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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. I doubt Putin will actually make a visit to Thailand. He would be too worried about a coup being staged while he was gone.
  2. It definitely begins soon after the rains end in November and just gets worse. There is always a certain level of smog and air pollution year around. Some months are just worse than others.
  3. They were definitely burning their fields back in the pre-Skytrain days too. Diesel vehicle pollution is still a problem both in Bangkok and elsewhere.
  4. I'm all for it! Let the bars stay open until 4am or even 6am. I'm not the big late night party guy anymore. Don't go out to the farang bar areas that much either but when I do I'm usually home by midnight. It won't really affect me that much.
  5. I biked from Surat Thani down the east coast to the border. Then came back up along the west coast to Phuket. That was in late May first part of June in 1999. I was quite familiar with the south of Thailand and the issues going on down there but never had or saw any problems. You could also check out crazyguyonabike.com: Bicycle Touring: A place for bicycle tourists and their journals where there are a lot of journals of people's trips. They have a search function that helps a lot. I also second the idea of looking at Youtube for some other opinions.
  6. The air quality in Thailand, and Bangkok in particular, has always been bad. It was like this back in the 80's and continues to this day. I notice it most on return flights to Bangkok when you begin descending into the haze during the daylight hours.
  7. Why of course the Thai government would remain neutral. To take a position and pledge your support to one of the groups would require some backbone to stand up to the criticism that would surely follow.
  8. The Fugitive (1963-1967) Breaking Bad M*A*S*H
  9. I did this once about five years ago. I was up in Chiang Rai so I just went north and crossed into Laos. Spent about an hour there and then came back and got another 30 days.
  10. Well since it happened in Thailand I would go with Thai law. Would there be any other law?
  11. Time to clean him up, get him sober, and then send him back on the next available flight. Obviously no consuming of mind-altering substances until he clears Thai airspace. Perhaps blacklisting him for five or more years would be a good idea as well.
  12. I ride my bicycle quite a bit but I don't recommend cycling in the dark, even with lights, anywhere in the world where you share a road with other vehicles.
  13. I feel so sorry for the families of the victims of those killed and injured. Hopefully the driver can be brought to justice and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  14. A free 90 day non-immigrant visa would be great! There would be a significant rise in tourism as people would escape the coldest months of the northern hemisphere winter.
  15. Perhaps their dancing qualifications could be put to good use in the NE provinces where some students could attain training in dance to find gainful employment in certain areas of Thailand.
  16. 1) Bangkok 2) Pattaya 3) Hua Hin 4) Chiang Rai 5) Koh Lanta
  17. It would be a boost to tourism if this could be implemented again!
  18. I think it is an ambitious plan and a great goal to aim for. In the 40 years that I have been coming and going from the Kingdom it has varied between 5 minutes (a rarity) to about 70 minutes. I for one, hope that they can achieve this goal.
  19. Well, technically yes as he isn't free to leave anywhere on his own accord. He is still in their custody.
  20. Very sad that the those that have perished are being forgotten by the location where the accident occurred. It is no wonder that One Two Go and the parent company, Orient Thai, have gone out of business.
  21. Don't worry. Thaksin will find a way to be out of jail/prison very soon.
  22. Although I agree with you, students questioning their teachers will probably not go down to well with the Thai hierarchy. It is so ingrained into Thai "culture" to not question those in the educational system (and elsewhere) that this would be very difficult to change. In looking at the World University rankings for 2023 as put out by The Times Higher Education I found that Chula was ranked highest for Thai universities. It was grouped somewhere between #801 - 1000. Mahidol was ranked at #4 for Thai universities and in the same band as Chula. Surprisingly, Thammasat was only #10 amongst Thai universities and was in the #1201-1500 band of universities. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/world-ranking#!/length/25/locations/THA/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats
  23. They just want to check and see if he has an adequate amount of Johnnie Walker, caviar, and other delicacies that aren't easily obtained.
  24. The Move Forward Party had a few policies that really upset a lot of older conservative Thais. This did not endear him to a significant number of the population. Can't really say much more than that on the subject if ya know what I mean.
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