 4 door.
Many poor people have only 2 door trucks with a a seat in the back of the cab and usually put people in the back tray.
New law stopping people from sitting in the back of the cab so me having fitted seat belts is now a waste of time.
Shall I go back to Isuzu and get a rebate on the back seat cushion they put in it for people to sit on. ????
Gonna get worse with all the immigrants getting in, with high gas bills, high electric bills, council tax, high petrol & deisel costs, industry strikes the poor will get desperate.
I remember light and bitter drinkers like me so green king esp and a st eddy ale sorted the men from the boys and plonkers here going on about larger pee water on here makes me laugh.
Up to you steel amounts depend on costs.
Welded joints on Galv section need primming and finish.
Untreated steel section needs all joints and surfacing primming and finish.