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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Some third-party solutions are emerging for those determined to stick with Windows 10. Companies like 0patch have announced plans to provide unofficial security updates for Windows 10 for several years beyond Microsoft's cutoff date, and as that time approaches, more vendors are likely to follow suit. --Windows 10 support ends in a year, leaving users with difficult choices to make
  2. How about a press conference? WOT?
  3. The Bank of Ayudhya issued a secured credit card to me many years ago, B50000 deposit, credit limit equal to deposit amount. I assume they, and most banks, still do. I later worked for a Thai company and got a regular card. A poster recently claimed that SCB would only offer a limit in the amount of half the proposed deposit. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Could have been his particular branch, or a misunderstanding. Must check for yourself.
  4. Oh, I could. They didn't really mind, I get along well with most Thais. Gave them gifts of appreciation at the end of the process, as they knew I would, and we parted with wais and smiles all around. Besides avoiding property tax, the other conveniences of a pink card have been argued extensively in other threads. No point in regurgitating all here again. No one is suggesting pink cards are necessary--yet.
  5. Piece o' cake. I enjoyed my visits to Pattaya City Hall, joked around with the nice ladies, got to meet the Mayor and his capos. It was all interesting. Now I enjoy paying no property tax on my condo, too. Etc.
  6. Taskbar Settings, disable all taskbar hiding. Then Lock the taskbar.
  7. Been the law since forever, and Thais know it. Not as harmless as it appears. Naive ladies are drawn in by card sharks and cheated in a confidence game out of a lot more money than they can afford. Borrowing results and then the attempt to win back losses. The money on the table here may or may not represent face value. They were aware of the possibility of being caught.
  8. Thailand pretty much has that "movement" for deporting illegals, and it's great. USA once enforced similar laws against illegal migration, and Trump's being elected partly to enforce them again.
  9. Every time the media calls it racist to oppose mass migration, a swing voter dies and a Trump voter is born. https://x.com/bungarsargon/status/1845605626183061535
  10. And how many of our little Trump-hating leftists here met Trump? Have you met Trump, Biden, Harris, or Waltz?🤣 One doesn't have to meet Trump to like his polices and the results he delivered during his presidency, as opposed to Biden/Harris and the proposed Harris/Waltz, who'll be even worse. Which makes you . . . ?🤣 The lone guy, a New York Democrat, is a kind of Everyman who's merely opened his mind, rejected leftist brainwashing, done the research, not only listened to your fake news, observed the results and has the evidence of the results. And he gives the lie to that nonsense about "cultists" and "goobers" we love to repeat here, to assert spurious superiority. Further, it turns out that half the electorate agree with the lone guy. WOT? Maybe he's not lone after all. Note that you can't refute anything he says. "Lone" isn't a refutation but a knee-jerk variation of the usual name-calling that our elites must substitute for rational thinking.
  11. You interested in brains? Non-drivel from an uneducated ho'? But consider the flexibility.
  12. Let a former NY Dem explain it to you. Your "belief" has been wrong for such a long time now, imagining "cultists" and "goobers."
  13. It's working. Was it you who said Michigan was "lost?" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/ The horror! Prepare thyself:
  14. Do you think she'd love your looks and want to sit there and listen to the usual blather she has to be paid to pretend to listen to?
  15. Yes. Remember this: The blend is not your friend.
  16. “As AG… Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning General’. 🤣 ‘Bully’ Kamala Harris ‘berated staff,’ left them in tears after berating them with ‘F-bombs,’ intern told never to make eye contact: report According to numerous victim reports, Harris is a workplace abuser and a living nightmare to work for. A walking, babbling mediocrity in a flared-leg pantsuit. Arrogant, bitchy, vindictive, and smug, she has fired or driven away 92 percent of her staff. The survivors who remain are either too battle-scarred or too scared to leave. Kids, blink twice if you need rescuing. --The Final GirlBoss In June 2021, Politico spoke to 22 individuals familiar with Harris's VP office who all claimed that her team was experiencing 'low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust among aides and senior officials.' 'It's not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s***,' one source said. Note the need for people "who love you:" In a May interview on actress Drew Barrymore's talk show, Harris played the magnanimous boss, but also voiced her emphasis on loyalty. 'It's really important to be around people who love you, who are about you and who are going to be honest with you,' she said. --Why 'General' Kamala Harris lost over 90 percent of her staff as Vice President "honest with you," LOL.
  17. Or not. A little familiarity can make you realize you shouldn't have jumped into that so quickly. 🙂 Yep, that's what it is. But IMO (this may unpopular) it's best to develop a friendship first, taking your time about acting on any sexual attraction or letting it develop later on. Otherwise, after the passion dies down, you may not have much else to keep you together. If a friendship is unlikely or even impossible, best to know ASAP before getting further involved. Women will often try to play the sex card early just to discourage your getting to know them well before you commit. That in itself is a warning sign. Sometimes hard to resist, true.
  18. Clearly, however, you suffer from an incurable monogenetic disorder known as ESDD, or E-Shopping Deficit Disorder. Always buy new, only at established, reputable local shops and department stores, and purchase extended warranties and product support whenever possible. Keep all packaging and receipts. Though @33 RPM said that refurbished would be OK, and such are most readily at hand, he might consider visiting JIB and ordering a custom-built mini-ITX, which falls into the SFF category. (See https://reddit.com/r/sffpc/ for all things SFF.) Seems JIB has sufficient inventory, esp. since many ITX cases will accommodate an mATX motherboard. https://www.jib.co.th/web/product/product_search/0?str_search=itx A much more expensive solution but unquestionably better and of course forum poster Approved®. Could be quite a nice box good for many years, offering the maintenance and upgrade advantages characteristic of a standard desktop PC.
  19. In CSS, it's #ipsLayout_sidebar { display: none; } In the Ublock Origin browser extension, you select the entire sidebar and click Create to create a blocking filter.
  20. Wrong again. That looks to be overturned as well. Political lawfare not working! NY Appellate Court Weighs Tossing Trump’s 34 Felony Counts, Threatens Sanctions for Prosecutors Over Bogus Case, Election Interference
  21. Then see Judge Aileen Cannon's lengthy conclusion that special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/15/read-the-classified-documents-ruling-00168234
  22. Professor of Janitorial Science? @CallumWKis need of a good cleaning lady. I dunno if he's sent you a PM yet, but with your ongoing experience as a hospital cleaner, you might wish to help him out IF you're really in Pattaya and wish to earn needed extra baht to help out with expenses.
  23. I ended up blocking the entire sidebar. Didn't need it that much anyway. Much better. The cool thing is that the notification links now (again) go to the actual notification as they should.
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